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Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore

CS3210 Parallel Computing - AY 2013/14 – Semester 1





































This module provides an introduction to parallel computing with hands-on parallel programming experience on real parallel machines. The module is divided into four parts: parallel computation models and parallelism, parallel architectures, parallel algorithm design and programming, and new parallel computing models. Topics include: theory of parallelism and models; shared-memory architectures; distributed-memory architectures; data parallel architectures; interconnection networks, topologies and basic of communication operations; principles of parallel algorithm design; performance and scalability of parallel programs; new parallel computing models such as grid, cloud (the focus this year), GPGPU.


Instructor:  Assoc Professor Teo Yong Meng, Com2, #04-39 (email, URL)

Teaching Assistant:  Le Duy Khanh, Com2, #B1-01 (email)

Lab Technician: Mr Chan Chee Seng, Com1, #01-01 (x 68091)


Lecture:  Tuesday, 2-4pm, Com1 #02-12 (SR3)

Consultation Hours:  Wed, 2-3pm

Tutorial: 2 hrs (2nd hour is optional) on alternate week

Lab session: 2 hrs (2nd hour is optional) on alternate week

Examination: 28 November 2012 morning (to be confirmed)

Modular Credits:  4


Module Assessment:

·       Continuous assessment – 60%

-        Labs (10%), Mid-term Test (15%), Two Assignments (35%)

·       Final Examination - 40%


Main Textbook:

Parallel Programming for Multicore and Cluster Systems, Thomas Rauber and Gudula Rünger, 1st Edition, Springer-Verlag, 2010 (available in NUS Digital Library -, a more direct link).


updated: 20 August 2013


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