Artificial Intelligence Research Groups


Deep Learning Lab


Our lab aims to contribute to the development of deep learning methods and the understanding of intelligence.

  • Machine Learning

Group of Learning and Optimization Working in AI (GLOW.AI)

LOW Kian Hsiang

At GLOW.AI, we are interested in learning & optimization on data-centric AI, collaborative AI, automated AI, and AI for science problems, their applications to LLMs & MLLMs, among others. Our group is multi-disciplinary: CS, math, stats, physics, engineering, data science. We believe in theory & practice.

  • Computer Vision, Decision Making & Planning, Machine Learning, Multi-Agent Systems & Algorithmic Game Theory, Natural Language Processing, Robotics, Trustworthy AI

Information Theory and Statistical Learning Group


Our group performs research at the intersection of information theory, machine learning, and high-dimensional statistics, with ongoing areas of interest including information-theoretic limits of learning, adaptive decision-making under uncertainty, scalable algorithms for large-scale inference and learning, and robustness considerations in machine learning.

  • Learning Theory, Machine Learning

AIoT Group

WANG Jingxian

Adaptive Computing Laboratory

David HSU

Our long-term goal is to understand the fundamental computational questions that enable fluid human-robot interaction, collaboration, and ultimately co-existence. Our current research focuses on robust robot decision-making under uncertainty by integrating planning and machine learning.

  • Decision Making & Planning, Machine Learning, Robotics

Computer Vision and Machine Learning Group

Angela YAO

STeAdS Virtual Group


Software Engineering and Technological Advancements for Society. A virtual group that uses Software engineering practices and Technological advancements (Cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence (EdgeAI, ML)) for the benefit of various aspects of society (healthcare, education, art & culture). Looking for students to collaborate on different projects. Look at for details.

  • Decision Making & Planning, Machine Learning, Multi-Agent Systems & Algorithmic Game Theory

Data Privacy and Trustworthy Machine Learning Lab