National University of Singapore
CS5239 Performance Analysis of Computer Systems
2003/2004 - Semester 1


Course Schedule                    Print - [Course Description, Table of Contents]


8 Aug               L#01 - Introduction

15 Aug              L#02 - Capacity Planning Methodology


                Measurement Techniques and Tools

22 Aug            L#03 - Workload - Selection, Characterization and Forecasting

29 Aug             L#04 – Instrumentation and Representation of Measurement Data



5 Sep               L#05 – Basics of Computer Simulation


                Analytic Modeling Techniques

12 Sep              L#06 - Analytical Models and Introduction to Queuing Theory

19 Sep              L#07 - Operational Analysis

26 Sep             L#08 - Analysis of a Single Queue

3 Oct & 10 Oct L#09 - Analysis of Queuing Networks

                        L#09a – Analysis of Queuing Networks (Multiple Job Classes)


                 Case Studies

17 Oct              L#10 - Performance of Client-Server Architectures       

24 Oct              L#11 – Web Performance Modeling

31 Oct              L#12 – Analytical Modeling of Parallel Programs

7 Nov               Conclusion & Revision


10-14 Nov         Reading Period


28 Nov, 7PM     Examination (tentative)