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Multi-style Paper Pop-up Designs from 3D Models.
Conrado R. Ruiz Jr., Sang N. Le, Jinze Yu,
and Kok-Lim Low.
35th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics (EUROGRAPHICS 2014). In Computer Graphics Forum, 33(2), 2014.
[Paper PDF 9,446 KB] [Video MP4 26,135 KB]
Paper pop-ups are interesting three-dimensional books that fascinate people of all ages. The design and construction
of these pop-up books however are done manually and require a lot of time and effort. This has led to
computer-assisted or automated tools for designing paper pop-ups. This paper proposes an approach for automatically
converting a 3D model into a multi-style paper pop-up. Previous automated approaches have only focused
on single-style pop-ups, where each is made of a single type of pop-up mechanisms. In our work, we combine
multiple styles in a pop-up, which is more representative of actual artist’s creations. Our method abstracts a 3D
model using suitable primitive shapes that both facilitate the formation of the considered pop-up mechanisms and
closely approximate the input model. Each shape is then abstracted using a set of 2D patches that combine to
form a valid pop-up. We define geometric conditions that ensure the validity of the combined pop-up structures. In
addition, our method also employs an image-based approach for producing the patches to preserve the textures,
finer details and important contours of the input model. Finally, our system produces a printable design layout and
decides an assembly order for the construction instructions. The feasibility of our results is verified by constructing
the actual paper pop-ups from the designs generated by our system.
Generating Multi-style Paper Pop-up Designs Using 3D Primitive Fitting.
Conrado R. Ruiz Jr., Sang N. Le,
and Kok-Lim Low.
Technical Briefs, SIGGRAPH Asia 2013.
[Paper PDF 6,248 KB]
Paper pop-ups are fascinating three-dimensional books that impart
stories and information more vividly to their readers. The design
and construction of these pop-up books, however, are generally
done by hand, and given the lack of expertise in this area, have
necessitated the need for automated or computer-assisted design
of paper pop-ups. This paper presents an automatic algorithm and
the underlying theory for producing paper pop-up designs from 3D
models. Existing studies on paper pop-ups have mainly focused on
individual styles and proposed formulations for only a limited set of
mechanisms. In our work, we design multi-style pop-ups by combining
the formulations of previously studied styles with our derived
validity conditions for box-style pop-ups. We use a mesh abstraction
technique that fits volumetric primitives unto a 3D mesh,
which are later automatically mapped to selected mechanisms. We
also preserve important texture and shape contours using a hybrid
object- and image-space approach. Finally, we generate printable
design layouts and the corresponding assembly instructions to facilitate
the actual production, which verifies the feasibility of our
Surface- and Contour-Preserving Origamic Architecture Paper Pop-Ups.
Sang N. Le, Su-Jun Leow, Tuong-Vu Le-Nguyen, Conrado Ruiz Jr.,
and Kok-Lim Low.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), August 2013.
[Paper Preprint PDF 37,929 KB | Low-Res PDF 4,316 KB]
[Executable Program (coming soon)]
Abstract: Origamic architecture (OA) is a form of papercraft that involves cutting and folding a single sheet of paper to produce a 3D pop-up, and is commonly used to depict architectural structures. Because of the strict geometric and physical constraints, OA design requires considerable skill and effort. In this paper, we present a method to automatically generate an OA design that closely depicts an input 3D model. Our algorithm is guided by a novel set of geometric conditions to guarantee the foldability and stability of the generated pop-ups. The generality of the conditions allows our algorithm to generate valid pop-up structures that are previously not accounted for by other algorithms. Our method takes a novel image-domain approach to convert the input model to an OA design. It performs surface segmentation of the input model in the image domain, and carefully represents each surface with a set of parallel patches. Patches are then modified to make the entire structure foldable and stable. Visual and quantitative comparisons of results have shown our algorithm to be significantly better than the existing methods in the preservation of contours, surfaces and volume. The designs have also been shown to more closely resemble those created by real artists.
Automatic Paper Sliceform Design from 3D Solid Models.
Tuong-Vu Le-Nguyen, Kok-Lim Low, Conrado Ruiz Jr., and Sang N. Le.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), November 2013.
[Paper Preprint PDF 15,816 KB | Low-Res PDF 3,145 KB]
Abstract: A paper sliceform or lattice-style pop-up is a form of papercraft that uses two sets of parallel paper patches slotted together to make a foldable structure. The structure can be folded flat, as well as fully opened (popped-up) to make the two sets of patches orthogonal to each other. Automatic design of paper sliceforms is still not supported by existing computational models and remains a challenge. We propose novel geometric formulations of valid paper sliceform designs that consider the stability, flat-foldability and physical realizability of the designs. Based on a set of sufficient construction conditions, we also present an automatic algorithm for generating valid sliceform designs that closely depict the given 3D solid models. By approximating the input models using a set of generalized cylinders, our method significantly reduces the search space for stable and flat-foldable sliceforms. To ensure the physical realizability of the designs, the algorithm automatically generates slots or slits on the patches such that no two cycles embedded in two different patches are interlocking each other. This guarantees local pairwise assembility between patches, which is empirically shown to lead to global assembility. Our method has been demonstrated on a number of example models, and the output designs have been successfully made into real paper sliceforms.
Dense Image Correspondence Under Large Appearance Variations.
Linlin Liu, Kok-Lim Low, and Wen-Yan Lin.
18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2013 (ICIP 2013).
