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Lecturer (Educator Track)
Founder, STeAdS Research Group

  • Ph.D.(National University of Singapore, 2012)
  • M.Sc. (National University of Singapore, 2008)
  • Bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering (Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India, 2004)

Dr Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He received his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering (University first rank) from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India in 2004 and Master's and PhD degrees from the National University of Singapore in 2008 and 2012 respectively. He brings with him a decade of industry experience in various companies including Salesforce, Sasken Communication Technologies, NXP Semiconductor and Progress software. He has held various roles in the software industry including QA Architect, Technical Support Manager, Engineering Development, Lead DevOps Engineer and Technology Evangelist. He has experience working in academic positions at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore (as Associate Professor) and IIIT- Hyderabad (as Visiting Faculty). He founded STeAdS - Software Engineering and Technological Advancements for Society to promote collaborations across the globe for research and development projects for Cultural Heritage, Healthcare and Education. He is a staunch supporter of agile software engineering and favours the agile development of software solutions. With his professional background working on large-scale business software products and managing various agile positions like Scrum Master and Product Owner, he is now sharing his software engineering expertise with NUS students. In 2021, he founded STeAdS, a virtual research group aimed at using Software Engineering and technological advancements for the benefit of society. Students and collaborators from across the world are working with him on various projects in three focus areas, namely Cultural Heritage, Healthcare and Education. He has technical knowledge and experience in various areas including Cloud/Edge Computing Paradigms, Agile Software Engineering practises, Economic models (Game Theoretic principles), Internet of Things (IoT) based systems, Machine Learning and technology for Theatre Arts and Cultural Heritage. Traditional theatre arts such as Kathakali from India and Wayang Kulit from Indonesia which originated centuries ago, are in the current scope of research by STeAds, applying technologies such as artificial intelligence, image processing and cloud computing. Dr Iyer is an IEEE Senior Member. He published two book chapters in the “Encyclopedia for Cloud Computing” in 2016, in addition to several book chapters, journals and conference publications. Dr. Iyer has presented many hands-on workshops and speeches on a variety of cutting-edge technology topics at numerous academic and business conferences held in the USA, Europe, Australia, and Asia, Many of these focused on his contributions to software quality analysis in the industry using modern software engineering techniques like Agile for application development incorporating cloud platforms, mobile platforms, and IoT-based systems. He is also a maestro at the Indian traditional dance known as Kathakali. By organising Kathakali performances, workshops, demonstrations, and performances on his own, he devotes a significant amount of his time to fostering this traditional art. He has also composed a Kathakalistory “Sri Mookambika Mahathmyam” which has been staged in multiple venues in India.


Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Multi-Agent Systems & Algorithmic Game Theory
Programming Languages & Software Engineering
  • Software Testing
  • Programming & Software Engineering Education


  • Machine learning and other technologies for Theatre Arts and Cultural Heritage

  • EdgeAI - Machine Learning and AI at the edge of the networks for healthcare

  • Software Engineering Education


Using Machine Learning to reconstruct historical objects in culturally-situated ways

The aim is to use ML to explore how historical artefacts might have been used in their original cultural contexts. Our goal is to generate movable 3D objects from static 2D images. These can be used in many digital environments such as videos and AR/VR settings to enable scholars/general public to explore the usage of such objects and deepen their understanding of their context and function.


STeAdS Virtual Group

Software Engineering and Technological Advancements for Society. A virtual group that uses Software engineering practices and Technological advancements (Cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence (EdgeAI, ML)) for the benefit of various aspects of society (healthcare, education, art & culture). Looking for students to collaborate on different projects. Look at for details.



  • Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer, B Veeravalli, SG Krishnamoorthy, On handling large-scale polynomial multiplications in compute cloud environments using divisible load paradigm, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 48 (1), 820-831
  • Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer, B Veeravalli, On the resource allocation and pricing strategies in compute clouds using bargaining approaches, 2011 17th IEEE International Conference on Networks, 147-152
  • SS Arun, Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer, On the Analysis of COVID19-Novel Corona Viral Disease Pandemic Spread Data Using Machine Learning Techniques, 2020 4th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS), 1222-1227
  • Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer, J Pasimuthu, R Loganathan, Pctf: An integrated, extensible cloud test framework for testing cloud platforms and applications, 2013 13th International Conference on Quality Software, 135-138
  • Lakshmi Tulasi Bhavanam, Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer, On the Classification of Kathakali Hand Gestures Using Support Vector Machines and Convolutional Neural Networks, 2020 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing (AISP), 1-6
  • Harikrishna Pydi, Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer, Analytical Review and Study on Load Balancing in Edge Computing Platform, 2020 Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC), 180-187
  • Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer, Vishal Raman, KS Aswin, Bharadwaj Veeravalli, On the strategies for Risk Aware Cloud and Fog Broker Arbitrage Mechanisms, 2020 Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC), 794-799
  • KKR Sanjay Kumar, Goutham Subramani, KS Rishinathh, Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer, On Multi-class Currency Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Cloud Computing Systems for the Blind, Advances in Distributed Computing and Machine Learning, 347-357
  • Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer, Bommidi Sohan, R Dharmesh, Vishal Raman, Automated Third Umpire Decision Making in Cricket Using Machine Learning Techniques, 2020 4th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS), 1216-1221
  • Ganesh Neelakanta Iyer, Peng-Yong Kong, B-Coop: A Novel Cooperation Enforcement Scheme for Wireless Networks, 2019 26th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT)


  • Selected as AWS Educate Cloud Faculty Ambassador by Amazon Web Services in 2019 and 2020 in recogni- tion of his development, implementation and thought leadership in cloud computing programs, curricula and course

  • Outstanding Contributor Award for Integration QA lead activities, Progress software, 2014

  • Spot Recognition for robustness activities in Rollbase QA, Progress Software, 2016

  • University Topper (First Rank) for the B-Tech degree examination in 2004

  • National University of Singapore, Postgraduate Research Scholarship, 2009-2012

  • Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA)

  • Brainspace certified analyst April 2020

  • Fortinet’s Network Security Expert certification NSE 1 and NSE 2


Software Engineering
Software Engineering
Software Engineering Project
Software Testing


In the News

9 February 2024
A total of 20 NUS Computing faculty members were honoured with Teaching Excellence awards on 26 January 2024. The NUS ...