Introduction to Programming and JavaScript

This introduction is for students of the courses "GEM1501 - Problem Solving for Computing" and "FMC1201 - Freshmanseminar" and "FMS1207M - Freshmanseminar". Therefore it contains some additional information on the system being used and only those parts of JavaScript which are essential for doing the homework. This introduction should give a short summary of the most important facts. It does not make it superfluous reading the books. Nevertheless, this introduction should make it possbile for you to do the first assignments.

More material might be added to this introduction. If you have specific questions which you believe should be addressed in a short summary like this one, please mail them to
You will be informed when the introduction is updated.


Accessing the UNIX Accounts of the School of Computing

Everyone receives a unix account at the computer There is a new procedure which permits students to create the account by themselves. This link provides more information and one can from there or directly go to a page to request a new account. This webpage also tells what to do in the case that the password is forgotten.

The main purpose of the accounts is to do the assignments. If you want to use your own laptop computer and find a way to display and print webpages, this is also ok. But then you have to rely on yourself for technical questions concerning your operating system.

After having created your account, you can log onto it from any computer in the School of Computing.

In the laboratories, you find DELL Computers. You log into these computers with your default account from the university, not with the unix account. Then there comes up a Microsoft Windows Environment with three columns of icons on the left side. One of the icons has the name "SSH Secure Shell Client" under it. Click this icon. There comes up a window with the headline " - default - SSH Secure Shell". This window has three rows of icons, click the fourth icon in the second row ("Connect").
Now a menue with four rows comes up. At "Host name", insert ""; at "User Name", insert the unix account name (which you received at the helpdesk); the third row has the default "22" and can be left unchanged; the fourth row can also be left as it is (but you can also click "Password"). Having done this, press the button "Connect". Sometimes an intermediate window comes up which needs a "Yes"-button to be pressed. After his window or directly after the login-window, a password-window comes up. Enter in this window the password from your unix account. Then a connection to your unix account is done through the main window. You can increase the windows of this account by pressing the tenth button in the second row ("New Terminal Window"), these additional windows do not require a new password-dialogue. You can also open a file-transfer window (which is yellow and not grey).

From unix-like computers, not having an "ssh" icon, you can open an command-window ("xterm") and then the user with name "astar" could log on his account with the command
where "" is the name of the computer used. Afterwards you are prompted for your password. The initial value of the password is on the paper with your account name which you have received. In the case that you want to install an ssh on your computer, please consult the page
of the School of Computing on this topic.

Some useful UNIX Commands

You can change your password with the command "passwd". It asks first for the old value of the password and then twice for the new value. But make sure that you do not forget this new value. Last year, many people had problems with passwords. In that case, the general webpage
can be used to get the new password. In earlier years, it took sometimes up to an hour; I have not tested it recently.

The first thing to do on your account is to create a directory for your webpage and to go onto it.
      mkdir public_html
      chmod 711 ~/
      chmod 755 public_html
      cd public_html 
Now you can download this page onto your computer and place it on your webpage.
      chmod 755 *.html 
The "chmod" command makes everything on your webpage publically readable. So you can look with your browser at your page. It is just executed whenever downloading or creating a new file. For more information on creating homepages, you can also consult the corresponding page of the School of Computing.

The wget command copies a file into your page. It needs the full internet address of the file to get and produces a copy on this file. Note that you have to remove the old file before calling "wget" again. So, the command
      ls -lt * 
lists the files on your directory. The option "-lt" orders them such that the newest files comes first so that you can remember their name for the case that you have forgotten them. Furthermore, you can combine this command with a "more" command in the case that you have more files then space on the screen. Additional data can then be seen by pressing the space bar, the listing of files can be terminated by pressing the key "q".
      ls -lt * | more 
In the case that you have downloaded or created a file named "file100.html" and want to get rid of it, you can remove it with the rm-command:
      rm file100.html
If you want to make a file publically visible, you have to use the commande to change the mode:
      chmod 755 file100.html 
There are special program for modifying files, called editors. On the system, there are two of them: "pico" and "vi. Another method to edit files is to use "jEdit" which is on the computers in the laboratory. It is an editor which also accesses the accounts remotely. See entry "II C" on Getting Started which also gives an introduction to the first entries of this explanation.

In the case of "pico", you tell the editor in an extra command which file to load. In the case of "vi", one can enter the file to be edited together with the command "vi" in the unix environment. While "pico" is self-explaining, you should follow the above given link for "vi" for finding out how to handle the editor.
      pico javascriptintroduction.html 
      vi javascriptintroduction.html 
Files can be printed using the unix lpr command. It is not necessary to print homework to hand it in. It is sufficient to show the final file in the laboratory session.

