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Limsoon's academic genealogy

Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

supervisee supervisor remark
Limsoon Wong
PhD 1994
University of Pennsylvania
Peter Buneman
Sir Erik (born February 4 1925), is a mathematician known for work in geometric topology and singularity theory. He was born in Aarhus, Denmark, and received a B.A. and Ph. D. from the University of Cambridge. After working at Cambridge, as well as the University of Chicago, Princeton and the Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, he founded the Mathematics Department and Mathematics Research Centre at the University of Warwick in 1964.
Peter Buneman
PhD 1970
University of Warwick
Erik Christopher Zeeman
Erik Christopher Zeeman
PhD 1955
University of Cambridge
Shaun Wylie
Shaun Wylie is a British mathematician and former World War II codebreaker.
Shaun Wylie
PhD 1937
Princeton University
Solomon Lefschetz
Lefschetz was the main source of the algebraic aspects of topology.
Solomon Lefschetz
PhD 1911
Clark University
William Edward Story
Klein's synthesis of geometry as the study of the properties of a space that are invariant under a given group of transformations, known as the Erlanger Programm, profoundly influenced mathematical development.
William Edward Story
PhD 1875
Universitat Leipzig
Carl Gottfried Neumann &
Christian Felix Klein --1-->
Carl Gottfried Neumann
Dr. phil 1856
Universitat Konigsberg
Friedrich Julius Richelot &
Ludwig Otto Hesse
Hesse's main work was in the development of the theory of algebraic functions and the theory of invariants.
Friedrich Julius Richelot
PhD 1831
Universitat Konigsberg
Karl Gustav Jacob Jacobi
Jacobi made basic contributions to the theory of elliptic functions. He carried out important research in partial differential equations of the first order and applied them to the differential equations of dynamics.
Ludwig Otto Hesse
Dr. phil 1840
Universitat Konigsberg
Karl Gustav Jacob Jacobi
Karl Gustav Jacob Jacobi
PhD 1825
Humbolt-Universitat zu Berlin
Enno Heeren Dirksen
Enno Heeren Dirksen
PhD 1820
Georg-August-Universitat Goettingen
Johann Tobias Meyer d.J. &
Friedrich Anton Justus Thibaut --2-->
Johann Tobias Mayer was mainly known for his mathematics and natural science textbooks. He is not to be confused with his famous father, the astronomer Tobias Mayer.
Johann Tobias Meyer d. J.
PhD 1773
Georg-August-Universitat Goettingen
Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner --3-->
Friedrich Anton Justus Thibaut <--2--
Dr. phil 1796
Christian-Albrechts-Universitat zu Kiel
Thibaut was leader of the philosophical school that maintained the tradition of natural law in a spirit of moderate rationalism. He is remembered chiefly because his call for the codification of German law.
Christian Felix Klein <--1--
PhD 1868
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat Bonn
Julius Plucker &
Rudolf Otto Sigismund Lipschitz --4-->
Perhaps the most remarkable fact about Lipschitz's work was the widely different topics on which he contributed: number theory, Bessel functions, Fourier series, differential equations, analytical mechanics, and potential theory. He worked on quadratic differential forms and mechanics---his mechanical interpretation of Riemann's differential geometry would prove to be a vital step in the road towards Einstein's special theory of relativity. Lipschitz's work on the Hamilton-Jacobi method for integrating the equations of motion of a general dynamical system led to important applications in celestial mechanics. Lipschitz is remembered for the "Lipschitz condition" an inequality that guarantees a unique solution to the differential equation y' = f(x,y). Lipschitz rediscovered Clifford algebras and was the first to apply them to represent rotations of Euclidean spaces.
Julius Plucker
PhD 1823
Philipps-Universitat Marburg
Christian Ludwig Gerling
Christian Ludwig Gerling
Dr. phil 1812
Georg-August-Universitat Goettingen
Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss
Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss
PhD 1799
Universitat Helmstedt
Johann Friedrich Pfaff
Gauss worked in a wide variety of fields in both mathematics and physics incuding number theory, analysis, differential geometry, geodesy, magnetism, astronomy and optics. His work has had an immense influence in many areas.
Johann Friedrich Pfaff
Dr. phil 1786
Georg-August-Universitat Goettingen
Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner
Kaestner was interested in poetry in addition to mathematics. His teacher in that field was Gottsched.
Abraham Gotthelf Kaestner <--3--
PhD 1739
Universitat Leipzig
Christian August Hausen
Hausen was known for work on electricity and has a crater on the moon named after him. The mathematics genealogy project (and countless other web sites as a consequence) confused him with his father, also named Christian August Hausen, who got a doctorate in theology under Christian Siber in 1683. The son was a mathematician from the beginning.
Christian August Hausen
Dr. phil 1713
Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle-Wittenberg
Johann Christoph Wichmannshausen
Wichmannshausen was primarily an orientalist, but his thesis was on a topic in ethics.
Johann Christoph Wichmannshausen
PhD 1685
Universitat Leipzig
Otto Mencke
Otto Mencke founded the first academic journal in Germany, titled Acta Eruditorum, jointly with Leibniz (the journal existed 1682-1782). Otto Mencke should not be confused with his grandson Friedrich Otto Mencke. Wichmannshausen was not only Mencke's student, but also his son in law (this puts a twist on his thesis title, Disputationem moralem de divortiis secundum ius naturae). The dates for Mencke refer to a dissertation pro loco (habilitation) in philosophy in 1666.
Otto Mencke
PhD 1666
Universitat Leipzig
Rudolf Otto Sigismund Lipschitz <--4--
Dr. phil 1853
Universitat Berlin
Gustav Peter Lejeune Dirichlet &
Martin Ohm --5-->
Dirichlet proved Fermat's last theorem for the special cases of n = 5 and 14. He was also considered the founder of the theory of Fourier series and the conditions for the convergence are now called Dirichlet's Conditions.
Gustav Peter Lejeune Dirichlet
Honorary 1827
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitat Bonn
Simeon Denis Poisson &
Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier
The Mathematics Genealogy Project did not list any year for Poisson and Fourier; the years listed for them and their predecessors (Lagrange, Bernoulli's) were years of "graduation." No formal doctoral thesis seemed to be involved. This issue created a stir when Dirichlet returned to Germany after studying in Paris and was looking for a position. The year listed for Dirichlet was that of an honorary degree from the University of Bonn which resolved the dilemma. The Mathematics Genealogy Project listed Lagrange as advisor for Poisson and Fourier; according to biographies, they were also taught by Laplace, and Fourier also by Monge.
Simeon Denis Poisson
Joseph Louis Lagrange
Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier
Joseph Louis Lagrange
The Mathematics Genealogy project listed Euler as Lagrange's advisor. Indeed, Euler did give substantial advice to Lagrange, although all of it was by mail. Lagrange studied Euler's work and corresponded extensively with him during the time when he wrote his early papers. Euler was also important in promoting Lagrange's career. This is why Euler is often viewed as his "advisor," even though Euler was in Berlin and Lagrange was in Torino. The year listed for Lagrange was that of his first mathematical paper.
Joseph Louis Lagrange
Leonhard Euler
Leonhard Euler
PhD 1726
Universitat Basel
Johann Bernoulli
Leonhard Euler was a Swiss mathematician who made enormous contibutions to a wide range of mathematics and physics including analytic geometry, trigonometry, geometry, calculus and number theory.
Johann Bernoulli
Jakob Bernoulli
Jakob Bernoulli had a degree in theology, which he was made to study by his father. He studied mathematics and astronomy on the side, and he continued his mathematical studies while traveling in France, the Netherlands and England 1676-82. Malebranche, Hudde, Hooke and Boyle were his most important teachers during this time.
Jakob Bernoulli
Nicolas Malebranche
Nicolas Malebranche
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Malebranche studied theology at the Sorbonne and then continued his studies at the Congregation of the Oratory (a school for priests), where he became a priest in 1664. Richard Simon was mentioned in biographies as his teacher at the Oratory. Simon was later expelled from the Oratory because he questioned Moses' authorship of the Pentateuch. In 1664, Malebranche became interested in Descartes' work, which led him to mathematics. Malebranche had no formal instruction in mathematics, but he had many meetings with Leibniz, who was in Paris as a diplomat 1672-76 (Leibniz invented the calculus during the later part of this period). Malebranche was primarily remembered as a philosopher, but he also taught mathematics beginning in 1674.
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Dr. jur. 1666
Universitat Altdorf
Erhard Weigel
Leibniz studied philosophy and law in Leipzig. He applied for a doctorate in law in 1666, but was refused because he was considered too young (he was 20). He then went to Altdorf, where he immediately got his doctorate and was offered a professorship as well (he did not accept). His advisors in Leipzig were Schwendendoerffer for law and Thomasius for philosophy. As a student, Leibniz learned mathematics for a semester under Erhard Weigel in Jena. He continued his mathematical studies under Huygens while he was in Paris in 1672.
Erhard Weigel
PhD 1650
Universitat Leipzig
Weigel crater on the Moon is named after him.
Martin Ohm <--5--
Dr. phil 1811
Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg
Karl Christian von Langsdorf
Martin Ohm was the brother of "the" Ohm.
Karl Christian von Langsdorf
Dr. phil 1781
Universitat Erfurt
Von Langsdorf was known for contributions to mechanical and mining engineering. A town in Mecklenburg was named after him in 1816.

