Haifeng YU
Associate Professor (with tenure)
Computer Science Department
School of Computing
National University of Singapore

Mailing address:
15 Computing Drive
School of Computing
National University of Singapore
Republic of Singapore 117418

Current Research Interests

Distributed Systems Security (e.g., blockchains and sybil attacks), Distributed Algorithms, Distributed Computing, Algorithms in Networking.

Information for students interested in joining our research group

  • Some example research projects in our group.
  • Some high-level guideline on how to do good research.
  • If you are considering being my student, please read Advisor's README first and then email me to set up a time to chat.
  • Research Opportunities (email me your CV and transcripts to apply)
  • Opening for research interns for students from outside of NUS and undergraduate student researchers (USR) for NUS students : I am recruiting research interns/USRs for 2025. The interns/USRs are expected to work on issues related to distributed systems security and algorithms in networking. To qualify, the applicant needs to be a top undergraduate student in a top university, with a strong academic track record. I particularly welcome internship applicants with achievements in Mathematics/Physics/Information Olympiad at the national or international level. Please email me to apply.

  • Opening for Ph.D. students seeking advisors: I am actively recruiting Ph.D. students to collaborate on world-class research on distributed algorithms and network algorithms. Besides CS major students, I am also very interested in working with students with a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics. Students with Bachelor's degrees in other related areas (such as Physics) and with strong mathematical background are also very welcome.

    Journal Editorial Board Membership

    Program Committee Chair
    Program Committee Member