Browsers and Firefox Scratchpad

Browsers are programs to view webpages. If connected properly, they can also be used to read and write emails and do other communication behaviour. Webpages of certain companies are connected to data bases which permit to do remote banking, read timetables, look up telephone numbers and the more. A further property is that browsers can interpret certain programming languages. One of them is JavaScript. There are certain basic facts which should be known about browsers.
  1. The exact functionality of a browser depends on the company which programmed it and the version. The browsers installed at the School of Computing have the names "Firefox" and "Internet Explorer".
  2. The Firefox Browser has a special window type called "Scratchpad" in order to write short Javascript programs and to test them on the spot. When on a Firefox Window, Shift-F4 opens a Scratchpad; alternatively one can go to Developper Tools and then open the Scratchpad. One can copy and paste Java Script programs into the Scratchpad:
        function f(x)
          { return(x*x); }
    Here "x" is the name of the input and the command "return(x*x);" says that the function returns the product of the input x which itself, that is, computes the square of x. Then "f(21)" says that the function f should compute the square of 21.
    When copying and pasting this and clicking Ctrl-L, the corresponding output is 441 in a comment below the copied text. The last line has always the command which should be computed and the lines before the necessary definitions, say initialisation of variables or definition of functions. One can use the Scratchpad also as a calculator. When entering the text
    it computes 10 Factorial and outputs (on Ctrl-L) the value 3628800. When entering the text
        x = 1.00001;
        x = x*x*x*x;
        x = x*x*x*x;
        x = x*x*x*x;
        x = x*x*x*x;
    and then clicking Ctrl-L, the Scratchpad computes a power of 1.00001. The Scratchpad assigns 1.00001 to the variable x and then, four times, replaces the value of x by x4. The resulting value is 1.000014*4*4*4 what is 1.00001256. The rounded value of the result is 1.0025632667652729.
  3. The browser displays (in a normal window) on the top field the address of the currently viewed webpage. This webpage has the address
    and can be found by either typing this name into the address field or following the link on the course webpage.
  4. The button "reload" or "refresh" is useful for seeing the effects of modifications a webpage. The "backward" button permits to visit the previously visited page and the "forward" button permits to undo the effects of pressing a "backward" button. The button "print" is for printing the current webpage.
  5. The symbol "x" in the upper right corner permits to kill the browser window. Some browsers stop to work properly when loading a defective JavaScript webpage. You might need to kill the browser window, to modify your file and then to open the page in the browser again if this occurs.
  6. Browsers support a bit the debugging of the program. The Microsoft Internet Explorer finds the first JavaScript syntax error on a page. But to do use this facility, one has to change the default settings.
    1. Go to the menu "Tools" and then to the last row "Internet Options".
    2. A new window "Internet Options" pops up. Go to the entry "Advanced" in the list of subwindows on the top.
    3. Check the box "Display a notification about every script error" (sixth box under the entry "Browsing").
    4. Press "OK" in the lowest row to finish.
    This syntax-check was tested. It gave the following results:
          * Forgetting a closing bracket at the end of a function gave
            an error message telling the right fault but giving the
            wrong location.
          * Closing one bracket too much resulted in an error message simply
            stating that there is a syntax error but giving the right location.
          * A quote with only one citation sign was identified correctly.
          * The usage of undefined variables was discovered correctly.
    So it is recommended to use this option when developping programs. Further options can be set in order to edit the program directly with the browser and to use its debugging mode.
    Furthermore, the browser Firefox can open under the entry "Tools" an "error console" which displays the first JavaScript error on each webpage displayed. Modern versions of Firefox have quite a number of environments to check Javascript programs under the entry "Webdevelopper".
  7. Security settings for Internet Explorer. (Note that this clicks to be done depend on the browser installation of the Internet Explorer and vary from installation to installation. The main instructions are given for the installation in the labs.) It turned out that the browsers have to be made to accept "" as a trusted side; otherwise some assignments do not run properly. This can be done as follows.
    1. Go to the menu "Tools" and then to the last row "Internet Options".
    2. A new window "Internet Options" pops up. Go to the entry "Security"
    3. Click on "Trusted Sites" and then on "Sites". (Some installations need then a further click on "Advanced" which is subwindow on "Sites", not a direct subwindow of "Internet Options".)
    4. The result of 3. is a menu to add trusted sites. Add the word "" in the field for adding urls and make sure that the box "Require server verification ..." is not checked. Havking done this, click the button "Close" (or "Add" in some installations) for the site entered.
    5. Click the button "OK" on this and other popped up related windows (might be one or two).

Working on own laptop

Working with local files. Instead of using the UNIX account, one can also work with local files on the own laptop. In this case, you might edit the file with a "Wordpad" (not "Notepad") and can click on the file to view it in the browser; furthermore, use the "Tools" options of the Internet Explorer or Firefox to localise the errors.


