Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore

CP3109 – Introduction to Cloud Computing

Hanoi Summer School – 20 June 2012




L00: Overview

Cloud videos (Slide 13 – watch at your own pace)


L01: Principles of Cloud Computing



L02: Cloud Architecture and Systems



L03: Programming the Cloud

·       How to run examples?

·       PI Programs: Serial, OpenMP, MPI

·       Word Count Program: MapReduce

·       Exercise: Convert color image to gray scale, image file


L04: Cloud Computing Demo

Amazon EC2 and S3

·       Shows how to start instances

·       Shows how to upload files to S3

·       Connects to instances using SSH

·       Download files from S3 to instances

·       Run PI program on cloud – serial, OpenMP, MPI, run with bigger problem size

SkyBoxz Federated Cloud

·       Acquire cloud resource

·       Connect to Dropbox to fetch files

·       Run MapReduce/Hadoop word count program

(updated: 18 June 2012)




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