[Paper PDF 1,366 KB]
Abstract: This paper addresses the difficult problem of finding dense correspondence across images with large appearance variations. Our method uses multiple feature samples at each pixel to deal with the appearance variations based on our observation that pre-defined single feature sample provides poor results in nearest neighbor matching. We apply the idea in a flow-based matching framework and utilize the best feature sample for each pixel to determine the flow field. We propose a novel energy function and use dual-layer loopy belief propagation to minimize it where the correspondence, the feature scale and rotation parameters are solved simultaneously. Our method is effective and produces generally better results.
Reconstruction of Depth and Normals From Interreflections.
Binh-Son Hua, Tian-Tsong Ng, and Kok-Lim Low.
18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2013 (ICIP 2013).
[Paper PDF 220 KB]
Abstract: While geometry reconstruction has been extensively studied, several shortcomings still exist. First, traditional geometry reconstruction methods such as geometric or photometric stereo only recover either surface depth or normals. Second, such methods require calibration. Third, such methods cannot recover accurate geometry in the presence of interreflections. In order to address these problems in a single system, we propose an approach to reconstruct geometry from light transport data. Specifically, we investigate the problem of geometry reconstruction from interreflections in a light transport matrix. We show that by solving a system of polynomial equations derived directly from the interreflection matrix, both surface depth and normals can be fully reconstructed. Our system does not require projector-camera calibration, but only make use of a calibration object such as a checkerboard in the scene to pre-determine a few known points to simplify the polynomial solver. Our experimental results show that our system is able to reconstruct accurate geometry from interreflections up to a certain noise level. Our system is easy to set up in practice.
Direct and Progressive Reconstruction of Dual Photography Images.
Binh-Son Hua, Imari Sato, and Kok-Lim Low.
18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2013 (ICIP 2013).
[Paper PDF 645 KB]
Abstract: Dual photography is a well-known application of light transport acquired by a projector-camera system. By applying compressive sensing, compressive dual photography is a fast approach to acquire the light transport for dual photography. However, the reconstruction step in compressive dual photography can still take several hours before dual images can be synthesized because the entire light transport needs to be reconstructed from measured data. In this paper, we present a novel reconstruction approach that can directly and progressively synthesize dual images from measured data without the need of first reconstructing the light transport. We show that our approach can produce high-quality dual images in the order of minutes using only a thousand of samples. Our approach is most useful for previewing a few dual images, e.g., during light transport acquisition. As a by-product, our method can also perform low-resolution relighting of dual images. We also hypothesize that our method is applicable to reconstructing dual images in a single projector-multiple cameras system.
Enhancing Visual Dominance by Semantics-Preserving Image Recomposition.
Lai-Kuan Wong and Kok-Lim Low.
20th ACM International Conference on Multimedia 2012 (MM 2012).
[Paper PDF 5,663 KB] [Poster PDF 3,663 KB]
Abstract: We present a semi-automatic photographic recomposition approach that employs a semantics-preserving warp of the input image to enhance the visual dominance of the main subjects. Our method uses the tearable image warping method to shift the subjects against the background (and vice versa), so that their visual dominance is improved, and yet preserve the desired spatial semantics between the subjects and the background. The recomposition is guided by a measure of the resulting visual dominance of the main subjects. Our user experiment shows the effectiveness of the approach.
Aligning Images in the Wild.
Wen-Yan Lin, Linlin Liu, Yasuyuki Matsushita,
Kok-Lim Low, and Siying Liu.
IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2012 (CVPR 2012).
[Paper PDF 1,641KB]
Abstract: Aligning image pairs with significant appearance change is a long standing computer vision challenge. Much of this problem stems from the local patch descriptors’ instability to appearance variation. In this paper we suggest this instability is due less to descriptor corruption and more the difficulty in utilizing local information to canonically define the orientation (scale and rotation) at which a patch’s descriptor should be computed. We address this issue by jointly estimating correspondence and relative patch orientation, within a hierarchical algorithm that utilizes a smoothly varying parameterization of geometric transformations. By collectively estimating the correspondence and orientation of all the features, we can align and orient features that cannot be stably matched with only local information. At the price of smoothing over motion discontinuities (due to independent motion or parallax), this approach can align image pairs that display significant inter-image appearance variations.
Tearable Image Warping for Extreme Image Retargeting.
Lai-Kuan Wong and Kok-Lim Low.
30th Computer Graphics International Conference 2012 (CGI 2012).
[Paper PDF 6,981KB] [Video MP4 6,336KB]
Abstract: We introduce a new image geometric transformation, named tearable image warping, for content-aware image retargeting and recomposition. In tearable image warping, an object is allowed to partially detached from the background during warping, which allows the background to warp more freely without distorting the object. The part of the object that is still attached to the background ensures that spatial semantics between the object and its environment is preserved. Compared to traditional non-homogeneous image warping, tearable warping produces retargeted results with less severe distortions, especially in cases of extreme retargeting. Compared to scene carving, tearable warping can better preserve the global context and achieve better scene consistency by preserving the semantic connectedness between an object and its environment. In addition, tearable warping is also able to alter the object-background relationship within the image, which makes it quite suitable for aesthetics-based image recomposition. We also show that tearable image warping is a unified approach of traditional non-homogeneous image warping and the cut-and-paste techniques.
Efficient Screen-Space Approach to High-Quality Multiscale Ambient Occlusion.
Thai-Duong Hoang and Kok-Lim Low.
The Visual Computer, 28(3): 289-304, 2012.
