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AY2008/9 Semester I
Continual Assessment - Labs


Labs form the practical element of CS1101. We attach great importance to developing good programming skills in you, and hence we need your cooperation and committment to view lab assignments seriously.

We will be closely monitoring your progress, and your discussion leader is entasked to help you. They will run through your graded lab assignments with you, give comments on your programs, and point out areas for improvement.

You are reminded that all submissions must be from your own effort. This is the only way real learning can take place. (Please see "About Plagiarism" below.)

There is no fixed lab session. You are to do your lab assignments and your own practice on your own, either at home or in school. The JDK 6.0 and DrJava have been installed in the computers in the following labs:
  • Programming Labs 1-5 (PL1 - PL5) on COM1 Basement.
    (See SoC's New Location and COM1 Floor Plans.)
  • PC Lab 1 and PC Lab 2 on SOC1 level 8.
  • WS Lab (Workstation Lab) on SOC1 level 8.
You may use the computers as long as there are no classes going on. You may also use your UNIX account to do your programming practice.

For the locations of all teaching labs and their accessibility and opening hours, please refer to Teaching Laboratories.

If your matriculation card has problem with accessing the labs, please send an email to smartcardop@comp.nus.edu.sg. Send them your matriculation number.

About Plagiarism

Plagiarism, in general, is an act of academic dishonesty. In the context of a programming module, it refers, but is not limited, to cases of a student copying others' work and passing it off as his own, or a student who allows his own work to be copied by another.

We encourage discussion among the students, but you need to draw a line between discussion and copying. Two students who get together to discuss a problem and derive the algorithm, and then leave to write the code on their own is fine. But most often than not, during the discussion the students tend to produce the code, a partial code, or a skeleton of the code together, and their end products will look quite identical. You need to be aware of this and to avoid getting into that situation.

Please be reminded that lab assignments are to be done individually, not through collaboration.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will be severely dealt with. We have automated plagiarism checker that checks the submission of all students. In the past, many students have been caught, and penalised accordingly. Do not worry that we blindly follow the results of the plagiarism checker. There are checks to ensure that the conclusion is a fair one, and there are avenues for students to appeal to the lecturer if they have reasons to think that they are wronged.

For more details on plagiarism, please refer to the page on Preventing Plagiarism.


You will use an autograder, CourseMarker, or CM in short, to submit your lab assignments. Details about the autograder will be given soon.
  • CourseMarker website

  • Using CourseMarker

  • Forgotten/Misplaced Password?
    If you forgot or misplaced your CourseMarker password, and if you have a UNIX account (which I assume all of you do), you can self-service a request at the link below. The password will be re-sent (not reset) to your NUSNET account.

    Click on "IT Applications" -> "CM Password".

  • About Typography
    Some things are still best left to the humans. :)

    We had wanted to use the typography facility to help you get some feedback on your programming style, but it hasn't impressed us.

    Henceforth, we are setting the Typography check to 0%, and relying on your discussion leaders to engage their own prowess in assessing this particular aspect of your codes.

    In any case, the option of having your discussion leader overwrite the grade awarded by CourseMarker has always been there, ready to be exercised, so in a way we have already put in order some safeguard.

    (Of course, human grading brings along its own set of problems, but shall we agree to save that discussion for another day?)

    Now, although we are setting the Typography check to 0%, CourseMarker will continue to give comment on your style nonetheless. To allow you to better appreciate the messages, the link below might be useful:
    Typography on CourseMarker
    (The above link is broken. If you know where it has been migrated to, please inform me.)

  • Other website on CourseMarker


Old Labs (AY2007/8 Semester 1)

Some of you requested for past year's lab questions for more practice. Here they are.

Last updated: 29 October 2008