This is a section of the CS 6101 Exploration of Computer Science Research at NUS, School of Computing, for the Spring (Sem II) semester of 2017/2018 Academic Year. CS 6101 is a 4 modular credit pass/fail module for new incoming graduate programme students to obtain background in an area with an instructor's support. It is designed as a "lab rotation" to familiarize students with the methods and ways of research in a particular research area. The lab rotation is hosted by the Web IR / NLP Group (WING) at NUS, led by Min-Yen Kan.
This section will be running through the self-paced, publicly available deep learning material on the website. Our section will be conducted as a group seminar, with class participants nominating themselves and presenting the materials and leading the discussion.
This "course" is offered twice, for Session I (Weeks 3-7)and Session II (Weeks 8-13), although it is clear that the course is logically a single course that builds on the first half. Session I mostly will cover the Practical Deep Learning for Coders short course, and Session II will cover the (no longer really) Cutting Edge Deep Learning for Coders (currently deep learning is evolving rather quickly so materials are outdated on a weekly basis). Nevertheless, the material should be introductory and should be understandable given some prior study.
A discussion group will be on Slack . Students and guests, please login when you are free.
If you have a,,,, or email address you can create your Slack account
for the group discussion without needing an invite.
Updated Venue is Meeting Room 6 (MR6; AS6 #05-10) . External guests are also encouraged to participate remotely via Slack and watch the cast via Google Hangouts / YouTube. Note: The sessions will be recorded to YouTube Live, to help others (e.g., those absent) review the sessions and for posterity.
For directions to NUS School of Computing (SoC) and COM1: please read the directions here, to park in CP15 or take the shuttle bus to SoC. and use the floorplan and map to find MR6.
Welcome. If you are an external visitor and would like to join us, please email Kan Min-Yen to be added to the class role. Guests from industry, schools and other far-reaching places in SG welcome, pending space and time logistic limitations. SoC and non-SoC NUS guests are also welcomed, but please note that only first year Ph.D. students are allowed to gain credit for the course. There will be no official certificates of completion given to students completing this course.
External guests will be listed here in due course once the course has started. Please refer to our Slack after you have been invited for the most up-to-date information.
NUS (Postgraduate): Session I (Weeks 3-7): Jiang Kan, Rrubaa Panchendrarajan
Other NUS: Rajan Dhingra, Joel Lee, Yong Ler Lee, Gabriella Ong, Sravani Satpathy
WING: Yuchen He, Shenhao Jiang, Radhika Nikam, Animesh Prasad
Guests: Anirudh Venu, Edwin Wan
Links below refer to the either the original version 1 of the course (webpage with embedded video), or version 2 (direct YouTube link). Fast.AI recommends that you watch from their page so that you can benefit from any updated video and forum links. Please do oblige them, these links are provided just for your convenience.
Date | Description | Deadlines |
Preflight (on your own) PDLC 0, 1 |
Getting Started (v1), and Recognizing Cats and Dogs (v1, v2) | |
Week 3: 2 Feb 2018 PDLC 2 |
Improving your Image Classifier (v1, v2) [ Session Recording ]
Presenters: Min | |
Week 4: 9 Feb 2018 PDLC 3 |
Understanding Convolutions (v1, v2) [ Session Recording ]
Presenters: Slack Moderators: Radhika Nikam, Yong Ler |
Week 5: (Rescheduled and relocated due to CNY) 19 MR1 (COM1 #03-19) PDLC 4 |
Structured, Time Series, & Language Models (v1, v2) [ Session Recording ]
Presenters: Jiang Kan, Rrubaa Panchendrarajan Slack Moderators: Yuchen He |
Week 6: 23 Feb 2018 PDLC 5 |
Collaborative Filtering; Inside the Training Loop (v1, v2) [ Session Recording ]
Presenters: Yong Ler Slack Moderators: Rrubaa Panchendrarajan |
Preliminary project titles and team members due on Slack's #projects |
Week Recess: 2 Mar 2018 special time: 9:15-10:15 PDLC 6 |
Interpreting Embeddings; RNNS from Scratch (v1, v2) [ Session Recording ]
Presenters: Radhika Nikam Slack Moderators: Edwin Wan |
Week 7: 9 Mar 2018 PDLC 7 |
ResNets from Scratch (v1, v2) [ Session Recording ]
Presenters: Yuchen He Slack Moderators: Jiang Kan |
Preliminary abstracts due to #projects |
Week 8: 16 Mar 2018 CEDLC 8 |
Artistic Style [ Session Recording ]
Presenters: Shenhao Jiang Slack Moderators: Anirudh Venu |
Week 9: 23 Mar 2018 CEDLC 9 |
Generative Models [ Session Recording ]
Presenters: Gabrielle Ong Slack Moderators: Shenhao Jiang, Rajan Dhingra |
Week 10: (Rescheduled and relocated due to Good Friday) 2 Apr MR1 (COM1 #03-19) CEDLC 10 |
Multi-Modal and GANs [ Session Recording ]
Presenters: Anirudh Venu Slack Moderators: Joel Lee, Sravani Satpathy |
Week 11: 6 Apr 2018 CEDLC 11 |
Memory Networks [ Session Recording ]
Presenters: Rajan Dhingra, Joel Lee, Sravani Satpathy Slack Moderators: Gabrielle Ong |
Week 12: 13 Apr 2018 CEDLC 12 |
Attentional Models [ Session Recording ] | |
Week 13: 20 Apr 2018 CEDLC 13 |
Neural Translation | Participation on evening of 18 Apr: 12th STePS |
Week Reading: 27 Apr 2018 CEDLC 14 |
Time Series and Experimentation [ Session Recording ] |
Student projects are required for all students (inclusive of external guests to the course, and all students in the course with and without conflicting lecture timings). All student projects can be done in any sized team, and will be featured in the 12th SoC Term Project Showcase (STePS).
For the projects below, please click on the thumbnail of the poster to see the full-sized poster.