[Paper PDF 8,500KB]
Abstract: We present a new screen-space ambient occlusion (SSAO) algorithm that improves on the state-of-the-art SSAO methods in both performance and quality. Our method computes ambient occlusion (AO) values at multiple image resolutions and combines them to obtain the final, high-resolution AO value for each image pixel. It produces high-quality AO that includes both high-frequency shadows due to nearby, occluding geometry and low-frequency shadows due to distant geometry. Our approach only needs to use very small sampling kernels at every resolution, thereby achieving high performance without resorting to random sampling. As a consequence, our results do not suffer from noise and excessive blur, which are common of other SSAO methods. Therefore, our method also avoid the expensive, final blur pass commonly used in other SSAO methods. The use of multiple resolutions also helps reduce errors that are caused by SSAO’s inherent lack of visibility checking. Temporal incoherence caused by using coarse resolutions is solved with an optional temporal filtering pass. Our method produces results that are closer to ray-traced solutions than those of any existing SSAO method’s, while running at similar or higher frame rates than the fastest ones.
SandCanvas: A Multi-touch Art Medium Inspired by Sand Animation.
Rubaiat Habib Kazi, Kien-Chuan Chua, Shengdong Zhao, Richard Davis and
Kok-Lim Low.
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2011 (CHI 2011).
(Honorable Mention Award).
[Paper PDF 3,787KB] [Video MP4 44,958KB] [YouTube Video]
Abstract: Sand animation is a performance art technique in which an artist tells stories by creating animated images with sand. Inspired by this medium, we have developed a new multitouch digital artistic medium named SandCanvas that simplifies the creation of sand animations. SandCanvas also goes beyond traditional sand animation with tools for mixing sand animation with video and replicating recorded free-form hand gestures. In this paper, we analyze common sand animation hand gestures, present SandCanvas’s intuitive UI, and describe implementation challenges we encountered. We also present an evaluation with professional and novice artists that shows the importance and unique affordances of this new medium.
Saliency Retargeting: An Approach to Enhance Image Aesthetics.
Lai-Kuan Wong and Kok-Lim Low.
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision 2011 (WACV 2011).
[Paper PDF 1,563KB]
Abstract: A photograph that has visually dominant subjects in general induces stronger aesthetic interest. Inspired by this, we have developed a new approach to enhance image aesthetics through saliency retargeting. Our method alters low-level image features of the objects in the photograph such that their computed saliency measurements in the modified image become consistent with the intended order of their visual importance. The goal of our approach is to produce an image that can redirect the viewers’ attention to the most important objects in the image, and thus making these objects the main subjects. Since many modified images can satisfy the same specified order of visual importance, we trained an aesthetics score prediction model to pick the one with the best aesthetics. Results from our user experiments support the effectiveness of our approach.
Multi-Resolution Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion.
Thai-Duong Hoang and Kok-Lim Low.
29th Computer Graphics International Conference 2011 (CGI 2011).
[Paper PDF 7,027KB] [Slides PDF 1,240KB] [Code 6,775KB]
Abstract: We present a new screen-space ambient occlusion (SSAO) algorithm that improves on the state-of-the-art SSAO methods in both speed and image quality. Our method computes ambient occlusion (AO) for multiple image resolutions and combines them to obtain the final high-resolution AO. It produces high-quality AO that includes details from small local occluders to low-frequency occlusions from large faraway occluders. This approach allows us to use very small sampling kernels at every resolution, and thereby achieve high performance without resorting to random sampling, and therefore our results do not suffer from noise and excessive blur, which are common of SSAO. We use bilateral upsampling to interpolate lower-resolution occlusion values to prevent blockiness and occlusion leaks. Compared to existing SSAO methods, our method produces results closer to ray-traced solutions, while running at comparable or higher frame rates than the fastest SSAO method.
Interactive Motion Deblurring Using Light Streaks.
Binh-Son Hua and Kok-Lim Low.
16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2011 (ICIP 2011).
[Paper PDF 3,444KB]
Abstract: We propose a single-image, shift-invariant motion deblurring approach where the blur kernel is directly estimated from light streaks in the blurred image. Combining with the sparsity constraint, the blur kernel can be solved quickly and accurately from a user input region containing a light streak. This kernel can then be applied to state-of-the-art single-image motion deblurring methods to restore the sharp image. As our approach does not require verification of the blur kernel against the blurred image, the deblurring can be performed quickly enough for interactive use. For example, our method can be used for interactively revealing scene details in different image regions when the motion blur is not shift-invariant.
Real-time CSG Rendering Using Fragment Sort.
Bo Peng, Kok-Lim Low, and Thai-Duong Hoang.
17th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology 2010 (VRST 2010).
[Poster Paper PDF 658KB]
Abstract: We present a simple ray casting method to render a CSG product term. The primitives are input as polygon meshes. Our method uses the programmability on modern graphics hardware to capture at each pixel the depth values of all the primitives’ surfaces. By sorting these surface fragments in front-to-back order, we are able to find the CSG result at each pixel. Our method does not maintain additional fragment information, and deferred shading is used for the final rendering of the CSG result. Our method is general in that there is no special handling needed for intersection and subtraction operations, and non-convex primitives are treated equally as convex primitives. All previous CSG rendering algorithms may not produce correct CSG result if any of the primitives is not entirely between the near and far planes of the view frustum. This can be very inconvenient as large invisible primitives may prevent a close-up view of the CSG result. Our method can deal with this problem with a small extension. In case if the CSG result is intersected by the near plane, our method even produces solid cutaway views.
Saliency-Enhanced Image Aesthetics Class Prediction.
