WANG Jingxian
NUS Presidential Young Professor- PhD, Carnegie Mellon University
I am a Presidential Young Professor at the CS Department of National University of Singapore. My research builds next-generation wireless systems and satellite networks. Before joining NUS, I was research scientist at Microsoft Research in Redmond where I led the ambitious Smart Surface for 6G and Space initiative. I received my Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University. Our primary focus is on integrating AI with wirelessly networked devices, ranging from WiFi to satellites. We emphasize developing AI-augmented, large-scale wireless and mobile systems. Our work covers everything from developing sustainable sensing methods for data capture and bolstering robust wireless communication networks, all the way to innovating multimodal AI techniques for rich data insights. An interdisciplinary ethos is intrinsic to our work, bridging domains like robotics, materials science, AI, and wireless systems. Our work has received research accolades three times at ACM SIGMOBILE and Communications of the ACM, best paper and demo at UbiComp, best paper at IPSN, and has also been selected for Microsoft's Accelerating Foundation Models program. I am a recipient of ACM SIGMOBILE Doctoral Dissertation Award, Microsoft Research Fellowship in North America, and inaugural Emerging Rockstar in IEEE Pervasive Computing.
Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
Systems & Networking
- Internet of Things
- Mobile Computing & Sensing
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Ubiquitous Computing
Multimodal AI (supported by Microsoft's Accelerate Foundation Models Research)
Systems for Satellites and Next-Gen Wireless
Robotics and Materials

Multimodal AI for IoT
This project is partially funded by Microsoft's Accelerate Foundation Models Research Program.

ACM SIGMOBILE Dissertation Award
Communications of the ACM Research Highlights 2022
ACM SIGMOBILE Research Highlights 2021
Communications of the ACM Research Highlights 2021
Best Paper Award, ACM/IEEE IPSN 2021
Best Wearables Long Paper Award, ACM UbiComp 2020
Microsoft Research Fellowship 2020
Best Demo Honorable Mention, ACM UbiComp 2018