SMA5505 / 6.338J / 18.337J – Applied Parallel Computing

Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore (NUS)

Spring 2004 (updated: March 2, 2005)


What’s new

This module is an advanced interdisciplinary introduction to applied parallel computing on modern supercomputers. Numerical topics include dense and sparse linear algebra, N-body problems, multigrid, fast-multipole, wavelets and Fourier transforms. Geometrical topics include partitioning and mesh generation. Other topics include applications oriented architecture, software systems, MPI, Cilk, data parallel systems, parallel MATLAB, caches and vector processors with hands-on emphasis on understanding the realities and myths of what is possible on the world's fastest machines.



Associate Professor Teo Yong Meng

Professor Alan Edelman

S14, Room #06-12

Laboratory for Computer Science, MIT

Department of Computer Science (NUS)

Email: edelman AT

Email: teoym AT



Teaching Assistants

Dr Wang Xianbing / Chen Ying

Ron Choy

S16, #04-19 / S14,  #06-17


Department of Computer Science (NUS)

Laboratory for Computer Science, MIT

Email: smacy AT

Email: cly AT


Course Schedule:

§         Lectures: Wed, 1000-1200, (Teo)

§         Recitation: Tue, 0900-1000 (Singapore Time) – Edelman

§         Video: Tue and Thu, 1030-1200

§         Consultation hours: 1400-1500 - Wed (Teo), Thu (Chen), Fri (Wang)


Assessment (no examination):  

§         Homework: 40%, Project: 50%, class participation: 10%


Course Schedule

Slides / Reading List

Lecture Videos



MIT 6.338J / 18.337J

class photo














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