You might be able to check out your academic ancestry at Mathematical Genealogy and Theoretical Computer Science Genealogy.

Limsoon's PhD and MSc students
If you would like to pursue a PhD with me as your thesis advisor, please visit, and follow procedure there in.


  1. LIU Huiqing, "Effective use of data mining technologies on biological and clinical data", PhD thesis submitted 2004, awarded 2005, National University of Singapore. (January 2000--October 2004) Email: / First job: Postdoc at Univ of Georgia (Dept of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) with Ying Xu / Second job: Research Assistant Professor at BioMaPS Institute for Quantitative Biology / Last known position: Senior Scientist at Centocor Inc., New Jersey.

  2. Rajesh CHOWDHARY, "Modeling and recognition of histone promoters on genome-wide scale by Bayesian networks", PhD thesis submitted 2006, awarded 2007, National University of Singapore. (January 2003--September 2006) (main supervisor: Vladimir Bajic) Email: / First job: Postdoc at Harvard University (Dept of Statistics) with Jun Liu / Last known position: Research assistant professor at Marshfield Clinic, Wisconsin

  3. Vijayaraghava Seshadri SUNDARARAJAN, "Progressive data mining: An exploration of using whole-dataset feature selection in building classifiers on three biological problems", PhD thesis submitted 2007, awarded 2008, National University of Singapore. (January 2002--June 2007) Email: / First job: Research Fellow at NUS (Dept of Preventive Dentistry) with Steven Hsu / Last known position: Asst Director at GSTF, Singapore

  4. CHUA Hon Nian, "Graph-based methods for protein function prediction", PhD thesis submitted 2007, awarded 2008, National University of Singapore. (August 2003--July 2007) (co-supervisor: Ken Sung) Email: / First job: Research Fellow at Institute for Infocomm Research (Knowledge Discovery Dept) with See-Kiong Ng / Last known position: Data Scientist at DataRobot Inc., Singapore

  5. WONG Swee Seong, "String matching and indexing with suffix data structures", PhD thesis submitted 2007, awarded 2008, National University of Singapore. (August 2003--August 2007) (main supervisor: Ken Sung) Email: / First job: Senior Associate Scientist at Lily Singapore Center for Drug Discovery / Last known position: Senior Research Scientist at Eli Lily, Indianapolis

  6. Stanley NG Kwang Loong, "Computational identification of novel microRNAs using intrinsic RNA folding measures", PhD thesis submitted 2008, awarded 2008, National University of Singapore. (September 2006--January 2008) (main supervisor: Santosh Mishra) / First job: Research Fellow at Singapore Immunology Network / Last known position: Manager (Biomedical Science) at Exploit Technologies, Singapore

  7. FENG Mengling, "Frequent pattern space maintenance: Theories and algorithms", PhD thesis submitted 2009, awarded 2010, Nanyang Technological University. (April 2004--April 2009) (co-supervisors: Yap Peng Tan, Jinyan Li) / First job: Research Fellow at Institute for Infocomm Research (Knowledge Discovery Dept) with See-Kiong Ng / Last known position: Senior Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT, Mass

  8. LOW Hong Sang, "Knowledge representation and ontologies for lipid and lipidomics", MSc thesis submitted 2009, awarded 2009, National University of Singapore. (January 2007--April 2009) (main supervisor: Markus Wenk) / First job: Research assistant at NUS (Computer Science Dept) with Limsoon Wong / Last known position: Asst Head (Grant Mgmt) at National Research Foundation, Singapore

