High Speed Networks and
Multimedia Networking
Semester 1, 2005/2006
Final Exam info:
7:30 PM 2 h S16 SR1
- Exam is close book.
- You can bring along the note sheet you have for the
midterm plus an additional A4 size (single-side) paper with your own
The class on Nov 2 will be scheduled to Oct 29, 2005 (Saturday), from 10am to
noon at S16, Lvl 4, SR2.
Dr Chan Mun Choon
School of Computing
National Univerisity of Singapore
Office: S14-06-09, Tel: 6874 7372,
EMail: chanmc@comp.nus.edu.sg
Class Schedule: Wed, 6:30pm-8:30pm, S16, Lvl 4, SR2
This is a graduate level class that covers a broad range of networking
topics in sufficient depth such that students will be equipped with the
necessary set of analytical knowledge and skill to engage in research work
in the area of high speed and multimedia networks.
Introduction and Basic Concepts |
Week 1 |
Multiplexing/Traffic Models |
- Traffic models for voice and data
- Basic queuing theory (M/M/*)
- Traffic engineering
Week 2-3 |
Simulation |
Week 4 |
Scheduling and Buffer Management |
- Multiple Access
- Fairness
- FIFO, priority, GPS/FQ/WFQ
Week 5-7 |
Routing |
- Spanning tree protocol, minimum weight routing
- Link state routing, distance vector routing
- Admission Control and Traffic Shaping (Leaky Bucket)
- Router
Week 8-9 |
Transport |
- Flow and congestion control
- Fairness, AIMD
- TCP Performance Modeling
Week 10 |
of Access and High Speed Networks |
Week 11-12 |
- Cable Modem/DSL/802.16
- Optical Network
Text/Reference Books
Text Book:
- [KES96] S. Keshav, "An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking", Addison-Wesley.
Reference Books
- [BER92] Bertsekas and Gallager, "Data Networks", 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall
Background required:
Students are expected to have the following background or their equivalent:
- Data Communications
- Computer Networks
- Sample courses
* Computer Communication Networks CS2105 and CS3103
Evaluation (Tentative)
- Final Examination (35%)
- Mid-Term Examination (25%)
- 4 Assignments (35%)
- Class Participation (5%)
Week 1: PDF,
PPS(Aug 10)
Week 2 and 3 (Aug 17, Aug 24)
- Reading: Chapter 14 of [KES96],
Chapter 3 of [BER92]
- Notes:
PDF (Updated version: Aug 29, 2005)
Week 4 (Aug 31, 2005): PDF
Week 5 and 6 (Sep 7 and 14, 2005): PDF
- Reading: Chapter 9 of [KES96]
Week 7 (Sep 28, 2005): PDF,
Week 8 (Oct 5, 2005): Midterm Exam
- Includes all material covered before mid-semester break
- Close book, but you can bring along an A4 size (single-side) paper with
your own notes.
Week 9 and 10 (Oct 12 and 19, 2005): PDF
- Reading: Chapter 5 of [BER92]
Week 11 (Oct 26): PDF
Week 12-13: Lecture notes available on IVLE
Homework (Solutions are
available in IVLE)
Homework 1 (Due Aug 31, 2005 in class).
Homework 2 (Due Sep 23, 2005).
Homework 3 (Due Oct 29, 2005). Input for Q1(a)
hw3.packet.in.1a , Q1(b)
hw3.packet.in.1b, Q4:
Homework 4 (IVLE)