Lai-Kuan Wong and Kok-Lim Low.
16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2009),
Cairo, Egypt, November 2009.
[Paper PDF 338KB]
We present a saliency-enhanced method for the classification of
professional photos and snapshots. First, we extract the salient
regions from an image by utilizing a visual saliency model. We
assume that the salient regions contain the photo subject. Then, in
addition to a set of discriminative global image features, we extract
a set of salient features that characterize the subject and depict the
subject-background relationship. Our high-level perceptual
approach produces a promising 5-fold cross-validation (5-CV)
classification accuracy of 78.8%, significantly higher than existing
approaches that concentrate mainly on global features.
Automatic Registration of Color Images to 3D Geometry.
Yunzhen Li and Kok-Lim Low.
27th Computer Graphics International Conference (CGI 2009),
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, May 2009.
[Paper PDF 4,582KB] [Slides
We present an approach to automatically register a large set of
color images to a 3D geometric model. The problem arises from
the modeling of real-world environments, where surface geometry
is acquired using range scanners whereas the color information is
separately acquired using untracked and uncalibrated cameras. Our
approach constructs a sparse 3D model from the color images using
a multiview geometry technique. We project special light patterns
onto the scene surfaces to increase the robustness of the multiview
geometry reconstruction. The sparse model is then approximately
aligned with the detailed model. Planes found in the detailed model
are exploited to refine the registration. Finally, the registered color
images are mapped to the detailed model using weighted blending,
with careful consideration of occlusion and the preservation of image
Fast Visualization of Complex 3D Models Using Displacement Mapping.
The-Kiet Lu, Kok-Lim Low, and Jianmin Zheng.
35th Graphics Interface Conference (GI 2009),
Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, May 2009.
[Paper PDF 2,015KB] [Slides
We present a simple method to render complex 3D models at interactive
rates using real-time displacement mapping. We use an
octree to decompose the 3D model into a set of height fields and
display the model by rendering the height fields using per-pixel
displacement mapping. By simply rendering the faces of the octree
voxels to produce fragments for ray-casting on the GPU, and
with straightforward transformation of view rays to the displacement
map’s local space, our method is able to accurately render
the object’s silhouettes with very little special handling. The algorithm
is especially suitable for fast visualization of high-detail
point-based models, and models made up of unprocessed triangle
meshes that come straight from range scanning. This is because
our method requires much less preprocessing time compared to the
traditional triangle-based rendering approach, which usually needs
a large amount of computation to preprocess the input model into
one that can be rendered more efficiently. Unlike the point-based
rendering approach, the rendering efficiency of our method is not
limited by the number of input points. Our method can achieve interactive
rendering of models with more than 300 millions points
on standard graphics hardware.
Predetermination of ICP Registration
Errors And Its Application to View Planning.
Kok-Lim Low and Anselmo
Lastra. 6th IEEE International Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and
Modeling (3DIM’07), Montreal, Canada, August 2007.
[Paper PDF 636KB]
We present an analytical method to estimate the absolute
registration error bounds if two surfaces were to be aligned
using the ICP (Iterative Closest Point) algorithm. The
estimation takes into account (1) the amount of overlap
between the surfaces, (2) the noise in the surface points’
positions, and (3) the geometric constraint on the 3D
rigid-body transformation between the two surfaces. Given a
required confidence level, the method of estimation enables
us to predetermine the registration accuracy of two
overlapping surfaces. This is very useful for automated
range acquisition planning where it is important to ensure
that the next scan to be acquired can be registered to the
previous scans within the desired accuracy. We demonstrate a
view-planning system that incorporates our estimation method
in the selection of good candidate views for the range
acquisition of indoor environments.
An Adaptive Hierarchical Next-Best-View Algorithm for 3D
Reconstruction of Indoor Scenes.
Kok-Lim Low and Anselmo
14th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications
(Pacific Graphics 2006), Taipei, Taiwan, October 2006.
[Paper PDF 756KB]
We present a new and efficient next-best-view algorithm
for 3D reconstruction of indoor scenes using active range
sensing. To evaluate each view, we have formulated a general
view metric that can include many real-world acquisition
constraints and quality requirements on the resulting 3D
model. We overcome the computation difficulty of evaluating
this function by using an adaptive hierarchical approach to
exploit the various spatial coherences inherent in the
acquisition constraints and quality requirements.
Experimental results show large speedups over the
straightforward method used by many previous algorithms. The
approach allows us to compute with a highly-detailed partial
scene model and to exhaustively sample the entire 3D view
space at high resolution. Our hierarchical view evaluation
algorithm can also take into account each view’s sensitivity
to the potential scanner positioning errors. We have also
developed a metric to estimate whether the scan to be
acquired from each candidate view can be accurately
registered to the previous scans.
Efficient Constraint Evaluation Algorithms for Hierarchical
Next-Best-View Planning.
Kok-Lim Low and Anselmo Lastra.
3rd Symposium on
3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT 2006),
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, U.S.A., June 2006.
[Paper PDF 567KB]
Abstract: We recently proposed a new and efficient
next-best-view algorithm for 3D reconstruction of indoor
scenes using active range sensing. We overcome the
computation difficulty of evaluating the view metric
function by using an adaptive hierarchical approach to
exploit the various spatial coherences inherent in the
acquisition constraints and quality requirements. The
impressive speedups have allowed our NBV algorithm to become
the first to be able to exhaustively evaluate a large set of
3D views with respect to a large set of surfaces, and to
include many practical acquisition constraints and quality
requirements. The success of the algorithm is greatly
dependent on the implementation efficiency of the constraint
and quality evaluations. In this paper, we describe the
algorithmic details of the hierarchical view evaluation, and
present efficient algorithms that evaluate sensing
constraints and surface sampling densities between a view
volume and a surface patch instead of simply between a
single view point and a surface point. The presentation here
provides examples for the design of efficient algorithms for
new sensing constraints.