Webpages are mostly written in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), see the page of Wikipedia on this topic. But webpages can also contain some parts in Javascript, references on the internet for Javascript are its Wikipedia page and w3schools. Note that there is an other programming language with the name Java, but JavaScript shares with it just the name. The JavaScript commands can be placed inside or between certain html-commands like this one which pops up a small window when you click with the mouse on it:
The text for this button is the following.
      <input type="button" value="This is a Button."
      onClick="window.alert('The button was clicked');">
This environment itself is only needed for few advanced assignments, but nevertheless it is always useful to know that certain things exist. Note that JavaScript knows two types of citation symbols for marking quoted text. The simple and the double quote signs. It is equivalent which one is used. This is done in order to nest the quotes. The command "onClick" has a parameter in double quotes which tells to pop up a window when the button is clicked, the text of this window is in single quotes. Most JavaScript commands have their own environment which starts with the html-code word "script".
The text for this program is the following:
      <script language="JavaScript">
      document.write("Begin of Program.<br>");
      document.write("Middle of Program.<br>");
      document.write("End of Program.<br>");
      /*This is a comment and ignored by the program*/
Modern browsers need less commands to embed the JavaScript program and so the following also will do it:
      document.write("Begin of Program.<br>");
      document.write("Middle of Program.<br>");
      document.write("End of Program.<br>");
      /*This is a comment and ignored by the program*/
Here you can see whether your browser supports this simplified version of JavaScript. It just writes three lines into the webpage at the place where it is placed. The commands "<script ... >" and "</script>" tell the browser that between these two lines is a JavaScript program. After the first and before the last line of this JavaScript environment is the html-code for comments on webpages which are ignored by browsers. For whatever reason, these comments are necessary to make sure that the program runs properly, at least for some browsers. The signs "/*" and "*/" mark the beginning and the end of a comment in JavaScript. These comments can be used to write explanations or to make the browser ignore parts of the program which are not yet ready.

A detailed example: Euclid's Algorithm. The next part of this tutorial contains Euclid's Algorithm from the lecture in the original form with substractions. This example will be used to explain the basic concepts, some of them are then summarized again.

Programs use variables to store information. These variables are modified during the running time of the program. As long as variables contain just numbers or letters or short words, it is in JavaScript not necessary to tell the program which of these cases hold. Below program computes the greatest common divisor according to Euclid's Algorithm and outputs the following line: The text of the program is
      <script language="JavaScript">
      var x = 125; var y = 100;
      while (x != y)
        { if (x > y) { x = x-y; }
          else { y = y-x; } }
      document.write("The greatest common divisor of 125 and 100 is "+x+".");
The algorithm has two variables x and y. It asigns the value 125 to x and 100 to y. Then it runs through a loop while x and y are different. The body of this loop consists of a conditional command which says that y is substracted from x if x is greater than y and that x is substracted from y if x is smaller than y. After the loop a line outputs the content of x with some explanations. Note that the loop is only left if x and y are equal. Therefore it does not matter whehter one outputs x or ouputs y.

The handling of input is a bit more involved than that of output. The easiest way to do this is to do it with windows which prompt for the values. Of course one would like to run the program with interactive input and output. This can be done by windows which pop up. One can use the "prompt" function to input and the "alert" function to output This if fine for assignments, but not for this page. An idea to overcome this problem is by putting the algorithm on an other webpage which is executed only by clicking onto a link. the prompting for input is delayed by using the "onClick" command mentioned above. Here an example for Euclid's Algorithm with such an environment. The idea is to put the algorithm in the extra file "euclid.html". So you have to click on to the following link to run the algorithm and the to click the "backward" button of the browser to come back here.
      Euclid's Algorithm 
The next lines are the complete implementation of Euclid's Algorithm from that webpage. Explanations are found below the listing of this page.
      <title>Euclid's Algorithm</title>
      <script language="JavaScript">
      var v; var w; var x; var y; var z; var endtext;
      document.write("Euclid's Algorithm for positive integers.<br>");
      x = prompt("Input first number");
      y = prompt("Input second number");
      x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y);
      if (x < 1) {x = 1; }
      if (y < 1) {y = 1; }
      v = x; w = y; z = 0;
      document.write(" x = "+x+" and y = "+y+".<br>"); 
      while ((x != y) && (z < 1000))
        if (x > y) { x = x-y; } else { y = y-x; } 
        z = z+1;
        document.write(" x = "+x+" and y = "+y+".<br>"); 
      if (x == y)
        endtext = "The greatest common divisor of "+v+" and "+w+" is "+x+".";
        endtext = "The algorithm did not complete in time.";
This is the content of the full file including the html-parts. In the following, this example should be used to explain certain ascpets of the algorithm.
This line confirms that the file is a html-file and may contain JavaScript. Every html-code starts with this line.
      <title>Euclid's Algorithm</title>
These three lines of html-code hare the head of the file and say that the title of the document is Euclid's Algorithm.
This line says that the body of the html-page starts.
      <script language="JavaScript">
These two lines say that the Java Scrpit part starts and that the part with the program is a comment with respect to the syntax of html.
      var v; var w; var x; var y; var z; var endtext; 
This line says that the program is using six variables with the names v,w,x,y,z,endtext. The variables can either contain a number or a string (= sequence of letters and digits) or a truth-value which is either "false" or "true". In this program, the first five variables will be used for numbers and the sixth one for strings. This sixth variable endtext will contain the message displayed after the algorithm has run successfully.
      x = prompt("Input first number");
      y = prompt("Input second number"); 
In these lines, the variables x and y receive the input from the user. This input is collected in an extra window and the command for it has the name "prompt". This command displays the string in the brackets to the user and then passes the collected value on to x and y, respectively.
      document.write("Euclid's Algorithm for positive integers.<br>");
This line writes the title into the webpage which is referred to with the JavaScript word "document". The command "document.write" says that something has to be written into the document.
      x = Math.round(x); y = Math.round(y);
      if (x < 1) {x = 1; }
      if (y < 1) {y = 1; } 
These commands make sure that x and y are positive integers. The command "Math.round" transforms any number into the nearest integer. So Math.round(2.000) = 2, Math.round(3.141592653589793) = 3, Math.round(4.9999) = 5 and Math.round(8) = 8. The next if-commands is a conditioinal command which sets x to 1 if x < 1 and keeps x unchanged otherwise. The last command does the same for y.
      v = x; w = y; z = 0; 
These three commands copy values into variables. So v and w take the current values of x and y, respectively. z takes the value 0.
      document.write(" x = "+x+" and y = "+y+".<br>"); 
This line outputs the current values of x and y. This permits to keep track of the intermediate values during the algorithm on the webpage. The plus-signs in this statement do not add numbers but do append parts of texts. The variable-values are transformed into texts haveing their decimal representation in this line. The four characters "<br>" at the end of the line to be printed are an html-command. It causes a linebreak, so the next text will go into a new line. The same effect should be possible by using the command "document.writeln" where "ln" stands for "line" but unfortunately this does not work with all browsers.