  9. Donny SOH, "Understanding pathways", PhD thesis submitted 2009, awarded 2010, Imperial College London. (December 2004--November 2009) (co-supervisor: Yike Guo) / First job: Research Fellow at Institute for Infocomm Research (Knowledge Discovery Dept) with See-Kiong Ng / Last known start-up: CEO at 9 Degrees Freedom, Singapore Last known position: Assistant professor at SIT, Singapore

  10. DONG Difeng, "Relapse prediction in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia by time-series gene expression profiling", PhD thesis submitted 2011, awarded 2011, National University of Singapore. (December 2005--May 2011) / First job: Quantitative Researcher at WorldQuant, Beijing / Last known position: VP (Quantitative Research) at WorldQuant, Taipei

  11. KOH Chuan Hock, "Embracing noise in bioinformatics", PhD thesis submitted 2012, awarded 2013, National University of Singapore. (September 2008---September 2012) / First job: Developer at DeNA, Tokyo / Second: Data Scientist at Rakuten, Tokyo / Last known position: Developer (Data Science) at Indeed Inc., Tokyo

  12. WANG Yue, "Efficient computational techniques for tag SNP selection, epistasis analysis, and genome-wide association study", PhD thesis submitted 2012, awarded 2013, National University of Singapore. (September 2008---November 2012) / First job: Data Scientist at SingTel Living Analytics / Last known position: Co-founder and COO, Igloohome, Philadelphia

  13. ZHOU Hufeng (William CHEW), "Computational studies of host-pathogen protein-protein interactions---a case study of the H. sapiens-M. tuberculosis H37Rv system", PhD thesis submitted 2013, awarded 2013, National University of Singapore. (September 2009---July 2013) / First job: Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School with Elliott Kieff

  14. Wilson GOH Wen Bin, "Computational proteomics using network-based strategies", PhD thesis submitted 2013, awarded 2013, Imperial College London. (October 2009---June 2013) (co-supervisor: Marek Sergot) / First job: Associate Professor at Tianjin University, Tianjin; and Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School, Boston

  15. JIN Jingjing, "Investigating lipid and secondary metabolisms in plants by next-generation sequencing", PhD thesis submitted 2014, awarded 2014, National University of Singapore. (January 2010---July 2014) (co-supervisor: Nam-Hai Chua) / First job: Research Fellow at Temasek Lifesciences Laboratory

  16. YONG Chern Han, "Discovering dynamic protein complexes from static interactomes: Three challenges", PhD thesis submitted 2014, awarded 2015, National University of Singapore. (January 2009---November 2014)

  17. LIM Junliang Kevin, "Using biological networks and gene-expression profiles for the analysis of diseases", PhD thesis submitted 2014, awarded 2015, National University of Singapore. (August 2010---November 2014)

  18. Michal WOZNIAK, "Analysis of bacterial interactome for fighting drug resistance", PhD thesis submitted 2015, awarded 2015, Warsaw University. (September 2009---March 2015) (main supervisor: Jerzy Tiuryn)

  19. Emile BRES, "eAnalysis: Easier statistical analysis", MComp thesis submitted 2016, awarded 2016, National University of Singapore (August 2014---March 2016)

  20. Iana PYROGOVA, "Protein complex prediction by date hub removal", MSc thesis submitted 2017, awarded 2017, National University of Singapore. (January 2014---June 2017)

  21. Abha BELORKAR, "Gene expression analysis in the presence of heterogeneity", PhD thesis submitted 2018, awarded 2018, National University of Singapore. (January 2014---January 2018)

  22. Stefano Perna, "Data-driven techniques for knowledge discovery in regulomics", PhD thesis submitted 2019, awarded 2019, Politecnico di Milano. (??? 2016---February 2019) (main supervisor: Stefano Ceri)

  23. Chayaporn Suphavilai (Nok), "Predicting cancer drug response using a recommender system", PhD thesis submitted 2019, awarded 2019, National University of Singapore. (January 2015---January 2019) (main supervisor: Niranjan Nagarajan)

  24. LI Chenhao, "Predicting microbial interactions with modelling approaches", PhD thesis submitted 2019, awarded 2019, National University of Singapore. (January 2015---January 2019) (main supervisor: Niranjan Nagarajan)

  25. Stanislas GUINEL, "Pre-natal testing using low-coverage next-generation sequencing data", MComp thesis submitted 2019, awarded 2019, National University of Singapore. (August 2018---June 2019)

  26. XU Weinan, "Evolutionary computation for solving constrained and large-scale optimization problems", PhD thesis submitted 2019, awarded 2020, National University of Singapore. (August 2018---November 2019) (Weinan was actually supervised by Xu Jianxin and Tan Kay Chen. I took over as supervisor for her last year of work, when Jianxin passed away and Kay Chen left NUS.)