Immersive Electronic Books for Surgical Training.
Greg Welch, Ruigang Yang, Sascha Becker,
Adrian Ilie, Dan Russo, Jesse Funaro, Andrei State, Kok-Lim Low,
Anselmo Lastra, Herman Towles, Bruce Cairns, M.D., Henry Fuchs, and
Andy van Dam.
IEEE Multimedia, 12(3):22–35, July–September 2005.
[Paper PDF 2,829KB]
Abstract: Immersive electronic books (IEBooks) for
surgical training will let surgeons explore previous
surgical procedures in 3D. The authors describe the
techniques and tools for creating a preliminary IEBook
embodying some of the basic concepts.
Automatic Image
Alignment for 3D Environment Modeling.
Nathaniel Williams, Kok-Lim Low, Chad
Hantak, Marc Pollefeys and Anselmo Lastra.
17th ACM Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image
Processing (SIBGRAPI’04), pp. 388–395, Curitiba, Brazil, October 2004.
[Paper PDF 354KB]
Abstract: We describe an approach for automatically
registering color images with 3D laser scanned models. We
use the chi-square statistic to compare color images to
polygonal models texture mapped with acquired laser
reflectance values. In complicated scenes we find that the
chi-square test is not robust enough to permit an automatic
global registration approach. Therefore, we introduce two
techniques for obtaining initial pose estimates that
correspond to a coarse alignment of the data. The first
method is based on rigidly attaching a camera to a laser
scanner and the second utilizes object tracking to decouple
these imaging devices. The pose estimates serve as an
initial guess for our optimization method, which maximizes
the chi-square statistic over a local space of
transformations in order to automatically determine the
proper alignment.
Head-Mounted and Projector-Based Displays for Surgical Training.
Adrian Ilie, Kok-Lim Low, Greg Welch,
Anselmo Lastra, Henry Fuchs, and Bruce Cairns.
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 13(2):128–145,
April 2004.
Abstract: We introduce and present preliminary results
for a hybrid display system combining head mounted and
projector-based displays. Our world is motivated by a
surgical training application where it is necessary to
simultaneously provide both a high-fidelity view of a
central close up task (the surgery) and visual awareness of
objects and events in the surrounding environment. In this
article, we motivate the use of a hybrid display system,
discuss previous work, describe a prototype along with
methods for geometric calibration, and present results from
a controlled human subject experiment.This article is an
invited resubmission of work presented at IEEE Virtual
Reality 2003. The article has been updated and expanded to
include (among other things) additional related work and
more details about the calibration process.
Monticello Through the Window.
Nathaniel William, Chad Hantak,
Low, John Thomas, Kurtis Keller, Lars Nyland, David Luebke, and
Anselmo Lastra.
4th International Symposium on Virtual Reality,
Archaeology and Intelligent Cultural Heritage 2003 (VAST’03),
Brighton, U.K., November 2003.
[Paper PDF 1,858KB] [UNC website,
UVA website]
Abstract: We present a case study in the use of virtual
environment technology for cultural heritage applications,
describing a collaborative effort to construct two cultural
heritage exhibits for a five month exhibition at the New
Orleans Museum of Art. To illustrate the factors that shape
museum exhibit design, we explore the initial conceptual
phase and discuss our reasons for choosing certain designs.
We describe the two exhibits that we built in turn, focusing
on equipment and on robustness. Although little went awry
during the exhibition, we explain how certain equipment did
fail and how we had prepared for such crises by keeping
spare equipment on-site. Finally, we report on the success
of the undertaking and close with some thoughts and advice
for researchers attempting similar museum-oriented projects.
Reliable and Rapidly-Converging ICP Algorithm Using Multiresolution
Kok-Lim Low and Anselmo Lastra.
4th IEEE International
Conference on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM’03), pp.
171–178, Banff, Canada, October 2003.
[Paper PDF 757KB]
Abstract: Autonomous range acquisition for 3D modeling
requires reliable range registration, for both the precise
localization of the sensor and combining the data from
multiple scans for view-planning computation. We introduce
and present a novel approach to improve the reliability and
robustness of the ICP (Iterative Closest Point) 3D shape
registration algorithm by smoothing the shapes surface into
multiple resolutions. These smoothed surfaces are used in
place of the original surface in a coarse-to-fine manner
during registration, which allows the algorithm to avoid
being trapped at local minima close to the global optimal
solution. We used the technique of multiresolution analysis
to create the smoothed surfaces efficiently. Besides being
more robust, convergence is generally much faster,
especially when combined with the point-to-plane error
metric of Chen and Medioni. Since the point-to-plane error
metric has no closed-form solution, solving it can be slow.
We introduce a variant of the ICP algorithm that has
convergence rate close to it but still uses the closed-form
solution techniques (SVD or unit quaternion methods) of the
original ICP algorithm.
Combining Head-Mounted and Projector-Based
Displays for Surgical Training.
Kok-Lim Low, Adrian Ilie, Greg Welch and
Anselmo Lastra.
Virtual Reality Conference 2003 (VR’03), pp. 110–117, Los Angeles,
U.S.A., March 2003.