The next lines are a loop. In loops commands are done iteratively. The variable z is counted up such that the loop is done at most 1000 times. It is done as long as x and y re different and z is less than 1000.
      while ((x != y) && (z < 1000))
        if (x > y) { x = x-y; } else { y = y-x; } 
        z = z+1;
        document.write(" x = "+x+" and y = "+y+".<br>"); 
There are three commands inside the loop. The first one is a conditional statement, which says that the value of y is substracted from that of x in the case that x is greater than y and the value of x is substracted from that of y otherwise. The next command increments the value of z by 1 for keeping track of the number of times the loop is executed. The third line is a statement to print the current values of x and y onto the webpage. All the commands are insides braces (set brackets) in order to indicate that all these commands belong to the loop.

Note that the loop is left if it has either been executed 1000 times or the variables x and y take the same value. Only when x and y are correct, the algorithm has found its valid output. Therefore there is an if-statement such that if x is equal to y then the two statements outputting the greatest commond divisor are done while it goes into the second part following the word "else" if x and y are different. Note that "x == y" compares the values of x and y while "x = y" writes the value of y into the variable x.
      if (x == y)
        endtext = "The greatest common divisor of "+v+" and "+w+" is "+x;
        endtext = "The algorithm did not complete in time.";
After this, the result endtext is output twice, into the document and into a separate window. This is done by the following commands.
The difference between "document.write" and "alert" is that "document.write" writes a line onto the webpage while "alert" opens a small window and displays the value in this window together with an alert-triangle. That triangle gives the name to this command. The last four lines complete the file.
The first two of these lines say that the JavaScript program ends. The third line says that the body of the html-page ends and the fourth that the html-code ends.

Variable Declaration. The name of a variable should be a sequence of lower case letters and be different from the following reserved words, which have a special meaning in JavaScript: These reserved words have a fixed meaning and can therefore not be used as names for variables. The following statements declare variables with the names "australia", "newzealand", "singapore" and "northamerica". After the declaration, to each of them is assigned a value (which is the phone country code).
      var australia; var newzealand; var singapore; var northamerica;
      australia = 61; newzealand = 64; singapore = 65; northamerica = 1; 
If one knows already the value of a variable when declaring it, one can do both things in one step.
      var australia = 61;
      var newzealand = 64;
      var singapore = 65;
      var northamerica = 1;
      var thisis = "phone country codes"; 
Note that "thisis" is permitted as a variable name while "this" is not since "this" is a reserved word. Variables can be used to store numbers, strings (sequences of letters and digits) or truth-values; for those the words "false" and "true" are reserved. By the way, JavaScript identifies "false" with 0 and "true" with 1.

It is convenient to declare all variables at the beginning of the program, but one is also permitted to do at somewhere else. In that case, one has to make sure that the variable is not used before its declaration and that the program is not running through the declaration twice.

