National University of Singapore
CS4232 Performance Analysis of Computer Systems
2002/2003 - Semester 1

Associate Professor Teo Yong Meng
S16, Room #04-07, E-mail: teoym AT
Lecture: Wednesday, 2-4pm, LT34; Consultation hours: Wed 9-11am

| what's new  |  course schedules  |  lecture slides  |  tutorial / assignments  |  references  |  assignment grade |

The objective of this course is to provide students a working knowledge of computer performance evaluation and capacity planning. They will be able to identify performance bottlenecks, to predict when performance limits of a system will be exceeded, and to characterize present and future workload to perform capacity planning activities.

Topics include: performance analysis overview; measurement techniques and   tools including workload   characterization, instrumentation, benchmarking, analytical modeling techniques including operational analysis, stochastic queuing network analysis; performance of client-server architectures; capacity planning; case studies

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