PhD Student and Researchers wins Distinguished Paper Award at CAV 2024

PhD student Yang Jiong, Post-doctoral fellow Mate Soos and Associate Professor Kuldeep S. Meel along with researchers from other universities (Tan Yong Kiam and Magnus O. Myreen), received the Distinguished Paper Award at the 36th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV) 2024. Their paper, “Formally Certified Approximate Model Counting”, introduces a certification framework for approximate model counting with verified guarantees, marking a significant advancement in formal methods. 

Approximate model counting, a crucial task in various areas of computer science and artificial intelligence, involves estimating the number of solutions to Boolean formulas. While existing tools like ApproxMC provide efficient approximations, the validity of their results relies heavily on complex algorithms and optimised implementations. This new approach ensures the correctness of approximate model counting with minimal overhead.

This is Yang Jiong’s second win at CAV, having won in 2023 for his work on “Rounding Meets Approximate Model Counting”.