R. Dou, R.T.B. Ma and Y.C. Tay. Dynamic equation-based memory allocation for stream processing engines (invited talk). MAKI Scientific Workshop 2024. TU Darmstadt, Germany (March 2024). Y.C. Tay. Between ML and HPC: Where do (whitebox) performance models fit? (invited presentation) ScalPerf'23: Reflections and Perspectives on Avenues to Performance. Bertinoro, Italy (Sept. 2023). Y.C. Tay. Invited speaker for Question and Answer Session (Slido transcript, video), International Youth STEM Conference (June 2022). Y.C. Tay. A simple equation for citation curves (keynote address). Confluence 2022, Amity University, India (Jan. 2022). Y.C. Tay. The role of analytical models in the engineering and science of computer systems (invited talk). In Companion of the 2021 ACM/SPEC Int. Conf. on Performance Engineering, Virtual Event, France (April 2021). Y.C. Tay. Modeling and Analysis of Performance Interaction and Tradeoffs in the Cloud (plenary address). Confluence 2021, Amity University, India (Jan. 2021). Y.C. Tay. A review of analytical performance modeling and its role in computer engineering and science. CoRR abs/2005.13144 (May 2020). Y.C. Tay. Modeling and Analysis of Performance Interaction and Tradeoffs in the Cloud (invited talk). 15th Cloud Control Workshop, Sandhamn, Sweden (June 2019). Y.C. Tay. Lessons from Teaching Analytical Performance Modeling. (invited talk) Proc. ICPE Workshop on Education and Practice of Performance Engineering, Mumbai, India (April 2019), 79--84. Y.C. Tay. Analytical Performance Modeling for Computer Systems. Morgan & Claypool Publishers (First Edition: 2010; Second Edition: 2013; Third Edition: 2018). Y.C. Tay. Deep Learning: Education, Mathematics and Science (plenary lecture). 23nd Annual Meeting in Mathematics, Bangkok, Thailand (May 2018). Y.C. Tay. Mathematical Thinking in Computing (plenary lecture). Proc. 41st Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME 41), Singapore (July 2017), 1-1--1-11. Y.C. Tay. A Social Network is Not a Graph (keynote address). Confluence 2014, Amity University, India (Aug. 2014). J.Z.Y. Hay and Y.C. Tay. Memory Consistency for Parallel Systems: A Reformulation Without Global Time (keynote address). Proc. National Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation. Berhampur, India (Jan. 2013), 1--3. Reproduced with permission in Asia Pacific Mathematics Newsletter 6, 2 (Oct. 2016), 1--3. Y.C. Tay. Bottleneck Analysis for Cloud Transaction Architectures. Dagstuhl Seminar on Database Workload Management (Aug. 2012). Y.C. Tay. Data Generation for Application-Specific Benchmarking. Proc. VLDB 2011 (Challenges and Visions Track), 1470-1473 (Aug. 2011). Y.C. Tay. UpSizeR: Synthetically Scaling up a Given Database State (invited presentation). ScalPerf'10: Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing. Bertinoro, Italy (Sept. 2010). Y.C. Tay. Mathematics for Computer Network Research. AINTEC: Asian Internet Engineering Conference (Nov. 2009). Y.C. Tay. Dynamic System Optimization through Performance Modelling: Universality and Decomposition (invited presentation). ScalPerf'08: Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing. Bertinoro, Italy (Sept. 2008). Y.C. Tay. A research program proposal: Universal cache miss equations for autonomic computing (invited talk). Proc. Int. Conf. Theories and Applications of Computer Science. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (Aug. 2006). Google Tech Talk: Universal Cache Miss Equations for the Memory Hierarchy Y.C. Tay. Fault Equations for the Memory Hierarchy (invited presentation). ScalPerf'05: Scalable Approaches to High Performance and High Productivity Computing. Bertinoro, Italy (Oct. 2005). Y.C. Tay. What should Computer Science students learn from Mathematics? (plenary address) Proc. Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, Singapore (Dec. 2004), 38--51. Reproduced with permission in ACM SIGACT News 36, 2 (June 2005), 131--143. Y.C. Tay. An issue in computer science, a challenge from information technology (plenary address). Proc. Symposium on Challenges in Mathematical Sciences for the New Millennium, IIT Kharagpur, India (Dec. 2000). In "Applicable Mathematics: Its Perspectives and Challenges", J.C. Misra (ed.). Narosa Publishing House, India (2000), 574--587. Y.C. Tay and X.B. Shen. Using concurrent states to rebuild the theory for distributed computing (invited paper). Proc. Int. Conf. Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences, IIT Kharagpur, India (Dec. 2000). In "Applicable Mathematics: Its Perspectives and Challenges", J.C. Misra (ed.). Narosa Publishing House, India (2000), 241--248. Y.C. Tay. Computer Science: Engineering, Science or Mathematics. ACM SIGACT News 29, 3 (Sept. 1998), 58. (Letter to the editor.) C.T. Chong and Y.C. Tay (Guest Editors). Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 84, 1 (1997). Special Issue on Fifth Asian Logic Conference. North-Holland, Amsterdam. Y.C. Tay. Issues in modeling locking performance. In "Stochastic Analysis of Computer and Communication Systems", H. Takagi (ed.). Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland), Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1990), 631--655. Y.C. Tay. The energy crisis: what physicists can contribute. Physics Today 29, 4 (Apr. 1976), 9, 11. (Letter to the editor.)