Graduate Course Project Poster Session

NUS SoC, 2006/2007, Semester I
20 Nov 2006 (Monday), 6-9 pm
TR4/TR5/SR1 (S16 Level 3)

Note that this poster session is over. It was held on 20 Nov 2006.

This semester, we are holding a joint project poster session for some of the graduate courses that have student projects. The purpose of the session is to allow students to showcase their work, learn about each other's projects and other CS / IS areas, and just an excuse to have some friendly time to chat. Students were asked to vote for the best overall poster in the whole poster session as well as in their respective classes. Four courses will be a part of the joint exercise this year:

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Min-Yen Kan <> Fri Jul 14 12:08:53 GMT-8 2006 | Version: 1.0 | Last modified: Tue Nov 21 14:10:29 2006