Reliable Protein Interactomes for Infectious Diseases
Michal Wozniak, Chern Han Yong, Hufeng Zhou, Jinyan Li,
Jerzy Tiuryn, Limsoon Wong.
There is a critical need to address the emergence of drug resistant
varieties of pathogens for several infectious diseases. For example,
drug-resistant tuberculosis has continued to spread internationally
and is now approaching critical proportions. Approaches to counter
drug resistance have so far achieved limited success. It has been
proposed that this lack of success is due to a lack of understanding
of how resistance emerges in bacterial upon drug treatment and that a
systems-level analysis of the proteins and interactions involved is
essential to gaining insights into routes required for drug resistance.
The premise of such an analysis is the existence of a comprehensive
protein interactome of the relevant pathogen. For example, let us
assume that a comprehensive protein interactome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
is available. Then one could identify a minimal set of proteins (or
protein interactions) whose inhibition would disconnect all essential
pathways in M. tuberculosis. Alternatively, one could trace the
interaction route of the known targets of a drug to various effluxpump
proteins and drug-modifying enzyme proteins.
This project proposes a system-based approach to analyze and counter drug
resistance in pathogens, with M. tuberculosis (MTB) as a test case.
The following 4 issues are to be dealt with in the course of the project:
- Unreliability of MTB interactome maps.
- Paucity of MTB interactome maps.
- Prediction of novel protein interactions and protein complexes in MTB.
- Identification candidate mutations and pathways to drug resistance
in MTB.
Wrt 1., we have developed a methodology to assess the reliability of
protein interactome maps and have applied it to the first high-throughput
protein-protein interaction dataset produced on MTB. In the process,
we have shown that this experimental dataset is very unreliable and
should be used by researchers with extreme caution. We have further
identified reliable subsets that can be used safely.
Wrt 2., we have developed a methodology to unify pathway and protein
interaction data from multiple heterogeneous distributed data sources,
and have used it to build a database (IntPath) of integrated pathway
information for MTB and several other model organisms. IntPath is one of
the most comprehensive unified pathway resource on MTB H37rv and several
other organisms.
Wrt 3., we have developed methods for predicting host-pathogen protein
interaction and applied them on the human-MTB system. These methods
are significantly more advanced than earlier methods. In addition, we
have also made discovery and methodological development in analyzing
antibody-antigen binding interfaces.
Wrt 4., we have developed methods for comparative analysis and cleansing
of closely related genomes; a method for identifying mutations associated
with drug resistance; and methods for identifying a minimal subset of
proteins that, when inhibited, have a high likelihood to simultaneous
disrupt a maximum number of pathways and complexes.
Selected Publications
Analyzing protein interactome for countering pathogen drug resistance
- Limsoon Wong, Guimei Liu.
Protein Interactome Analysis for Countering Pathogen Drug Resistance.
Journal of Computer Science and Technology,
25(1):124--130, January 2010. (Invited reviewed paper)
- Marzieh Ayati, Golnaz Taheri, Shahriar Arab, Limsoon Wong, Changiz Eslahchi.
Overcoming Drug Resistance by Co-Targeting.
Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics
& Biomedicine (BIBM), pages 198--201, Hong Kong, December 2010.
- Golnaz Taheri, Marzieh Ayati, Limsoon Wong, Changiz Eslahchi.
Two scenarios for overcoming drug resistance by co-targeting .
International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications,
11(1):72--89, February 2015.
- Golnaz Taheri, Mahnaz Habibi, Limsoon Wong, Changiz Eslahchi.
Disruption of protein complexes.
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology,
11(3):1341008, June 2013.
- Daniel Portal, Hufeng Zhou, Bo Zhao, Peter Kharchenko, Elizabeth Lowry,
Limsoon Wong, John Quackenbush, Dustin Halloway, Sizun Jiang,
Yong Lu, Elliott Kieff.
Epstein-Barr Virus Nuclear Antigen Leader Protein localizes to
promoters and enhancers with cell transcription factors and EBNA2.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA,
110(46):18537--18542, November 2013.
