651 66736

CHAN Chee Yong

Associate Professor
Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Studies

  • Ph.D. (Computer Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison)
  • M.Sc. (Computer Science, National University of Singapore)
  • B.Sc. (Computer Science, 1st Class Honours, National University of Singapore)

Dr. Chan Chee Yong is an Associate Professor of Computer Science of the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Prior to joining NUS, he was a Member of Techical Staff at Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He holds a B.Sc. (First Class Honours) degree and a M.Sc. degree both in Computer Science from NUS. Dr. Chan’s research is the area of database systems with a focus on query processing and optimization, transaction management, and database usability. His research has been published in ACM SIGMOD, VLDB, and IEEE ICDE Conferences. He is currently an Associate Editor of ACM SIGMOD Record and VLDB Journal. He has previously served as an Associate Editor of IEEE TKDE Journal and Proceedings of the VLDB Endownment (Volume 6, 2012/2013).



  • Database System Performance

  • Query Optimization

  • Query Reverse Engineering

  • Query Processing

  • Transaction Management

  • Database Usability





  • T. Wang, C.-Y. Chan, "Improving Join Reorderability with Compensation Operators", Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD Conference, Houston, June 2018, accepted.
  • Y. Wu, W. Guo, C.-Y. Chan, K.-L. Tan, Fast Failure Recovery for Main-Memory DBMSs on Multicores, Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD Conference, Chicago, May 2017, 267-281.
  • Y. Wu, C.-Y. Chan, K.-L. Tan, Transaction Healing: Scaling Optimistic Concurrency Control on Multicores, Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD Conference, San Francisco, June 2016, 1689-1704.
  • Q. Fan, Z. Wang, C.-Y. Chan, K.-L. Tan, Towards Neighborhood Window Analytics over Large-Scale Graphs, Proceedings of DASFAA Conference, Dallas, April 2016, 201-217.
  • E. Agterdenbos, G. H. L. Fletcher, C.-Y. Chan, S. Vansummeren, Empirical Evaluation of Guarded Structural Indexing, Proceedings of EDBT Conference, Bordeaux, France, March 2016, 714-715 poster paper.
  • G. Wang, C.-Y. Chan, Efficient Processing of Enumerative Set-based Queries, Information Systems, 55, January 2016, 54-72.
  • H. Li, C.-Y. Chan, D. Maier, Query From Examples: An Iterative, Data-driven Approach to Query Construction, Proceedings of VLDB, 813, September 2015, 2158-2169.
  • Q. T. Tran, C.-Y. Chan, S. Parthasarathy, Query Reverse Engineering, VLDB Journal, 235, 2014, 721-746.
  • D. Zhang, C.-Y. Chan, K.-L. Tan, Processing Spatial-keyword Query as a Top-k Aggregation Query, Proceedings of ACM SIGIR Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, July 2014, 355-364.
  • D. Zhang, C.-Y. Chan, K.-L. Tan, An Efficient Publish/Subscribe Index for E-Commerce Databases, Proceedings of VLDB, 78, 2014, 613-624.



Database Systems Implementation
Distributed Databases
Distributed Databases