Input and Output through Subwindows. Among the many methods to input and output data through subwindows, the following are mentioned in this introduction.
      x = prompt("Input first number");
      y = prompt("Input second number");
      yesno = confirm("Click OK to continue");
      alert("The value is "+z+".");
      document.write("The value is "+z+".<br>");
The command "prompt" opens a window. The parameter in the bracket is a text displayed in this subwindow when asking for the input. The value is returned. The command
      x = prompt("Input first number"); 
displays the text "Input first number" in the subwindow. The input of the user is assigned to the variable x. Note that if the user makes a mistake and inputs a text instead of a number then the variable has as a value a text and not a number. This might cause some problems in the program later on. The command
      yesno = confirm("Click OK for TRUE and CANCEL for FALSE"); 
requests the user to click in some window either a button with the name "OK" or a button with the name "Cancel". If the user clicks the button with the name "OK", then the variable yesno receives the value true else the variable yesno receives the value false. The text displayed is only for the user, it has no influence on the way JavaScript is assigning the value to yesno. The command
      alert("The value is "+z+"."); 
opens a window with a text in it which informs on the value of z. For example, if z has the value 1024 then the window tells the user the phrase "The value is 1024." and if z has the value "ABCDEFG" then the window tells the user the phrase "The value is ABCDEFG." This routine has originally be designed to display warning messages, therefore the triangle in the window, but JavaScript programmers and text book authors like to use it just to display short pieces of information for the user, even if they are not any warning at all. The user has to confirm with pressing "OK" that he has seen the text before the execution of the program is continued. Note that one can also use the previously mentioned commands "prompt" and "confirm" for combining the described input with outputting the text between the brackets which accompanies the input request on the window. The command
      document.write("The value is "+z+".<br>"); 
is used for writing the same text into the current position of the window of the JavaScript program without opening a subwindow. It is a standard command for doing outputs. The "<br>" at the end is used to make a linebreak. One can put any html-commands into the write statement and JavaScript will carry them out when writeing the statement. For example, the following statements write texts in different fonts.
      document.write("<b>First bold</b> and then normal. ");
      document.write('<a href="euclid.html">Follow the link</a>. ');
      document.write("<cite>At the end italic</cite>. "); 
Note that the second statement is written with single quotes since it contains a html-code which needs a name of a file in double quotes in it. So using the single quotes for the JavaScript argument make sure that JavaScript knows which quotes belong to which thing. The output looks like this. Basic Mathematical Operations. The basic operations in JavaScript are coded as follows where the last one stands for computing the remainder of an integer division:
      27 + 5 ==  32
      27 - 5 ==  22
      27 * 5 == 135
      27 / 5 ==   5.4
      27 % 5 ==   2 
Note that the division transforms a natural number into a real number. For example, the statement
      document.write((3+1/8)+" < "+Math.PI+" < "+(3+1/7)); 
transforms the fractions in it into real numbers: Note that the plus-signs "(3+1/8)" and "(3+1/7)" in the brackets is adding numbers while the other plus-signs concatenate strings. It is convenient that JavaScript tries to find out by itself when a plus-sign adds numbers and when it concatenates strings; but one needs to use brackets to make sure that one is not misunderstood. If these brackets would be omited, JavaScript would succeed once to get what it should but fail at the second time: So in doubt use brackets to make clear what belongs to what.

Comparison Operators and Logic. Often it is necessary to know logical conditions like "Is a < b and c > d?" These logical expressions use the truth-values "false" and "true". For example, "3 < 8" is true and "3 > 8" is false. There are six basic expressions to compare numbers and three operations to connect the outcome of truth-values.
      Operation   Symbol  Example of true condition  Example of false condition
      Equal          ==      8 == 8                     3 == 8
      Not Equal      !=      3 != 8                     3 != 3
      Greater        >       8 >  3                     3 >  8
      Greater Equal  >=      8 >= 3                     3 >= 8
      Less           <       3 <  8                     8 <  3
      Less Equal     <=      3 <= 8                     8 <= 3 
One can also connect logical values by "and", "or" and "not" but these do not have that name in JavaScript. They are written as "&&", "||" and "!". Here a truth-table for the outcome of these operations.
      A       B        A && B   A || B    !A      !(A || B)
      false   false    false    false     true    true
      false   true     false    true      true    false
      true    false    false    true      false   false
      true    true     true     true      false   false 
So the following expression is true iff 3 is equal to 8 and the value of x is different from y:
      (3 == 8) && (x != y) 
Since this expression is only true when both comparisons, that before and that after the and-operator "&&" are true and since the first statement is false, the whole expression has the value "false", whatever the values of x and y are.

Conditional Statements. One main application of truth-values are conditional statements. In an if-statement, the truth-condition is put into brackets after the word "if" and executed whenever this expression evaluates to true. One can add a further statement with the keyword "else" which is executed whenever the result of truth-condition is false.
      if ((3 == 8) && (x != y)) { document.write("Yeah"); }
         else {document.write("Ohh"); } 
This statement will always write "Ohh" and never write "Yeah" since 3 is different from 8 and thus the condition is always false. Some programming languages have the keyword "then" before the first statement to write "Yeah" in order to make clear what happens, but in JavaScript this keyword does not exist. It is enough to close the bracket from the truth-condition in order to know that the first statement starts. By convention, both statements are put into braces (= curly brackets) for better readability.

While Loops. The keyword "while" says that a loop should be executed as long as a logical condition is true. The logical condition is always tested before entering the loop and then each time after the whole body of the loop is executed. Thus it never happens that only a part of the body is executed and thus the number of lines written by the following loop is 6.
      z = 0;
      while (z < 3)
        document.write("z is "+z+".<br>");
        z = z+1;
        document.write("z is "+z+".<br>");
This loop has the following output. Note that the body of a loop is always put into braces (= curly brackets). Note that it is important to make the condition of a while-loop to become false eventually. Otherwise the program might never terminate and the loading process of the browser might never be completed. In particular, loops like the following should be avoided:
      z = 0;
      while (z < 3)
        document.write("z is "+z+".<br>");
        document.write("z is "+z+".<br>");
Here it was forgotton to count up the variable z and thus the loop runs forever.

