Course Description, Aims and Objectives:
Course Description, Aims and Objectives: This
course discusses the basic concepts and methods of information
retrieval including capturing, representing, storing, organizing,
and retrieving unstructured or loosely structured information. The
most well-known aspect of information retrieval (and hence the focus
of this course) is document retrieval: the process of indexing and retrieving text
documents (e.g., news articles and web pages). This course also serves
as the foundation for subsequent courses on the understanding, processing and retrieval
of particular web media.
N.B. We will be using the Python 3 and the NLTK library throughout this class.
Course Characteristics:
- Academic units: 4.
- Prerequisites: CS2040/CS2040S/CS2040C.
It is highly suggested to have some advanced
mathematics background such as probability and
statistics, and/or linear algebra. Exceptions to
these pre-requisites can be made on a case-by-case basis
only. See instructor for details.
- Staff:
- Instructor: ZHAO Jin,
Office: COM2-02-10 (66011083).
- Teaching Assistant: TBA
- Office hours are by appointment. Emails to me as a default are assumed to be
public, and my replies and your anonymized email will
likely be posted to the forum. Please let me know if
you do not want the contents of your
email posted; I will be happy to honor your
- Workload: (2-1-0-5-2)
- 2 lecture hours per week
- 1 tutorial hour per week
- 5 hours for projects, assignments, fieldwork, etc. per week
- 2 hours for preparatory work by a student per week
- Textbooks:
- Lectures: The lectures are conducted on Fridays at 12:00-14:00 at COM1 Video Conference Room (COM1-02-13) (Map).
- Tutorials: The (optional) tutorials are conducted in odd weeks in general (but might be postponed to the subsequent week due to public holidays). Participation marks will be awarded to the students who present their answers for discussion during the tutorials. There will be 4 tutorial groups as listed below and the venue of the tutorials is SR 9 @ COM1-02-09 (Map).
- Tutorial Group 2: Thursday 11:00-12:00
- Tutorial Group 3: Thursday 12:00-13:00
- Tutorial Group 4: Friday 10:00-11:00
- Tutorial Group 5: Friday 11:00-12:00
- Forum: The course forum is hosted on Ed and will be open in Week 1. Participation marks will be awarded to students who take part in discussions.
- Final Exam: The exam is scheduled on 6 May (Tue), 9-11am. Venue: TBA.
Note to NUS-external visitors: Welcome! If you're a fellow
IR course instructor looking for lecture material, you can see
the Syllabus menu item on the nav bar for a preview. Please contact
me if you'd like to use any of my material. Thanks!