
As our everyday lives become increasingly digital, it is crucial to ensure that our data

and privacy is secure.​

From blockchain security and cryptography to infrastructure security, we design, develop, and deploy solutions for improving security and privacy across both software and hardware computer systems.

What We Do

Construct and analyse protocols to prevent third parties (or adversaries) from maliciously accessing data.
Develop solutions to combat security breaches caused by hardware failure.
Study techniques to detect and prevent unauthorised access to computer and Internet network systems.
Explore issues and developments in biometrics, multimedia, and machine learning security.
Analyse threats across all areas of security, developing solutions to preserve privacy and develop secure computing systems.

Sub Areas

Our Research Projects

Analytical Framework to Quantify Information Leakage and Memorization in Machine Learning


Machine learning models can "memorize" specific data points from their training data, impacting their predictions and potentially leaking sensitive information. This project aims to understand how this memorization affects models and develop methods to mitigate it.

Fuzz Testing


  • TRL 4
  • Software Security & Analysis

BCube and Flint: Overcoming the 50% Barrier in Blockchains

YU Haifeng

Computational Hardness Assumptions and the Foundations of Cryptography

Prashant Nalini VASUDEVAN

This program seeks to broaden and diversify the foundations of cryptography by identifying new plausible computational hardness assumptions that can be used to construct cryptosystems. Our current approach is to study and construct "fine-grained" cryptographic primitives based on the conjectured hardness of various well-studied algorithmic problems.

  • Cryptography

SQLancer: Automatic Testing of Database Management Systems


SQLancer automatically finds logic bugs in Database Management Systems (DBMSs). We have used SQLancer to find and report over 500 unique, previously unknown bugs in widely-used DBMSs. In addition, SQLancer has been widely adopted in the industry.

  • TRL 9
  • Software Testing

From iteration on multiple collections in synchrony to fast general interval joins

WONG Lim Soon

Synchrony iterator captures a programming pattern for synchronized iterations. It is a conservative extension that enhances the repertoire of algorithms expressible in comprehension syntax. In particular, efficient general synchronized iterations, e.g. linear-time algorithms for low-selectivity database non-equijoins, become expressible naturally in comprehensinon syntax.

  • TRL 4

National Cybersecurity R&D Laboratory

CHANG Ee Chien

  • Infrastructure Security & Experimentation

Automated Program Repair


  • TRL 4
  • Software Security & Analysis

Active Defense Mechanism against Adversarial Attacks

CHANG Ee Chien

  • Machine Learning & AI Security

Intelligent Modelling for Decision-Making in Critical Urban Systems - DesCartes


Our Research Groups

Verified Systems Engineering


We do research in the design and implementation of programming languages (PL), mathematical models of computation, and computer-assisted formal reasoning. We investigate the theoretical foundations of programming and build tools for ensuring that certain kinds of costly software errors and vulnerabilities never occur in the real-world code, which many people rely upon in their everyday lives.

  • Blockchain Security, Fintech Security, Trustworthy Computing