Graduate Course Project Poster Session
NUS SoC, 2006/2007, Semester I
20 Nov 2006 (Monday), 6-9 pm
TR4/TR5/SR1 (S16 Level 3)
Note that this poster session is over. It was held on
20 Nov 2006.
This semester, we are holding a joint project poster session for some
of the graduate courses that have student projects. The purpose of
the session is to allow students to showcase their work, learn about
each other's projects and other CS / IS areas, and just an excuse to
have some friendly time to chat. Students were asked to vote for the
best overall poster in the whole poster session as well as in their
respective classes. Four courses will be a part of the joint exercise
this year:
- CS 5240, Theory and Practice of Multimedia (Mohan Kankanhalli)
6:00-7:30pm Slot
- Tan Yan Leong, MPEG-4 Studio
- Liang Ke, Performance Evaluation of Scalable Video Coding and Multiple Descriptions Coding over Wireless Networks
- Magnus Jensen, Real-time Blackboard/Whiteboard Tracking System
- Zhang Dongxiang and Wang Xiangyu, Image Recognition for Simple Classification
- Zhang Bingjun, Singer Identification System in Large Music Databases
- Soh Ee-Binn, Text Segmentation and Binarization
- Sandeep Kumar, Improvement of Multimedia Information Classifiers through Active Learning Techniques
- Goh Hong Yaw, And Improved QTCQ Wavelet Image Coding Method using DCT and Coefficient Reorganization
- Chen Su and Wu Sai, Image Retrieval by Automatic Image Segmentation
- Nguyen Tien Dung, Pitch and Time Scale Modification of Speech
- Zheng Yantao and Noemie Phulpin, View-Invariant Image Matching based on Scale Invariant
7:30-9:00pm Slot
- Rohit Choudhry and Shekhar Agarwal, Generation of Cricket Highlights Using Multimedia Mining
- Lu Huanhuan and Zhong Zhi, The realization of an Automatic Image Mosaicing System
- Bernard Tan, Effective Switching of Scalable Video Bitstreams for Seamless Streaming over Different Networked Devices
- Le Ngoc Sang, Shadow Matting and Compositing
- Sundararajan Vasudevan and Harish Katti, Video Text Detection and Segmentation
- Saravanan Sinnaduurai and Debarshi Bandyopadhyay, Detection of Digital Image Tampering
- Qiao Haibo and Wang Qi, Study on Visible Watermarking Technology -- A contrast Sensitive Scheme
- Wu Xiuchao, Investigation of Media Stream Transport Services
- Poonna Yospanya, Computer-Generated Vocal Harmonization
- Bai Yan, Huang Yang and Zhang Hui, Applying Informed Coding and Embedding to Design a Robust High-Capacity Watermark
- Shen Xiushi, Xu Duo and Xue Liangliang, A Cost-Effective Line-based Light-balancing Technique using Adaptive Processing
- Xu Liang and Xue Mingqiang, Multiple-Description Coding for Images: Investigation and Implementation , (Voted best overall project and best project for CS 5240)
- CS 5244, Digital Libraries (Kan Min-Yen)
6:00-7:30pm Slot
- Joe Woo, Metadata Harvesting: Solution to e-prints community?!
- Chen Bo and Zhu Zhenzhou, LCRA:Effective Semantics for XML Keyword Search
- Tan Yee Fan and Dave Kor, Estimating Document Frequencies of Collocations in Digital Libraries
- Vo Phan Chuong, News articles classification based on URLs
- Nguyen The Huy, Novel Duplicate Detection Method
7:30-9:00pm Slot
- Patrice Choong, Anand Mani and Zou Gang, A comparison of top UK university standing in the real world to their standing in the virtual world
- Nguyen Viet Bang, Analysis of the requirement for reliable answers in web search, (Voted best project for CS 5244)
- Bernard Tan, Web Advertisement Extraction for Digital Libraries
- Lu Zheng and Zheng Jun, IR in FAQ System
- CS 5271, Performance Analysis of Embedded Systems (Samarjit Chakrobarty)
6:00-7:30pm Slot
- Koh Boon Hock Eddie, Data Throughput Analysis for a Video Conferencing
system on TI's DM6446 SoC
- Rajiv Ramnath, Workload Analysis of security algorithms
- Cheung Kin Ming Kevin, Transaction Level Modeling (TLM) of a Signal
Detection Algorithm using SystemC
- Guo Liang and Ju Lei, Combining Simulation and Formal Methods for
System-Level Performance Analysis
7:30-9:00pm Slot
- Andrei Mihai Hagiescu and Yang Fei, Formal Modeling of the FlexRay
Communication Protocol
- Yu Heng and Chen Xiaolei, CME-Based WCET Analysis with Data Cache
- Anandpadmanabhan Venkatesh and Bharani Vittal Gopinath, Network on Chip
Modeling and Analysis using SymTA/S, (Voted best project for CS 5271)
- Liang Yun and Feng Jimin, Performance analysis of a face recognition
- Anand Jain and Vinay R. Kamath, Performance Analysis using an
Integrated Simulation Framework with SystemC and SimpleScalar
- CS 6203, Advanced Topics in Database Systems (Ooi Beng Chin)
6:00-7:30pm Slot
- Chen Su and Wang Xian Jun, Instant Message Module of BestPeer Platform, (Voted best project for CS 6203)
- Igor Smud and Teerna Choudhury, Network Simulation Module of BestPeer Platform
- Wu Sai, Online Peer Monitor Module of BestPeer Platform
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Fri Jul 14 12:08:53 GMT-8 2006
| Version: 1.0
| Last modified:
Tue Nov 21 14:10:29 2006