Do-While Loops. If the condition at the beginning is false, the body of the while loop is not executed at all. But one might want that a loop is executed at least once. The following loop writes square numbers while the square is less than a given number.
      x = 0; y = 70;
        document.write("The square of "+x+" is "+(x*x)+".<br>");
        x = x+1;
        while (x*x < y); 
So the output are the square numbers which do not exceed 70: Note that there is a semicolon after the do-while loop because the last character of the text is not a curly bracket but the normal bracket from the logical condition after the while. Curley brackets are never followed by semicolons. If one replaces the value "70" by "-70" then the while condition at the end is never satisfied, but the loop is nevertheless executed once and gives the following output. For Loops. The idea of a For-Loop is to do something for several values of $x$. For example, for x=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 print the value of x and its square. In JavaScript, the formal statement consists of the initial value of a variable, say x, and at the end a condition to update x, say x = x+1. Thus, the following two loops are equivalent.
     for (x=0; x<9; x=x+1)
       X; Y; Z;

     while (x<9)
       X; Y; Z;
Here "X; Y; Z;" stands for arbitrary statements in the body of a loop. Ideally they should not change the values of x but this is not enforced.

The above while loop for squaring numbers can also be written as a for loop. In this for loop, now the cubic number are calculated. But the condition for the body of the loop to be executed remains the same.
      y = 70;
      for (x=0; x*x<y; x=x+1)
        document.write("The cubic value of "+x+" is "+(x*x*x)+".<br>");
This loop has the following output. Note that for loops are equivalent to while loops, not to do-while loops. So if one would set y to -70 instead of to 70, then no lines of output would be given. A further way to do a for-loop is to let it run over the members of an array which is explained below under the entry of arrays with arbitrary indices.

Switch Commands. The Switch command permits to distinguish several cases depending of the value of a single variable or expression. Here an example of which gives a comment on a mark stored in the variable of the same name:
       case "A": document.write("Above average, outstanding."); break;
       case "B": document.write("Better than needed."); break;
       case "C": document.write("Can pass well."); break;
       case "D": document.write("Does narrowly pass."); break;
       case "F": document.write("Failed."); break;
       default:  document.write("Error, this mark does not exist."); break;
The semantik of the switch-statement is the following: Inside the brackes after the word "switch" is an expression computing a value, most frequently just a variable which is read out. Depending of this value, there follow a list of cases. The browser goes to the first place where the value of the expression matches the value after the word "case" and then executes all commands up to the word "break". Furthermore, if the search for the cases does not succeed but the word "default" is found, then browser executes the statements after the word default up to the next occurence of the word "break". In the following, a random mark is drawn a random, printed and then sent through the above switch-statement: The following example shows that one can also have several cases for a sequence of commands. The program analyzes certain properties of numbers like whether it is a square and how many divisors it has. The program looks like this:
      var x; var y = 32;
      document.write("<pre>Numbers and divisors.<br>");
      for (x=1; x!=y; x=x+1)
          case 1: 
            document.write("The number "+x+" has exactly one divisor.");
          case 2: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 11: case 13: case 17:
          case 19: case 23: case 29: case 31:
            document.write("The number "+x+" has exactly two divisors");
            document.write(" and is a prime number.");
          case 4: case 9: case 25:
            document.write("The number "+x+" is the square of a prime");
            document.write(" number and has exactly three divisors.");
          case 8: case 27:
            document.write("The number "+x+" is the third power of a prime");
            document.write(" number and has exactly four divisors.");
          case 16:
            document.write("The number "+x+" is the fourth power of a prime");
            document.write(" number and has exactly five divisors.");
          case 6: case 10: case 14: case 15: case 21: case 22: case 26:
            document.write("The number "+x+" is the product of two");
            document.write(" different prime numbers and has exactly");
            document.write(" four divisors.");
          case 12: case 18: case 20: case 28:
            document.write("The number "+x+" has exactly six divisors.");
          case 24: case 30:
            document.write("The number "+x+" has exactly eight divisors.");
            document.write("The number "+x+" has been forgotten.");
            break; }
The variable x runs through a loop from 1 to 31 and an expression tells whether this number is something special; if it takes the same value as y then the loop is no longer executed. Note that the default case is never entered, but if one would set y to 33, it would enter the default case when x is 32. Functions. Functions are subroutines. They can communicate with the main program in several ways.
  1. They are activated by a function call. Consider the following example.
          alert("This is a warning"); 
    This function displays a window displaying a warning text when it is called.

  2. Functions can have an output which might be used for further purposes. Furthermore, they have inputs which are between brackets. The following call has the input "Please enter an integer" and an output which is passed on to a variable x.
          x = prompt("Please enter an integer"); 
    Functions can also modify variables used in the main program.

  3. Functions can be defined by giving a name to the function, names to the intputs and writing into the return statement the output in terms of the inputs:
          function f(x,y)
            { return(1+x*x+y*y); } 
  4. One can also define local variables which are only used during the call of the function. An example is the following function which computes the same value as the one before.
          function f(x,y)
            { var z = x*x+y*y;
              return(z+1); } 
  5. Functions can also call themselves, this is called recursion. The following function computes the y-th Fibonacci number. It should be defined before the first call in the programming text. The word "function" preceeds the function name followed by the arguments in brackets - just write "()" if there are no parameters passed to the function. The body of the function is in braces (= curly brackets). If it returns a result, one uses a local variable, here called z, to store the result and adds the command "return(z)" at the end of the function. The definition of a function is ignored as long as it is not called.
          var count = 0; var x;
          function fibonacci(y)
            { var z; count = count+1;
              if (y > 1) { z = fibonacci(y-1)+fibonacci(y-2); }
                else { z = y; }
              return(z); }
          x = fibonacci(20);
          document.write("The 20-th Fibonacci number is "+x+"; ");
          document.write("The computation needed "+count+" function calls.");
    Functions can recursively call themselves as this example. It is due to the programmer to avoid that a recursive call of a function to itself ends up in an infinite loop.