- Hufeng Zhou, Limsoon Wong.
Comparative Analysis and Assessment of M. Tuberculosis
H37Rv Protein-Protein Interaction Datasets
BMC Genomics, 12(Suppl. 3):S20, November 2011.
- Hufeng Zhou, Jingjing Jin, Haojun Zhang, Bo Yi,
Michal Wozniak, Limsoon Wong.
IntPath---an integrated pathway gene relationship database for model
organisms and important pathogens.
BMC Systems Biology, 6(Suppl 2):S2, December 2012.
IntPath server,
IntPath data archive
- Hufeng Zhou, Jingjing Jin, Limsoon Wong.
Progress in computational studies of host-pathogen interactions.
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology,
11(2):1230001, April 2013.
- Hufeng Zhou, Javad Rezaie, Willy Hugo, Shangzhi Gao, Jingjing Jin,
Mengyuan Fan, Chern-Han Yong, Michal Wozniak, Limsoon Wong.
Stringent DDI-based prediction of H. sapiens-M. tuberculosis H37Rv
protein-protein interactions.
BMC Systems Biology, 7(Suppl 6):S6, December 2013.
Additional Files.
- Hufeng Zhou, Shangzhi Gao, Nam Ninh Nguyen, Mengyuan Fan, Jingjing Jin,
Bing Liu, Liang Zhao, Geng Xiong, Min Tan, Shijun Li, Limsoon Wong.
Stringent homology-based prediction of H. sapiens-M. tuberculosis
H37Rv protein-protein interactions.
Biology Direct, 9:5, April 2014.
- Kevin Lim, Limsoon Wong.
CMPF: Class-switching Minimized Pathfinding in Metabolic Networks.
BMC Bioinformatics, 13(Suppl 17):S17, December 2012.
- Dimitrios Kleftogiannis, Limsoon Wong, John A. C. Archer, Panos Kalnis.
Hi-Jack: A novel computational framework for pathway-based
inference of host-pathogen interactions.
31(14):2332-2339, July 2015.
Identifying mutations associated with pathogen drug resistance
- Michal Wozniak, Limsoon Wong, Jerzy Tiuryn.
CAMBer: An Approach to Support Comparative Analysis of
Multiple Bacterial Strains.
Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics
& Biomedicine (BIBM), pages 121--126, Hong Kong, December 2010.
CAMBer Software
- Michal Wozniak, Limsoon Wong, Jerzy Tiuryn.
CAMBer: An Appproach to Support Comparative Analysis of
Multiple Bacterial Strains.
BMC Genomics, 12(Suppl. 2):S6, July 2011.
CAMBer Software
- Michal Wozniak, Limsoon Wong, Jerzy Tiuryn.
CAMBerVis: Visualization software to support comparative analysis
of multiple bacterial strains.
Bioinformatics, 27(23):3313--3314, December 2011.
CAMBerVis Software
- Michal Wozniak, Jerzy Tiuryn, Limsoon Wong.
An approach to identifying drug resistance associated mutations
in bacterial strains.
BMC Genomics, 13(Suppl 7):S23, December 2012.
- Michal Wozniak, Limsoon Wong, Jerzy Tiuryn.
eCAMBer: Efficient support for large-scale comparative analysis of
multiple bacterial strains.
BMC Bioinformatics, 15:65, March 2014.
eCAMBer Software
- Michal Wozniak, Jerzy Tiuryn, Limsoon Wong.
GWAMAR: Genome-wide assessment of mutations associated with
drug resistance in bacteria.
BMC Genomics, 15(Suppl 10):S10, December 2014.
GWAMAR Software
Analyzing antibody-antigen binding interfaces
- Peng Chen, Limsoon Wong, Jinyan Li.
Detection of outlier residues for improving interface prediction in
protein hetero-complexes.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics,
9(4):1155--1165, July 2012.
- Peng Chen, Jinyan Li, Limsoon Wong, Hiroyuki Kuwahara,
Jianhua Huang, Xin Gao.
Accurate prediction of hot spot residues through physicochemical
characteristics of amino acid sequences.
