Grid Computing Project Department of Computer Science National
University of Singapore |
Theses / Dissertations / Reports (available on
A Compensation Approach to Adaptive Grid Scheduling, Johan Prawira Gozali,
Master Thesis, Department of Computer Science, National University of
Singapore, 2003 (sponsored by Sun Microsystems).
A Grid Programming Toolkit for Life Sciences Applications, Ng Yew Kwong, Master Thesis, Department
of Computer Science, National University of Singapore, 2003 (collaboration with
BioInformatics Institute).
Distributed Matlab on the ALiCE Grid, Lee Yih, SMA Master Dissertation, Singapore-MIT
Supporting Task-Dependencies on the ALiCE
Grid, Asankha Chamath Perera, SMA Master
Dissertation, Singapore-MIT
Application Development on the SunONE Grid
Engine, Deepak Jeevankumar,
SMA Master Dissertation, 2003 (collaboration with Sun Microsystems).
6. Object Communication Issues on the ALiCE Grid, Gabriel Ghinita, Internship Report, 75 pages, August 2003.
ALiCE Non-Java Applications Support, Octavian Purdila, Internship Report, 75
pages, August 2002.
9. N-Body
Problem on the ALiCE Grid
System, Ho Dac
Phuong, Internship Report, 50 pages, June 2002 (funded by United Nation
10. ALiCE Java-based Grid Computing System, Johan Prawira, Honours
Project Report, 2001.
11. Security
Issues in a Computational Grid System, Zheng Yu Dong, Honours Project
Report, 2001.
12. Design
and Implementation of a Compute Engine in
Updated: 16 August 2003
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