CS6205 – Advanced Modeling and Simulation Techniques
2000/2001 – Semester I
>>updated on 27 Sep 2000<<
| instructors | module description | prerequisites | course material | lecture | consultation hours | examination |
 | workload | module assessment | course schedule/slides | programming assignment | term paper| related web sites | 1999/00 |

    Assoc. Professor Teo Yong Meng        Dr Gary Tan Soon Huat
    Department of Computer Science               Department of Computer Science
    National University of Singapore               National University of Singapore
    Room: S16 #04-07, Tel: 874-2830            Room: S16 #09-07, Tel: 874-6276
   email: teoym@comp.nus.edu.sg                     email: gtan@comp.nus.edu.sg

Module Description
    As simulation is increasingly applied to more complex applications, exploiting efficiencies in model design and model execution becomes a challenging task. The aim of this course is to provide students with the ability to model, simulate and analyse complex systems in a reasonable time. This course is divided into three parts and covers advanced techniques in simulation model design, model execution and model analysis. A selection of model design techniques such as conceptual models, declarative models, functional models, constraint models, and multi-models will be discussed. Model execution techniques include discussion of serial and parallel discrete-event simulation algorithms. For model analysis, topics include input-output analysis, variance reduction techniques and experimental design.

    Some basic knowledge in statistics, good knowledge in programming (C, C++, Pascal), and some knowledge in parallel processing.

Course Material

or "Simulation Modeling & Analysis" by A. Law and D. Kelton, McGraw Hill Publishing Co., 1991

Lecture            : Wednesday 6.30-8.30pm, LT34
Consultation hours : Wednesday 5-6 pm and Friday 3-4 pm
Examination        : 1 Nov 2000, 6.30pm, TR5, open book

    Students are expected to participate actively in the lectures by asking questions and taking part in discussions, i.e. you are expected to be both physically and "mentally" in the class. The course will include two assignments consisting of modeling and implementation using event-scheduling (sequential simulation) and process-interaction (parallel simulation). The assignments  will be done collaboratively in groups of no more than three students and you may work with whomever you prefer. The final examination will be closed book and will focus on the mastery of the basic material covered in the course.

Module Assessment

Programming assignment I 
Programming assignment II
Final examination

       Assignment 1 - due on 15 Sep 2000
       Assignment 2 - due on 20 Oct 2000 (Resources: SPaDES/C++ Parallel Simulation Library - User Manual and simple user guide )

Course Schedule/Slides (2000/2001 – Semester 1)

Lecture Dates
Powerpoint Slides
12 Jul
Course Information/Administration
This page
19 Jul
Click here
26 Jul
Concepts in Discrete-Event Simulation
Click here
2 Aug
Components and Organization of Discrete-Event Simulation
Click here
9 Aug
Serial Algorithms
Click here
16 Aug
Input Data Modeling
Click here
23 Aug
Verification and Validation Techniques
Click here
30 Aug
Output Data Analysis
Click here
    Semester Break  
13 Sep
Parallel and Distributed Simulation Algorithms I
Click here
20 Sep
Parallel and Distributed Simulation Algorithms II  
27 Sep
Parallel Simulation using SPaDES/C++ - I / II
4 Oct
Case Study – Container Port Simulation
11 Oct
Model Design Techniques I
Click here
18 Oct
Model Design Techniques II  
  ** 6 September is semester break, and 25 October is the revision week
## Powerpoint slides accessible to students reading modules only.
        SPADES/C++ Parallel Simulation Library - click here for "SPaDES/C++ Parallel Simulation Library - User Manual" and simple user guide.

| instructors | module description | prerequisites | course material | lecture | consultation hours | examination |
 | workload | module assessment | course schedule/slides | programming assignment | term paper| related web sites | 1999/00 |

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