  27. XIE Luyu, "Evaluation and improvement of genome assembly", PhD thesis submitted 2019, awarded 2020, National University of Singapore. (August 2014---November 2019)

  28. Kenneth Chinedu NWAFOR, "Spectral simulation for tailored light sources using evolutionary computing strategies", MComp thesis submitted 2021, awarded 2021, National University of Singapore. (August 2020---May 2021) (Co-supervisor: Konstantin Sergeevich Novoselov)

  29. Mohammad Neamul Kabir, "Towards more accurate protein function prediction in the twilight zone", PhD thesis submitted 2022, awarded 2023, National University of Singapore. (August 2018---October 2022)

  30. Rafael Peres Da Silva, "Transfer learning for robust predictions in computational genomics", PhD thesis submitted 2022, awarded 2023, National University of Singapore. (January 2018---October 2022) (main supervisor: Niranjan Nagarajan)

  31. GU Zhenhao, "BucketMap: Sub-linear hierarchical DNA read mapping algorithm", MComp thesis submitted 2023, awarded 2023, National University of Singapore.

  32. CHAN Wei Xin, "Developing clinical prediction models", PhD thesis submitted, 2023, awarded 2023, National University of Singapore. (August 2018---July 2023)

  33. Henry Kasim, "Outlier reporting by inference on turfs (ORBIT)", MSc thesis submitted, 2023, awarded 2023, National University of Singapore. (January 2021---July 2023) (co-supervisor: Gary Lee @ Rolls-Royce)

  34. Hanae Camille Carrie, "Computational methods for the evaluation of somatic variant calling in circulating tumor DNA next-generation sequencing data", National University of Singapore. (January 2020---December 2023) (main-supervisor: Anders Skanderup)

  35. Lakshmi Alagappan, "Making edible oils safe: Authentication and quality assurance of edible oils", National University of Singapore. (August 2019---May 2024)


  36. Jacob Josiah Santiago Alvarez, "Thesis title to be fixed", National University of Singapore. (August 2020---) (main-supervisor: Anders Skanderup)

  37. Kong Weijia, "Thesis title to be fixed", Nanyang Technological University. (January 2021---) (main-supervisor: Wilson Goh)

  38. Chowdhury Rafeed Rahman, "Thesis title to be fixed", National University of Singapore. (August 2021---) (main-supervisor: Anders Skanderup)

    did not complete

  39. WEI Yuming, "Applications of computing to molecular biology", National University of Singapore. (July 1999--October 1999, dropped out) (main supervisor: Prasanna Kolatkar)

  40. HE Xianhui, "Cryptography", National University of Singapore. (January 2003--August 2003, dropped out) (main supervisor: Feng Bao)

  41. LEE Terk Shuen, "Knowledge discovery", National University of Singapore. (April 2004--December 2007, dropped out) (co-supervisors: Sam Ge, Jinyan Li)

  42. CHUA Gek Huey, "Computational Approaches to Lipidomics", National University of Singapore. (January 2007--July 2011, dropped out) (main supervisor: Markus Wenk)

  43. FAN Mengyuan, "Computational Lipid Biology", National University of Singapore. (September 2008--December 2012, dropped out) (co-supervisor: Markus Wenk)

  44. Yusufi Faraaz Noor Khan, "Integrated Analysis of Multiple Omics Data in Mammalian Cell Culture", National University of Singapore. (January 2010--December 2013, passed away due to illness) (main supervisor: Dong Yup Lee)

  45. Ali Bora BUYUKTURK, "Classification and function prediction for non-globular segments of proteins", National University of Singapore. (August 2014---December 2015, dropped out) (Main supervisor: Frank Eisenhaber)

  46. LI Sicong, "Economics and evolution of the Internet", National University of Singapore. (January 2014---December 2015, dropped out) (Main supervisor: Richard Ma)

Limsoon's undergrad students

  1. KOH Chuan Hock, "Recognition of Poly-A Sites from Genomic Arabidopsis Sequences", UROP Final Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2007.

