651 66465

OOI Beng Chin

Lee Kong Chian Centennial Professor
Director, Singapore Blockchain Innovation Programme (SBIP)

  • Ph.D. (Monash University, Australia, 1989)
  • B.Sc. (1st Class Honours, Monash University, Australia, 1985)

Beng Chin is the Lee Kong Chian Centennial Professor and NGS faculty member at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He is also an adjunct Chang Jiang Professor at Zhejiang University, China, a visiting Distinguished Professor at Tsinghua University, and the Director of NUS AI Innovation and Commercialization Centre at Suzhou, China. Beng Chin's research interests include database systems, distributed and blockchain systems and large scale analytics, in the aspects of system architectures, performance issues, security, accuracy and correctness. He works closely with the industry (eg. NUHS, JurongHealth, SGH and Tan Tock Seng Hospital on healthcare analytics and prediabetes prevention), and exploits IT for efficiency in various application domains, including healthcare, finance and smart cities. He is the initiator of Apache SINGA, an Apache top level project (TLP) -- the first Apache Software Foundation (ASF) distributed platform for deep learning. He and his team released the first blockchain benchmarking system, called Blockbench, and enhanced Hyperledger Fabric called FabricSharp. He has released numerous other open sources ( He is a co-founder of MZH Technologies (2018) on healthcare data management and analytics. He serves as an independent director of ComfortDelgro. Beng Chin serves as a member of Hangzhou Government AI Development Committee (AI TOP 30) and Suzhou AI Committee. He was an advisor to Huobi on its Huobi Chain and Cynopsis Solutions. Beng Chin has served as a PC Chair or Co-Chair of ACM SIGMOD 2007, VLDB 2008, IEEE ICDE 2012 and 2018, VLDB Industry Track 2019, and ACM SoCC 2020. He has served as a trustee of VLDB endowment 2006-2017, as its secretary 2010-2013, and president 2014-2017, and as an Advisory Board Member of ACM SIGMOD, 2012-2021. He has served as an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC), IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) and VLDB Journal, and Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of TKDE and founding EiC of Elsevier Journal of Big Data Research (JDBR). He is serving as an editor for Communications of ACM (CACM), and the founding editor-in-chief of ACM/IMS Transactions on Data Science (2018 -). Beng Chin has participated in the last three once-every-five-years database self-assessment meetings: Claremont, Berkeley 2008, Beckman, Irvine 2013, Seattle 2018.


  • Database Systems

  • Distributed and Block Chain Systems

  • Machine Learning

  • Large Scale Analytics





  • S. Cai, K. Zheng, G. Chen, H.V. Jagadish, B.C. Ooi, M. Zhang: ARM-Net: Adaptive Relation Modeling Network for Structured Data. ACM SIGMOD 2021.
  • K. Zheng, G. Chen, M Herschel, K.Y. Ngiam, B. C. Ooi, J. Gao: PACE: Learning Effective Task Decomposition for Human-in-the-loop Healthcare Delivery. ACM SIGMOD 2021
  • C. Cui, W. Wang, M. Zhang, G. Chen, Z. Luo, B. C. Ooi: AlphaEvolve: A Learning Framework to Discover Novel Alphas in Quantitative Investment. ACM SIGMOD 2021.
  • P. Ruan, A. Dinh, D. Loghin, M. Zhang, G. Chen, Q. Lin, B.C. Ooi:Blockchains vs. Distributed Databases: Dichotomy and Fusion.ACM SIGMOD 2021.
  • K. Zheng, S. Cai, H. R. Chua, W. Wang, K. Y. Ngiam, B.C. Ooi:TRACER: A Framework for Facilitating Accurate and Interpretable Analytics for High Stakes Applications.ACM SIGMOD 2020.
  • Z. Xie, H. Ying, C. Yue, M. Zhang, G. Chen, B. C. Ooi:Cool: a COhort OnLine analytical processing system.IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, 2020.
  • D. Loghin, S. Cai, G. Chen, T. T. A. Dinh, F. Fan, Q. Lin, J. Ng, B. C. Ooi, X. Sun, Q.-T. Ta, W. Wang, X. Xiao, Y. Yang, M. Zhang, Z. Zhang:The Disruptions of 5G on Data-driven Technologies and Applications.IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2020.
  • P. Ruan, G. Chen, A. Dinh, Q. Lin, B.C. Ooi, M. Zhang:FineGrained, Secure and Efficient Data Provenance on Blockchain Systems.VLDB 2019. best paper
  • W. Wang, J. Gao, S. Wang, M. Zhang, G. Chen, T.K. Ng, B.C. Ooi, J. Shao:Rafiki: Machine Learning as an Analytics Service System. VLDB 2019.
  • J. Dai, M. Zhang, G. Chen, J. Fan, K.Y. Ngiam, B.C. Ooi:Fine-grained Concept Linking using Neural Networks in Healthcare.ACM SIGMOD 2018.
  • A. Dinh, R. Liu, M. Zhang, G. Chen, B.C. Ooi, J. Wang:Untangling Blockchain: A Data Processing View of Blockchain Systems.IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, July 2018.
  • A. Dinh, J. Wang, G. Chen, R. Liu, B. C. Ooi, K.-L. Tan:BLOCKBENCH: A Framework for Analysing Private Blockchains.ACM SIGMOD 2017.
  • W. Wang, M. Zhang, G. Chen, H. V. Jagadish, B. C. Ooi and K.-L. Tan:Database Meets Deep Learning: Challenges and Opportunities.. ACM SIGMOD Record, 2016.
  • B. C. Ooi, K.-L. Tan, S. Wang, W. Wang, G. Chen, J. Gao, Z. Luo, A.K.H. Tung, Y. Wang, Z. Xie, M. Zhang, K. Zheng:SINGA: A Distributed Deep Learning Platform.ACM Multimedia Open Source Software Competition 2015
  • D. Jiang, G. Chen, B.C. Ooi, K.L. Tan, S. Wu:epiC: an Extensible and Scalable System for Processing Big Data. 2014. Int'l Conference on Very Large Data Bases VLDB, 2014. best paper


  • Fellow, Singapore National Academy of Science (SNAS)

  • Fellow, IEEE

  • Fellow, ACM

  • Singapore President's Science Award, 2011

  • IEEE Computer Society Kanai award, 2012

  • NUS Outstanding Researcher Award, 2013

  • IEEE TCDE CSEE Impact Award, 2014

  • China Computer Federation (CCF) Overseas Outstanding Contributions Award, 2016

  • ACM SIGMOD EF Codd Innovation Award, 2020


Advanced Topics in Database Systems


In the News

6 December 2023
Ooi Beng Chin, Lee Kong Chian Centennial Professor at NUS and faculty member at School of Computing, has been elected ...
5 February 2021
5 February 2021 – Twenty-two research papers by NUS Computing faculty and students are featured in the 35th AAAI Conference ...