Project Leader

·         Associate Professor Teo Yong Meng


Research Fellow

·         Dr Wang Xianbing


Research Assistant

·         Chen Ying


Graduate Students

·         Johan Prawira Gozali (AMP), Bernard Ng Yew Kwong (AMP), Zheng YuDong (AMP), Bhakti SS Onggo (PhD)

·         Verdi March (PhD), Ho Dac Phuong (PhD), , Ghinita Gabriel


Honours Students

·         Rina Dewi Rudyanto, Probir Chatterjee, Tan Suan Fong, Ng King Liang, Yang Jing Fang



·         Dr Wang Chen, Lee Chwan Ren, Dennis Low Seo Chin, Wong Chean Yin, Ho Dac Phuong (Vietnam National University of Hanoi), Pawan Kumar (India), Puneet Arora (India) Octavian Purdilla (Politechnica University of Bucharest, Romania), Niculita Radu Adrian (Politechnica University of Bucharest, Romania), Erik Knave (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden), Erik Stackenland (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden), Chia Eileen, Wong Keng Choon, Ameya Virkar, Aditya Kuman Gupta, Lee Yih (SMA), Asankha Chamath Perara (SMA), Deepak Jeevankumar (SMA)


·         Computational Genomics Group, BioInformatics Institute, Singapore

·         Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing, NUS

·         Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

·         Department of Microelectronics and Information Technology, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

·         Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Politehnica University of Bucherest, Romania

·         Department of Computer Networks, Vietnam National University of Hanoi


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