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics,
81(8):1351--1362, August 2013.
- Zhenhua Li, Limsoon Wong, Jinyan Li.
DBAC: A simple prediction method for protein binding hot spots
based on burial levels and deeply buried atomic contacts.
BMC Systems Biology, 5(Suppl 1):S5, June 2011.
- Zhenhua Li, Ying He, Limsoon Wong, Jinyan Li.
Progressive dry-core-wet-rim hydration trend in a nested-ring topology
of protein binding interfaces.
BMC Bioinformatics, 13:51, March 2012.
- Zhenhua Li, Ying He, Longbing Cao, Limsoon Wong, Jinyan Li.
Conservation of water molecules in protein binding interfaces.
International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications,
8(3/4):228--244, August 2012.
- Zhenhua Li, Ying He, Qian Liu, Liang Zhao, Limsoon Wong,
Chee Keong Kwoh, Hung Nguyen, Jinyan Li.
Structural analysis on mutation residues and interfacial water
molecules for human TIM disease understanding.
BMC Bioinformatics, 14(Suppl 16):S11, October 2013.
- Zhenhua Li, Ying He, Limsoon Wong, Jinyan Li.
Burial level change defines a high energetic relevance for protein
binding interfaces.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics,
12(2):410--421, March 2015.
- Qian Liu, Steven C. H. Hoi, Chinh T. T. Su, Zhenhua Li,
Chee-Keong Kwoh, Limsoon Wong, Jinyan Li.
Structural analysis of the hot spots in the binding between H1N1 HA
and the 2D1 Antibody: Do mutations of H1N1 from 1918 to 2009
affect much on this binding?
Bioinformatics, 27(18):2529--2536, September 2011.
- Qian Liu, Limsoon Wong, Jinyan Li.
Z-score biological significance of binding hot spots of protein interfaces
by using crystal packing as the reference state.
Biochim Biophys Acta---Proteins and Proteomics,
1824(12):1457--1467, December 2012
- Qian Liu, Steven C. H. Hoi, Chee Keong Kwoh, Limsoon Wong, Jinyan Li.
Integrating water exclusion theory into beta contacts to predict
binding free energy changes and binding hot spots.
BMC Bioinformatics, 15:57, February 2014.
- Liang Zhao, Limsoon Wong, Jinyan Li.
Antibody-specific B-cell epitope prediction in line with the principle
of context-awareness.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics,
8(6):1483-1494, November 2011.
- Liang Zhao, Limsoon Wong, Lanyuan Lu, Steven C. H. Hoi, Jinyan Li.
B-cell epitope prediction through a graph model.
BMC Bioinformatics, 13(Suppl 17):S20, December 2012.
- Liang Zhao, Steven C. H. Hoi, Limsoon Wong, Tobias Hamp, Jinyan Li.
Structural and functional analysis of multi-interface domains.
PLoS ONE, 7(12):e50821, December 2012.
- Liang Zhao, Steven C. H. Hoi, Zhenhua Li, Limsoon Wong,
Hung Nguyen, Jinyan Li.
Coupling graphs, efficient algorithms and B-cell epitope prediction.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics,
11(1):7--16, January - February 2014.
Selected Presentations
- Limsoon Wong.
Two Computational Biology Challenges: A Call to Arm on
Countering Pathogen Drug Resistance and Computational Lipid Biology.
Invited talk at ACM-HK Bioinformatics Symposium,
HKUST, Hong Kong, 27 March 2010.
- Limsoon Wong.
Two Computational Biology Challenges: A Call to Arm on
Countering Pathogen Drug Resistance and Computational Lipid Biology.
Invited talk at Soochow University,
Suzhou, China, 24 February 2011.
This project is supported in part by
two NGS scholarships (Yong: 1/09 -, Zhou: 9/09 -),
a Singapore Ministry of Education Tier-2 grant
MOE2009-T2-2-004 (Wozniak, Li, Wong: 4/10 - 3/13), and
a Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education grant
N N301 065236 (Wozniak, Tiuryn).
Last updated: 15/1/2018, Limsoon Wong.