Notes: What we show here are successful usage of Viz. Sometimes, we do not manage to get any insights after analyzing our SLS using Viz. Remember that the information visualization tool in Viz is designed to maximize human (SLS algorithm designer) visual perception ability in finding interesting patterns in SLS behavior on COP fitness landscape. However, we do not guarantee that the user will always manage to gain insights about his SLS behavior. However, as what we have shown in this page, gaining such insights using Viz is possible. One can get such insights with higher probability when using Viz than when analyzing SLS behavior using text-based output only. If you still fail to spot interesting behavior, try again, do not give up. On the other hand, you may get insights to debug, tune, and improve your SLS algorithm after analyzing it using Viz. If that happens, congratulations =). You may want to write a scientific paper and publish it in good conferences or journals. However, please do not forget to cite Viz! (the appropriate article can be found in our publication page). Also, please let us know about your findings too, we will be very happy to know your success stories. PS: Other than white-box analysis, you can also use the black-box tool in Viz to help you find the best working configuration for your SLS.
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