  2. LAN Jiang, "Elimination of Redundant Emails", Honours Year Project Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2007.

  3. LI Xiaohui, "Statistical Properties and Prediction of Transcription Factor Binding Sites", UROP Final Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2007.

  4. NGUYEN The Huy, "Elimination of Redundant Emails", Honours Year Project Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2007.

  5. VO Phan Chuong, "Elimination of Redundant Emails", Honours Year Project Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2007.

  6. WU Xiandan, "Elimination of Redundant Emails", Honours Year Project Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2007.

  7. CHEN Ju, "Methods and Trends in Microarray Feature Selection with WEKA", Honours Year Project Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2008.

  8. CHEN Xiankun, "Mining Algorithms for Bicliques", Honours Year Project Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2008.

  9. KOH Chuan Hock. "A Generic System for Genomic Feature Recognition", Honours Year Project Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2008.

  10. LI Zhihui, "Pubmed Abstract Processing for Protein Function Prediction", Honours Year Project Report, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore, April 2008.

  11. LIM Junliang Kevin, "Linear Representation of Graphs", UROP Final Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2008.

  12. Rashmi SUKUMARAN, "Computational Analysis of Genotypes Produced by FlouMEP", Honours Year Project Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2008.

  13. TOH Xiu Ping, "Fascinating Invariants", Honours Year Project Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2008.

  14. ZHANG Zhongyi, "Modification of Yang's Biclustering Algorithm", UROP Final Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2008.

  15. ZHONG Xiaohu, "Enabling More Sophisticated Analysis of Gene Expression Data", UROP Final Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2008.

  16. CHEN Jieqi Pauline, "SNP Data Integration and Analysis for Drug-Response Biomarker Discovery", Honours Year Project Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2009. PPT

  17. LIM Junliang Kevin, "Inferring Protein Function Module from Protein Interaction Information", Honours Year Project Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2009. PPT

  18. LEE Yu Ling Joanne, "Protein Complex Inference Enhanced by Text Mining", Honours Year Project Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2010. PPT.

  19. NGUYEN Duc Phong, "Analysis of the role of cis elements in the spatial regulation of Arabidopsis salt stress reponse", UROP Final Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2010.

  20. CHAI Haoqiang, "A Software Developed to Identify Gene Pairs with Violated Correlation in Disease Phenotype", UROP Final Report, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore, November 2010.

  21. Edwin Jose Palathinkal, "Recognition of Metal Ion Binding Proteins", Final Year Project Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, November 2010.

  22. Qian Jiangwen, "A Hypothesis Visualization and Query System", Final Year Project Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2011.

  23. Du Linxiang, "Analytics Systems for Anti-Money Laundering", Final Year Project Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2011.

  24. Ruchi Bajoria, "Analytics Systems for Anti-Money Laundering", Final Year Project Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2011.

  25. Zhang Qiong, "Identification of Co-Regulated Gene Modules", Independent Study Module, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore, November 2011.

  26. Chai Haoqiang, "Towards More Consistent and Reproducible Gene Expression Analysis", Final Year Project Report, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore, November 2011.

  27. Bai Yu, "Recognizing Small Protein Complexes from Protein Interaction Network", Final Year Project Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2013.

  28. Yap Ying Hui Priscilla, "Supporting Big Data Analytics in Computational Biology and Public Health", Final Year Project Report, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore, November 2013.

  29. Cao Yiqun, "Evaluating the false positive rates of gene expression profile analysis approaches", UROP Final Report, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore, April 2014.

  30. Toh Wei Zhong, "Redhyte: An interactive platform for rapid exploration of data and hypothesis testing", Final Year Project Report, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore, April 2015.

  31. Ang Yan Sheng Mark, "Rapid hypothesis testing and exploration", Final Year Project Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2015.

  32. Lei Mingyu, "Design and implementation of a location-based data tracking and visualization tool for hardcore traveller on iOS platform", Final Year Project Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2017.

  33. Wang Jinghan, "Design and implementation of a location-based data tracking and visualization tool for hardcore traveller on iOS platform", Final Year Project Report, School of Computing, National University of Singapore, April 2017.