651 62214

LEE Gim Hee

Associate Professor

  • (Computer Science, ETH Zurich)
  • M.Eng. (Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore)
  • B.Eng. (Mechanical Engineering, 1st Class Honors, National University of Singapore)

I am currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science at the National University of Singapore (NUS), where I head the Computer Vision and Robotic Perception (CVRP) Laboratory. I am also affiliated with the NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering (NGS), and the NUS Institute of Data Science (IDS). Prior to NUS, I was a researcher at Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL), USA. I did my PhD in Computer Science at ETH Zurich under the supervision of Prof. Marc Pollefeys, and I received my B.Eng with first class honors and M.Eng degrees from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at NUS. Before my PhD, I worked at DSO National Laboratories in Singapore as a Member of the Technical Staff. I am currently an associate editor of IJCV. I have served or will serve as an Area Chair for BMVC, 3DV, CVPR, ICCV, WACV, ECCV, ICLR, IJCAI, and NeurIPS, and was or will be part of the organizing committee as one of the Program Chairs for 3DV 2022 and the Demo Chair for CVPR 2023.


  • Computer Vision

  • Robotic Perception

  • Machine Learning


Acquiring High Quality Datasets for Dynamic Scene Reconstruction and Event Cameras in Motions

The project addresses limitations in reconstructing dynamic 3D scenes and static scenes from event cameras. It aims to acquire datasets for indoor scenes with moving objects and high-speed rendering, advancing neural scene representation in these scenarios through public release.




  • Xun Xu, Gim Hee Lee,Weakly Supervised Semantic Point Cloud Segmentation: Towards 10x Fewer Labels, CVPR 2020.
  • Zi Jian Yew, Gim Hee Lee, "RPM-Net: Robust Point Matching using Learned Features", CVPR2020.
  • Na Zhao, Tat-Seng Chua, Gim Hee Lee,SESS: Self-Ensembling Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection, CVPR 2020.
  • Jiaxin Li, Gim Hee Lee, "USIP: Unsupervised stable interest point detection from 3d point clouds”, ICCV 2019.
  • Yew Siang Tang, Gim Hee Lee, "Transferable semi-supervised 3d object detection from RGB-D Data”, ICCV 2019.
  • Chen Li, Gim Hee Lee, "Generating Multiple Hypotheses for 3D Human Pose Estimation with Mixture Density Network", CVPR 2019.
  • Ziquan Lan, Zi Jian Yew, Gim Hee Lee, "Robust Point Cloud Based Reconstruction of Large-Scale Outdoor Scenes", CVPR 2019.
  • Zi Jian Yew, Gim Hee Lee, "3DFeat-Net: Weakly Supervised Local 3D Features for Point Cloud Registration", ECCV 2018.
  • Sixing Hu, Mengdan Feng, Rang M. H. Nguyen, Gim Hee Lee, "CVM-Net: Cross-View Matching Network for Image-Based Ground-to-Aerial Geo-Localization", CVPR 2018.
  • Gim Hee Lee, "Line Association and Vanishing Point Estimation with Binary Quadratic Programming", 3DV 2017
  • Gim Hee Lee, "A Minimal Solution for Non-Perspective Pose Estimation from Line Correspondences", ECCV 2016


  • Faculty Teaching Excellence Award AY 2018/19

  • Faculty Teaching Excellence Award AY 2017/18

  • CVPR 2014 Doctoral Consortium Travel Award

  • Finalist for the IROS 2012 Best Paper Award

  • Finalist for the IROS 2012 Best Video Award


3D Computer Vision
Uncertainty Modelling in AI
3D Computer Vision



19 December 2019
No matter how many times you’ve flown, sitting at the window seat and watching the world shrink away from view ...