[Paper PDF 413KB]
Abstract: We introduce and present preliminary results
for a hybrid display system combining head-mounted and
projector-based displays. Our work is motivated by a
surgical training application, where it is necessary to
simultaneously provide both a high-fidelity view of a
central close-up task (the surgery) and visual awareness of
objects and events in the surrounding environment. In
particular, for trauma surgeons it would be valuable to
learn to work in an environment that is realistically filled
with both necessary and distracting objects and events. In
this paper, we motivate the use of a hybrid display system,
discuss previous work, describe a prototype along with
methods for geometric calibration, and present results from
a controlled human subject experiment.
Computing a View Frustum to Maximize An
Object's Image Area.
Kok-Lim Low and Adrian Ilie.
ACM Journal of Graphics Tools (JGT), 8(1):3–15, 2003.
[Paper PDF 429KB] [JGT
and source code]
Also in
"Graphics Tools: The JGT Editors' Choice", Ronen Barzel
(Editor), AK Peters, 2005. ISBN: 1568812469.
Abstract: This paper presents a method to compute a view
frustum for a 3D object viewed from a given viewpoint, such
that the object is completely enclosed in the frustum and
the object’s image area is also near-maximal in the given 2D
rectangular viewing region. This optimization can be used to
improve the resolution of shadow maps and texture maps for
projective texture mapping. Instead of doing the
optimization in 3D space to find a good view frustum, our
method uses a 2D approach. The basic idea of our approach is
as follows. First, from the given viewpoint, a
conveniently-computed view frustum is used to project the 3D
vertices of the object to their corresponding 2D image
points. A tight 2D bounding quadrilateral is then computed
to enclose these 2D image points. Next, considering the
projective warp between the bounding quadrilateral and the
rectangular viewing region, our method applies a technique
of camera calibration to compute a new view frustum that
generates an image that covers the viewing region as much as
Immersive Electronic Books for
Teaching Surgical Procedures.
Andries van Dam, Henry Fuchs, Sascha
Becker, Loring Holden, Adrian Ilie, Kok-Lim Low, Anne Morgan Spalter,
Ruigang Yang, and Greg Welch.
Pre-ICAT CREST Symposium on
Telecommunication, Teleimmersion, and Telexistence, Tokyo, Japan,
December 2002.
[Paper PDF 708KB] [Website]
Abstract: This paper reports on early progress with the
use of immersive virtual reality technology for trauma
surgery training. We discuss our technical goals and the
application area, and then describe our work to date. The
need to create a system that can be used by overworked,
highly time-constrained surgeons and surgical trainees has
affected many of our decisions, from the type of displays
used to the focus on time navigation (to let trainees
experience important moments and skip well-understood ones)
to the use of easily-learned traditional 2D interfaces (vs.
more demanding innovative 3D interfaces) for some of the
interaction methods. This three-year research project, which
is just entering its second year, is supported by a National
Science Foundation Information Technology Research grant for
collaborative research between groups at Brown University
and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Blending Multiple Views.
Ramesh Raskar and Kok-Lim Low.
10th Pacific
Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific Graphics
2002), pp. 145–153, Beijing, China, October 2002.
[Paper PDF 550KB]
Abstract: Current blending methods in image-based
rendering use local information such as "deviations from the
closest views" to find blending weights. They include
approaches such as view-dependent texture mapping and
blending fields used in unstructured lumigraph rendering.
However, in the presence of depth discontinuities, these
techniques do not provide smooth transitions in the target
image if the intensities of corresponding pixels in the
source images are significantly different (e.g. due to
specular highlights). In this paper, we present an image
blending technique that allows the use of global visibility
and occlusion constraints. Each blending weight now has a
global component and a local component, which, respectively,
are due to the view-independent and the view-dependent
contributions of the source images. Being view-independent,
the global components can be computed in a pre-processing
stage. Traditional graphics hardware is exploited to
accelerate the computation of the global blending weights.
Life-Sized Projector-Based Dioramas.
Kok-Lim Low, Greg Welch, Anselmo Lastra
and Henry Fuchs.
ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and
Technology 2001 (VRST’01), pp. 93-101, Banff, Canada, November 2001.
[Paper PDF 527KB] [Website]
Also in
"Spatial Augmented Reality: Merging Real and Virtual Worlds",
Oliver Bimber and Ramesh Raskar, AK Peters, 2005. ISBN:
Abstract: We introduce an idea and some preliminary
results for a new projector-based approach to re-creating
real and imagined sites. Our goal is to achieve re-creations
that are both visually and spatially realistic, providing a
small number of relatively unencumbered users with a strong
sense of immersion as they jointly walk around the virtual
site. Rather than using head-mounted or general-purpose
projector-based displays, our idea builds on previous
projector-based work on spatially-augmented reality and
shader lamps. Using simple white building blocks we
construct a static physical model that approximates the
size, shape, and spatial arrangement of the site. We then
project dynamic imagery onto the blocks, transforming the
lifeless physical model into a visually faithful
reproduction of the actual site. Some advantages of this
approach include wide field-of-view imagery, real walking
around the site, reduced sensitivity to tracking errors,
reduced sensitivity to system latency, auto-stereoscopic
vision, the natural addition of augmented virtuality and the
provision of haptics. In addition to describing the major
challenges to (and limitations of) this vision, in this
paper we describe some short-term solutions and practical
methods, and we present some proof-of-concept results.
Interacting with Spatially Augmented Reality.
Ramesh Raskar and Kok-Lim Low.
1st ACM International Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual
Reality, Visualisation and Interaction in Africa (AFRIGRAPH’01), pp.
