Student Projects, Leong Hon Wai, School
of Computing, NUS
This is the list of student projects that I supervised over the years.
(For a list of my project students,
please see Project Student List
for the evolution, trends, and some of the more interesting milestones
please see Project Trends.)
Honours Projects
Low Power MUX Decomposition
Optimised Data Structures for Naming Service in CORBA
Network Middleware
(sponsored by Inprise (Singapore) Pte Ltd)
SPIDER (Service Planning: Intelligent Design, Evaluation
and Refienment)
(jointly supervised with Dr Lau Hoong Chuin)
Proximity Search for RADS
UROP Projects
Bumping Algorithms for iBAPS
Algorithm for Network Clustering
Algorithms for Vehicle Routing with Scheduling I
Algorithms for Vehicle Routing with Scheduling II
Third Year (IA) Project
Development of GIS for RADS
Liang Zhe,
Li Qiming
Sun Guangyu
Graphical User Interface with Workflow for RADS
Koa Juin Shan, Desmond
Choa Hsueh Mei, Esther
Stevanes Tambuwun
Honours Projects
Dynamic Route Advisory System
Route Advisory System for Public Transportation
iBAPS -- Interactive Berth Allocation System
UROP Projects
Bumping Algorithm for iBAPS
Information Kiosk Route Planning System
RAS-Packing -- A Game based on Research on One Dimensional
Rectangle Packing
Vessel Partitioning for the Berth Allocation Problem
Low Power Multiplexor Decomposition
Information Kiosk Architecture Design
A Distributed Network Clustering System
Third Year (IA) Project
IIAP Project with Sony
Tan Yen Wee and
Koh Chee Wei
USRP Projects
Mathematical Programming for the Gate Assignment
Problem (GAP)
Empirical Studies of Shortest Path Algorithms on
Road Networks
Vessel Packing using Mathematical Programming
Simulated Annealing for BAP Partitioning
Tabu Search Algorithms for the Gate Assignment Problem
Third Year Projects
1996-97 (partly on sabbatical)
Third Year Projects
Honours Year Projects
A Study of Resource Allocation and Scheduling Specifications,
A Resource Allocation System for VLSI High-Level
A Multi-Period Packing and Scheduling Problem,
Loh Swee Nam. (now with PSA)
Third Year Projects
Honours Year Projects
A Resource Allocation System for High Level Synthesis
of VLSI Circuits,
with Lam Poh Min (now in GIC)
Third Year Projects
Interactive TimeTable Scheduling System,
Chan Nicodemus,
Foo Hee Meng,
Kwek Khee Leng
Algorithms for Newspaper Advertisement Packing Phase
with Ang Bee Hong,
Chan Kah Seng, and
Cheah Sin Mei
Enhancement to Nesting Software - Phase IV. (An
Object Library for AutoNEST),
Kok Kum Yeong,
Chay Chee Beng,
Shee Gim Leng
Resource Constrained Scheduling for High Level Synthesis,
Wong Kok Leong,
Koh Kian Poh
1993-94 --- No Projects...
Honours Year Projects
On the Incremental Bin Packing,
Algorithms for Resource Allocation in High-Level
Algorithms for Scheduling in High-Level Synthesis
Third Year Projects
Enhancement to Nesting Software - Phase II.
Heng Chiang Peng,
Sim Peng Yong, and
Choy Yat Kin
A Class of Time-Constrained Scheduling Algorithms.
Ou Yong Keat,
Michael, Pang Han Seng, and
Elaine, Phang Hui Shien,
Graph Models for the Shortest Bus-Route Problem.
Lee Ai Hoon,
Ong Teng Teng, and
Peh Yew Hock
Algorithms for the Advertisement Packing Problem
Siow Yong Seng,
Sim Li San, and
Seet Kiat Seng
Honours Year Projects
Heuristics for 2-D Bin Packing Problems,
Spencer Chiang Kiam Peng (in Army)
Third Year Projects
Enhancement to Nesting Software - AutoNEST.
Kuah Beng Choo,
Lee Geok Bee, and
Lee Tin Hui
Third Year Projects
A Survey of Bandwidth Minimization Problem (90/91)
Lim Ai Siang and
Lim Huay Fang
Honours Year Projects
Gridless Routing for VLSI,
On the Sports Scheduling Problem
Third Year Projects
Polytree Octree Encoding
Tan Bee Tin and
Mercury Choo Wai Kheong
Honours Year Projects
Constraint-Based Channel Routing Algorithms,
A Survey on the Memory Fault-Covering Problem,
Third Year Projects
A Survey of Graph Partitioning Algorithms
Chew Chin Nyuk,
Quek Yew Leng Steven Kellery,
Tay Chee Bin
An Interactive Layout System
Seet Choon Chian,
Pamela Yap Peng Peng, and
Solid Modelling using Octree Encoding
Fang Yoke Ling,
Teh Wei Shoong,
Wang Gek Meng
LeongHW, SoC, NUS
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