    The output will then be that the 20-th Fibonacci number is 6765 and that the computation called the function "fibonacci" in total 21891 times.
Functions can also be used to define complex data objects. The text book "JavaScript - A Beginner's Guide" in Module 8, pages 189 to 221.

Arrays. Arrays are a datatype which permits to store values for further usage. They are created by a function called "new Array" which has as input the number n of members in the array. Then one can refer to the elements using square brackets. The first element has the index 0, the last one the index n-1. Here an example with an array to compute Fibonacci numbers. This method is much faster than the usage of the function given above.
      var n = 25; var m;
      var fibonacci = new Array(n);
      for (m=0; m<n; m=m+1)
        if (m<2) {fibonacci[m]=m; }
          else {fibonacci[m]=fibonacci[m-2]+fibonacci[m-1]; }
        document.write("Fibonacci["+m+"] is "+fibonacci[m]+".<br>");
The output of the program is: Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci wrote about this sequence of numbers in his book "Liber Abaci" which he published in 1202.

Arrays with arbitrary indices. It is also possible to use arrays ar without having the indices running from 0 to ar.length-1. In this case one can use the for-in loop. Here an example.
<script language = "JavaScript">
       var ar = new Array(0);
       ar[5] = 8;
       ar[8] = 13;
       ar[13] = 21;
       var k; var s = 0;
       for (k in ar)
         { document.write("Array Element with index "+k+" is "+ar[k]+".<br>"); 
           s = s+ar[k]; }
       document.write("The sum of the array elements is "+s+".<br>)";
This example produces the following output. Warning: Note that the loops of the type "for (k in ar)" make the content in k to be a text; hence one has to convert "k" back into a number when doing arithmetic operations (like adding, subtracting, ...). Be aware of such side effects when you encounter ununderstandable errors during programming.

JavaScript permits even more simplified definition of these arrays by just using a list of items of the form index:value separated by colons and enclosed in braces.
<script language = "JavaScript">
       var ar = {5:8,8:13,13:21};
       var k; var s = 0;
       for (k in ar)
         { document.write("Array element with index "+k+" is "+ar[k]+".<br>");
           s = s+ar[k]; }
       document.write("The sum of the array elements is "+s+".<br>)";
This script produces than the same output as the above one.
Records implemented as JavaScript Objects. Arrays are a specific example of objects in JavaScript. Another use of objects is the concept of records. A record is a set of data which is not so homogeneous that one would like to have it numbered as item 0, item 1, item 2 and so on. Instead it is a structured object, for example the full name plus the full salary of the person. From the slides of the lecture, one can take the example of Eberhard Ei and his company. The record on his person would then store his name "Eberhard Ei" and the number 0.00 since he does not get a salary from his own company. Introducing a variable owner for these data, it could be constructed using the following constructor function:
      function makeowner()
       { this.fullname = "Eberhard Ei";
         this.salary = 0.00; } 
The keyword "this" refers to the object being constructed by the function and the dot with the name after it says that one refers to its first component with a dot followed by the word "fullname" and to the second component with a dow followed by the word "salary". The constructor function is then used in the main program with the keyword "new" in front in order to signal that the variable receives a new data record instead of some other values:
      owner = new makeowner(); 
Then the following two Boolean conditions are true and the third one is false:
      owner.fullname == "Eberhard Ei"
      owner.salary == 0.00
      owner.salary > 3.33 
Instead of creating every record with an own function, one could use one function with parameters to create many records, this one is implemented in this file:
      function employee(fn,sl)
        { this.fullname = fn;
          this.salary = sl; } 
Having this function, one would then construct the record owner by the command
      owner = new employee("Eberhard Ei",0.00); 
and could use the same function to construct an array containing the data for all employees.
      allemployees = new Array(4);
      allemployees[0] = new employee("Anneliese Aal",1324.35);
      allemployees[1] = new employee("Boris Bratling",1122.44);
      allemployees[2] = new employee("Claudia Creme",4044.04);
      allemployees[3] = new employee("Doris Dattel",1000.01); 
The latter is implmeneted in the program below. Adding the salaries is done as follows; the implementation in this file is enriched by some "document.write"-commands which are omitted here:
      function salarysum()
        { var notednumber = 0.00; var ind;
          for (ind=0;ind<allemployees.length;ind=ind+1)
           { notednumber = notednumber+allemployees[ind].salary; }
          return(notednumber) } 
The expression "allemployees[2].salary" would refer to the salary of employee number 2 which is Claudia Creme. Instead of this fixed reference, one can use the variable ind which for ind = 0,1,2,3 refers to the salaries of employees 0,1,2,3 one after the other. So the loop does add up the salaries stored in the field "allemployees[ind].salary" for the four employees. The entry allemployees.length contains the length of the array allemployees, thus one can use it as the upper bound in the for-loop. The relevant part in main program is then introducing the variable total and assigning the output of the function salarysum to it; the result is written into the main window.
      var total = salarysum();
      document.write("<br>Total Amount is SGD "+total+".<br>");
And here the full output of the program. Complex numbers can be defined either using arrays or using records. For example, when using the coordinate 0 for the real part and 1 for the imaginary part, one can use the following functions to add, multiply, invert and divide complex numbers:
var a = new Array(-1,0); var b = new Array(0,1);

