1.      Singapore Outlines Permanent Grid Plan, Computerworld, Vol. 9, No. 24, May 2003.


2.      10 Emerging Technologies That Will Change the World, MIT Technology Review, February 2003.


3.      Start-up Firms – Translate Research into Innovative Business Models, Innovation Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2002.


4.      Grid Computing – Is Internet history about to repeat itself?, Technology Review, MIT’s Magazine of Innovation, May 2002.


5.      Supercomputing Power without the Price Tag, interview by Straits Times, May 27, 2002.


6.      Tapping Idle Processing Power, Straits Times, May 27, 2002.


7.      Atsuma - Commodity High Performance Computing on Demand, ALiCE won 3rd Start-Up@Singapore National Techno-Venture Business Plan Competition, May 18, 2002.


8.      Grid Computing - The Next Internet Wave?, e-news, School of Computing, NUS, April 2002


9.      Need for a New Grid, interview by Computer Times, March 13, 2002.


10.  PC Power Fights Disease, The Straits Times, September 8, 2001.


11.  Search for Alien Life, The Straits Times,  March 1, 2001



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Updated: 26 May 2003



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