UIT2201: Computer Science and Information Technology Revolution
University Scholars Programme, NUS

Course Web-Site (Spring 2010)


  • 27-Apr-2010 -- Project Showcase & Free Lunch!
    • Friday, 07-May-2010.
    • 10:00am -- 02:00pm, USP-SR1

    • (each gp gets 15m to show off their project)
    • I will buy lunch for everyone.
    • FIVE people confirmed, so far. What about u?

  • 27-Apr-2010 -- Finals is TODAY! Open book. All the best!

    (See the announcement page for past announcements...)

  • Course Information (for Spring 2010)

  • Instructor: A/P Leong Hon Wai --- (Email,MSN,FB: leonghw@comp.nus.edu.sg)

  • Latest Announcements --- Always updated!

  • Course Information ---
          Course overview -- [here (ppt)] --(don't miss out the part about fun and jokes!)

  • Syllabus, Lecture Schedule and Notes --- All Topics 1-6 updated!

  • Homework, Quiz and Exam Information --- --- HW10 (last one!) is online!

  • Scratch programs

  • Project Information

  • Course on IVLE --- | here |

  • CA Scores and Student Roster --- Scores for T2, T5-10 online, Quiz-1, Quiz-2!

  • Read THIS first --

  • UIT2201 from past semesters --

  • Links

  • UIT2201 Info @ USP web-site
  • Information Technology (on USP web-site)
  • USP (University Scholars Programme)

  • UIT2201 Home Page
    A/P Leong's HomePage

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