function add(x,y)
  { var z = new Array(x[0]+y[0],x[1]+y[1]);
    return(z); }

function sub(x,y) 
  { var z = new Array(x[0]-y[0],x[1]-y[1]);
    return(z); } 

function multiply(x,y)
  { var z = new Array(x[0]*y[0]-x[1]*y[1],x[0]*y[1]+x[1]*y[0]); 
    return(z); }

function invert(x)
  { var z = new Array(x[0]/(x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1]),-x[1]/(x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1]));
    return(z); }

function divide(x,y)
  { var z = multiply(x,invert(y));
    return(z); }
These functions are based on the following ideas: Complex numbers can be seen as polynomials of degree 1 in the variable i (imaginary unit), so a complex number a is a[0]+i*a[1]. Now adding polynomials is just adding the coefficients. When one multiplies the polynomials, one gets a polynomial of degree 2. However, this is mapped back to a polynomial of degree 1 by using that i2 = -1. The inverse is that number which satisfies that its product with the original number gives 1. One uses that (a[0]+i*a[1])*(a[0]-i*a[1]) = a[0]2+ a[1]2; thus by dividing a[0]-i*a[1] by this square one gets the formula used in the function invert. The following computations compute b*b, a/b, a+b and a-b for a being -1 and b being i, the square root of -1.
The Wikipedia page on complex numbers provides more information on this topic.

Functions inside an Object. One can also implement a function inside an JavaScript object. The following program makes it possible to add or subtract the corresponding elements of vectors; as the operations are linked to an object, the following object must be created as a variable vec. The outputs of the functions are vectors in newly created variables.
function vector()
  { this.add = function(x,y)
      { var k;
        var z = new Array();
        for (k in x)
          { if (k in y)
              { z[k] = x[k]+y[k]; } }
        return(z); }
    this.sub = function(x,y)
      { var k;
        var z = new Array();
        for (k in x)
          { if (k in y)
              { z[k] = x[k]-y[k]; } }
        return(z); } }
var a = new Array(10,11,12,13);
var b = new Array(5,6,7,8,9);
var vec = new vector();

document.write("a is ("+a+").<br>");
document.write("b is ("+b+").<br>");
document.write("The sum is ("+vec.add(a,b)+").<br>");
document.write("The difference is ("+vec.sub(a,b)+").<br>");
Here the output generated by this text.

Speed Optimization.

JavaScript permits, similar as C, to combine several steps in one. This permits to write shorter programs and also to get faster execution speed, in partcular by points 2 and 3 of the following four examples. The speed is increased as the browser does in the abbreviated case (fast loop) access the variables inside the loop less often than in the nonabbreviated case (slow loop). Here the four examples.
  1. Variables can receive values directly at the declaration:
               Abbreviation        Stands for
               var x = 0;          var x; x = 0; 
  2. If a variable in an update appears on bosth sides of an assignment, then one can in certain cases save one occurrence of the variable:
               Abbreviation        Stands for
               x += 5;             x = x+5;
               x -= 18;            x = x-18;
               x *= y+z;           x = x*(y+z);
               x /= y+z;           x = x/(y+z); 
    Note that the brackets are necesasry on the right hand side; for example compare the results of the two variables v and w after the loop
               var v=1; var w=1; var u;
               for (u=0;u<9;u++)
                 { v *= u+1; w = w*u+1; }
    at the end of this page.
  3. The operators "++" and "--" add and substract 1 to and from a variable, respectively, after it is read.
               Abbreviation        Stands for
               c++;                c = c+1;
               c--;                c = c-1;
               while(c++<9) { X; } while (c<9) { c=c+1; X; } 
    Note that the name of the programming language "C++" refers to this abrevation indicating that it is obtained by "incrementing" C, that is, by adding the concpets of object-oriented programming among other modifications.
  4. The for-loop can also be interpreted as an abbrevation. Assuming that A, C, D are statements and B is an Boolean expression, the following are equivalent.
               Abbreviation        Stands for
               for (A;B;C) D;      A; while (B) { D; C; } 
    Note that the statement C comes after D and not before. The statement D itself can consist of several statements and so "D; " can actually be "{ D; E; }". Anyway, it is good style to write "{ D; }" instead of "D;" in a for-loop.
For an example of loops with optimized versus nonoptimized code, follow this link; however, note, that the slowness of certain loops can only be observed with a slow browser. Furthermore, some modern browsers optimise internally the code and do some of the above optimisations automatically, so that when viewing programs with and without the optisaisation, there is no observable difference.

One can also edit and try out JavaScript Code Online. Webpage teaching JavaScript is the following one: