(Last updated on: 29 September, 2005)
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Here you will find a list of suggested readings corresponding to each lecture. For each week, there will be a list of "compulsory" reading materials and a list of "supplementary" readings which you can read for further clarifications on a topic.
Note: The papers listed below may be downloaded from the publishers' website using the NUS digital library. Because of copyright issues the pdf files cannot be made available here.
Week 1 (Introduction) |
No readings |
Week 2 (Model Composition for Heterogeneous Multiprocessor System-on-Chips) |
Compulsory reading:
Supplementary reading: (the next two papers essentially describe the same techniques as those in the above two papers, but are written in a more "overview" style)
Week 3 (Generalized Event Models for Heterogeneous Multiprocessor System-on-Chips) |
Compulsory reading:
Supplementary reading:
Week 4 (Performance Analysis through Simulation - Using SimpleScalar and SystemC) |
Compulsory reading: See
lecture slides and the following pages:
Week 5 (Network Calculus Based Performance Analysis) |
Compulsory reading:
Week 6 (Hierarchical Real-Time Scheduling) |
Compulsory reading:
Week 7 (Rate Analysis and Scheduling) |
Rate Analysis Compulsory reading (The first paper describes a deterministic worst-case framework, and was discussed in the class. The the second paper describes an alternative approach -- a statistical framework.):
Evaluating Schedulers Compulsory reading:
Week 8 (Characterizing Variable Execution Requirements and Input-Output Rates) |
Reading and Exercises: See lecture slides.
Week 9 (Scheduling a Mix of Real-Time and Best-Effort Tasks) |
Compulsory reading:
Some results from the Real-Time Systems literature, which have been generalized in the above documents using the network calculus framework (this will give you a feeling for the expressive power we have gained by using this formalism, compared to conventional techniques for worst-case analysis):
Week 10 (Hybrid Trace-Based Performance Analysis) |
Compulsory reading:
Week 11 (Performance Analysis of Embedded Software) |
Compulsory reading:
Week 12 (Design Space Exploration) |
Compulsory reading:
Paper related to the tool demonstration given in the class:
The tool demonstration given was based on the following (you are encouraged to download this tool and try it out after reading the paper): |
Week 13 (Project demonstrations and discussing assignment questions) (Summary and wrap-up) |
No readings |
Note: The reading list given above is by no means exhaustive. But hopefully it gave you a feeling of what "Performance Analysis of Embedded Systems" is all about. As already mentioned in the class, this area is still very much in the process of development. If you wish to know more about what is happening in this domain, please consult the proceedings of conferences like DAC, DATE, ICCAD, ASP-DAC and CODES. Proceedings of all of these conferences are published by either IEEE or ACM and some of the proceedings are also freely available from the SIGDA Proceedings Archive.