101–108, Cape Town, South Africa, November 2001.
[Paper PDF 645KB]
Also in
"Spatial Augmented Reality: Merging Real and Virtual Worlds",
Oliver Bimber and Ramesh Raskar, AK Peters, 2005. ISBN:
Abstract: Traditional user interfaces for
off-the-desktop applications are designed to display the
output on flat 2D surfaces while the input is with 2D or 3D
devices. In this paper, we focus on projector-based
augmented reality applications. We describe a framework to
easily incorporate the interaction on a continuum of display
surfaces and input devices. We first create a 3D
understanding of the relationship between the user, the
projectors and the display surfaces. Then we use some new
calibration and rendering techniques to create a simple
procedure to effectively illuminate the surfaces. We
describe various underlying techniques and discuss the
results in the context of three different applications.
Shader Lamps: Animating Real Objects
with Image-Based Illumination.
Ramesh Raskar, Greg Welch,
Kok-Lim Low and
Deepak Bandyopadhyay.
12th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering Techniques (EGWR’01), pp. 89–102,
London, U.K., June 2001.
[Paper PDF 555KB] [Website1,
Also in
"Spatial Augmented Reality: Merging Real and Virtual Worlds",
Oliver Bimber and Ramesh Raskar, AK Peters, 2005. ISBN:
Abstract: We describe a new paradigm for
three-dimensional computer graphics, using projectors to
graphically animate physical objects in the real world. The
idea is to replace a physical object—with its inherent
color, texture, and material properties—with a neutral
object and projected imagery, reproducing the original (or
alternative) appearance directly on the object. Because the
approach is to effectively "lift" the visual properties of
the object into the projector, we call the projectors shader
lamps. We address the central issue of complete and
continuous illumination of non-trivial physical objects
using multiple projectors and present a set of new
techniques that makes the process of illumination practical.
We demonstrate the viability of these techniques through a
variety of table-top applications, and describe preliminary
results to reproduce life-sized virtual spaces.
Computing Bounding Volume Hierarchies Using Model
Tiow-Seng Tan, Ket-Fah Chong and
ACM Symposium on
Interactive 3D Graphics (I3DG’99), pp. 63–69, Atlanta, U.S.A., April
[Paper PDF 315KB]
Abstract: This paper presents a framework that uses the
outputs of model simplification to guide the construction of
bounding volume hierarchies for use in, for example,
collision detection. Simplified models, besides their
application to multiresolution rendering, can provide clues
to the object’s shape. These clues help in the partitioning
of the object’s model into components that may be more
tightly bounded by simple bounding volumes. The framework
naturally employs both the bottom-up and the top-down
approaches of hierarchy building, and thus can have the
advantages of both approaches. Experimental results show
that our method built on top of the framework can indeed
improve the bounding volume hierarchy, and as a result,
significantly speedup the collision detection.
Simplification Using Vertex-Clustering.
Kok-Lim Low and Tiow-Seng Tan.
ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics (I3DG’97), pp. 75–81,
Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A., April 1997.
[Paper PDF 358KB]
Also in
"Level of Detail for 3D Graphics", David Luebke et al.,
Morgan Kaufmann, 2002. ISBN: 1558608389.
Abstract: This paper presents a practical technique to
automatically compute approximations of polygonal
representations of 3D objects. It is based on a previously
developed model simplification technique which applies
vertex-clustering. Major advantages of the vertex-clustering
technique are its low computational cost and high data
reduction rate, and thus suitable for use in interactive
applications. This paper advances the technique with careful
consideration of approximation quality and smoothness in
transitions between different levels of simplification,
while maintaining its efficiency and effectiveness. Its
major contributions include: accuracy in grading vertices
for indication of their visual importance, robustness in
clustering for better preservation of important features and
consistencies between levels of simplification, thick-lines
with dynamic normals to maximize visual fidelity, and
exploitation of object and image space relationship for
levels-of-simplification determination.
Ph.D. Dissertation
hide all abstracts]
View Planning for Range
Acquisition of Indoor Environments.
Kok-Lim Low.
Doctor of Philosophy
Dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel
Hill, North Carolina, United States, 2006.
[PDF 3,642KB]
Abstract: This dissertation presents a new and efficient
next-best-view algorithm for 3D reconstruction of indoor
environments using active range sensing. A major challenge
in range acquisition for 3D reconstruction is an efficient
automated view planning algorithm to determine a sequence of
scanning locations or views such that a set of acquisition
constraints and requirements is satisfied and the object or
environment of interest can be satisfactorily reconstructed.
Due to the intractability of the view planning problem and
the lack of global geometric information, a greedy approach
is adopted to approximate the solution. A practical view
metric is formulated to include many real-world acquisition
constraints and reconstruction quality requirements. This
view metric is flexible to allow trade-offs between
different requirements of the reconstruction quality. A
major contribution of this work is the application of a
hierarchical approach to greatly accelerate the evaluation
of the view metric for a large set of views. This is
achieved by exploiting the various spatial coherences in the
acquisition constraints and reconstruction quality
requirements when evaluating the view metric. The
hierarchical view evaluation algorithm is implemented in a
view planning system targeted for the acquisition of indoor
environments using a monostatic range scanner with 3D pose.
The results show great speedups over the straightforward
method used in many previous algorithms. The view planning
system has also been shown to be robust for real-world
The dissertation also describes how the view metric can be
generalized to incorporate general acquisition constraints
and requirements, and how the hierarchical view evaluation
algorithm can be generalized to scanners with general pose,
and to scanners with bistatic sensors. A simple extension is
also proposed to enable the hierarchical view evaluation
algorithm to take into account each view’s sensitivity to
the potential pose errors in the physical positioning of the
A computed new view must produce a range image that can be
accurately registered to the previous scans. In this work, a
metric is developed to estimate the registration accuracy of
the views. This metric considers the amount of overlap, the
range measurement errors, and the shape complexity of the
hide all abstracts]
Some Conditions for
Accurate Surface Registration.
Kok-Lim Low.
Technical Report TR05-008,
Department of Computer Science, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, April 2005.
[PDF 157KB]
Abstract: In this technical report, we derive some
conditions that allow the ICP (Iterative Closest Point)
surface registration algorithm to attain some absolute
accuracy when aligning two surfaces.
Linear Least-Squares
Optimization for Point-to-Plane ICP Surface Registration.
Kok-Lim Low.
Technical Report TR04-004, Department of Computer Science,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, February 2004.
[PDF 73KB]
Abstract: The Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm
that uses the point-to-plane error metric has been shown to
converge much faster than one that uses the point-to-point
error metric. At each iteration of the ICP algorithm, the
change of relative pose that gives the minimal
point-to-plane error is usually solved using standard
nonlinear least-squares methods, which are often very slow.
Fortunately, when the relative orientation between the two
input surfaces is small, we can approximate the nonlinear
optimization problem with a linear least-squares one that
can be solved more efficiently. We detail the derivation of
a linear system whose least-squares solution is a good
approximation to that obtained from a nonlinear
Calibrating The Hiball
Kok-Lim Low.
Technical Report TR02-018, Department of Computer
Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, April 2002.
[PDF 64KB]
Introduction: The HiBall wand is an elongated hard
plastic that can be attached rigidly to the bottom of a
HiBall. The other end of the wand is a moderately-sharp
metal tip. In the HMD Lab at UNC-Chapel Hill, it is a
convenient device for measuring the 3D position of any point
in a space where the HiBall can be tracked by an optical
ceiling tracker.
. . .
To use the tip of the wand to measure the 3D position of a
point with respect to the ceiling coordinate frame, we first
need to know the tip's 3D position in the HiBall's local
coordinate frame. If the tip's position in the HiBall
coordinate frame is known, we can always use the HiBall's
current pose in the ceiling coordinate frame to express the
tip’s position with respect to the ceiling coordinate frame.
This article explains a method to calibrate the wand—to find
the tip’s position in the HiBall coordinate frame.
Viewpoint Calibration
With Respect To A Tracker.
Kok-Lim Low.
Technical Report TR02-019,
Department of Computer Science, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, April 2002.
[PDF 72KB]
Introduction: In many virtual reality (VR) and augmented
reality (AR) applications, view-dependent images of the
virtual worlds are often displayed for the users. These
images can be displayed on computer monitors, head-mounted
displays, or projected by projectors onto some surfaces. In
order to produce perspective-correct images as viewed by a
user, the positions of the user’s eyes must be known when
generating the images. A way to get the positions of the
eyes (viewpoints) is to use a tracking device.
. . .
This article explains a method to calibrate the viewpoints
with respect to a tracker—to find the eyes’ positions in the
target coordinate frame.
Perspective-Correct Interpolation.
Kok-Lim Low.
Technical writing, March 2002.
[PDF 78KB]
Introduction: We will derive (and prove) a method to
achieve perspective-correct interpolation by linear
interpolation in the screen space. During rasterization of
linear graphics primitives, such as lines and polygons,
straightforward screen-space linear interpolation of vertex
attributes generally does not produce perspective correct
. . .
In spite of this, it is still possible to obtain perspective
correct results by linearly interpolating in the screen
space. This can be done by interpolating the values of some
functions of the attributes, instead of interpolating the
attributes directly. Each interpolated result is then
transformed by another function (the inverse function) to
get the final attribute value at the desired point in the
screen space. You will see that these functions make use of
the z-values of the vertices.
Simulated 3D Painting.
Kok-Lim Low.
Technical Report TR01-022, Department of Computer Science,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, June 2001.
[PDF 364KB]
Abstract: This paper looks at the motivation for
simulating painting directly on 3D objects, and investigates
the main issues faced by such systems. These issues include
the provision of natural user interfaces, the reproduction
of realistic brush effects and the surface parameterization
for texture mapping so that the results of the painting can
be stored on texture maps. The paper further investigates
the issues involved in using a haptic interface for
simulating 3D painting, and the issues in surface
parameterization for texture mapping with application to 3D
painting. A survey of some work related to 3D painting,
haptic rendering and surface parameterization for texture
mapping is presented.
4 |
System and Method for Animating Real Objects with
Projected Images.
Gregory F. Welch, Kok-Lim Low, Ramesh
U.S. Patent #7,068,274, June 27, 2006. |
3 |
System and Method for Registering Multiple Images with
Three-Dimensional Objects.
Ramesh Raskar, Gregory F. Welch, and
U.S. Patent #6,930,681, August
16, 2005. |
2 |
System and Method for Creating Bounding Volume
Hierarchies Utilizing Model Simplification.
Tan Tiow Seng, Chong Ket Fah, and
Low Kok
U.S. Patent
#6,747,651, June 8, 2004. |
1 |
Method for Cross-Fading Intensities of Multiple Images of
a Scene for Seamless Reconstruction.
Ramesh Raskar, Gregory F. Welch, and
U.S. Patent #6,677,956,
January 13, 2004. |