Business Analytics Cohort 2024/2025


The Bachelor of Science (Business Analytics) degree programme is an inter-disciplinary undergraduate degree programme offered by the School of Computing with participation from the Business School, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science, and Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. This is a four-year direct honours programme which offers a common two-year broad-based inter-disciplinary curriculum where all students will read courses in Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Accounting, Marketing, Decision Science, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Computer Science and Information Systems. Students in their third and fourth years of study may choose electives from two lists of either functional or methodological elective courses. Functional elective courses span business functions or sectors of marketing, retailing, logistics, healthcare, etc. Methodological elective courses include those related to big data techniques, statistics, text mining, data mining, social network analysis, econometrics, forecasting, operations research, etc. In sum, these elective courses span the most exciting and challenging areas of business analytics practice in the industry today.

Students with Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.00 or higher may opt to replace Industrial Experience Requirement by BT4101 B.Sc. Dissertation. Students who aim for Honours (Highest Distinction) must pass the BT4101. Students with GPA of 4.00 or higher after completing at least 70% (i.e. 112 units) of the total unit requirement for the degree programme may opt to replace the Industrial Experience Requirement by BT4101 (12 units).

Note that the BT4101 project selection process takes place one semester ahead of the semester in which the students commence BT4101. Thus the students can tentatively select BT4101 projects; but the condition “GPA of 4.00 or higher after completing at least 70% (112 units) of the total unit requirement for the degree programme” must be satisfied before they can commence BT4101 in lieu of IS4010.

NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC) - Business Analytics

Students who attended NOC Programme may:

  • count ETP3202L Innovation & Enterprise Case Study and Analysis (8 units) partially in lieu of BT4101 BSc Dissertation (8 out of 12 units).
  • Count ETP3203L Innovation & Enterprise Internship Practicum (8 units) partially in lieu of CP4101 BComp Dissertation (4 out of 12 units).  The remaining 4 units can be used to meet the total unit requirement of Programme Electives at level-3000.  ETP3203L is not mapped to any specific course in IS/BZA programme.
  • count ETP3206L Innovation & Enterprise Internship (12 out of 16 units) towards Industrial Experience Requirement (i.e. IS4010 Industry Internship Programme).  The remaining 4 units will be deemed as unrestricted electives.

Summary of degree requirements for BSc (Business Analytics)



Sub totals

University Level Requirements: 6 University Pillars24 
Digital Literacy — CS1010A Programming Methodology14 
Critique and Expression — GEX%4 
Cultures and Connections — GEC%4 
Data Literacy —  BT1101 Introduction to Business Analytics4 
Singapore Studies — GES%4 
Communities and Engagement —  GEN%4 
Computing Ethics4 
IS1108 Digital Ethics and Data Privacy4 

Interdisciplinary & Cross-Disciplinary Education 

Comprises of Interdisciplinary (ID) Courses and Cross-disciplinary (CD) Courses

Students are required to take 12 units from the above courses with at least two ID courses and no more than one CD course to satisfy the 12 units required in this group.

Core Courses60 

MA1521 Calculus for Computing  2


MA1522 Linear Algebra for Computing or
MA2001 Linear Algebra I 2

BT2101 Econometrics Modeling for Business Analytics4 
BT2102 Data Management and Visualisation4 
CS2030 Programming Methodology I4 
CS2040 Data Structures and Algorithms4 
IS2101 Business and Technical Communication 34 
ST2334 Probability and Statistics 44 
BT3103 Application Systems Development for Business Analytics4 
IS3103 Information Systems Leadership and Communication4 
BT4103 Business Analytics Capstone Project8 
BT4101 B.Sc. Dissertation or Industry Experience Requirement 512 
Programme Electives (PE)
Complete 5 Business Analytics programme elective courses with at least 3 courses at Level-4000, and at least 3 must be BT-coded courses.

Business Applications
IE3120 Manufacturing Logistics
IS3150 Digital Media Marketing
IS3240 Digital Platform Strategy and Architecture
BT4013 Analytics for Capital Market Trading and Investment
BT4016 Risk Analytics for Financial Services
BT4211 Data-Driven Marketing
BT4212 Search Engine Optimization and Analytics
DBA4811 Analytical Tools for Consulting
IS4241 Social Media Network Analysis
IS4250 IT-enabled Healthcare Solutioning
IS4262 Digital Product Management

Analytics Methods
BT3017 Feature Engineering for Machine Learning
BT3102 Computational Methods for Business Analytics
BT3104 Optimization Methods for Business Analytics
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CS3244 Machine Learning
CS4248 Natural Language Processing
BT4012 Fraud Analytics
BT4015 Geospatial Analytics
BT4221 Advanced Analytics with Big Data Technologies 
BT4222 Mining Web Data for Business Insights
BT4240 Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics
BT4241 Causal Impact Analytics for Business Applications IS4241 Social Media Network Analysis
ST4245 Statistical Methods for Finance

Technology Implementation
IS3107 Data Engineering
IS3221 ERP Systems with Analytics Solutions
BT4014 Analytics Driven Design of Adaptive Systems
BT4301 Business Analytics Solutions Development and Deployment
IS4226 Systematic Trading Strategies and Systems
IS4228 Information Technologies in Financial Services
IS4234 Governance, Regulation, and Compliance Technology
IS4246 Smart Systems and AI Governance
IS4302 Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
IS4303 IT-Mediated Financial Solutions and Platforms

All courses are 4 units each. 
Grand Total 160

1 Students can refer to: for the requirements for University Level Requirements. Two programme requirements are used to satisfy the new university level requirements, specifically BT1101 will satisfy the Data Literacy pillar and CS1010A/S will satisfy the Digital Literacy pillar. CS1010A will be offered only once in Semester 1 of each AY.  Students will take CS1010S in place of CS1010A in semester 2.

2 Students who have completed MA2001 and MA2002 prior to joining this programme can use them in place of MA1522 and MA1521 respectively.

3 Taught by the Centre for English Language Communication.

4 If a student has taken (ST2131 or MA2216 or MA2116) and ST2132, then the student does not need to take ST2334.

5 Students may take any internship programmes that are at least 12 units and of at least 6 months continuous duration (e.g. IS4010 Industry Internship Programme, CP3880 Advanced Technology Attachment Programme, NUS Overseas Colleges) to satisfy the industry experience requirement. Students with GPA of 4.00 or higher may opt to replace the Industry Experience Requirement by BT4101 B.Sc. Dissertation. Students who aim for Honours (Highest Distinction) must pass the BT4101. Students with GPA of 4.00 or higher after completing at least 70% (i.e. 112 units) of the total unit requirement for the degree programme may opt to replace the Industry Experience Requirement by BT4101 (12 units).

6 Students are encouraged to take IE2110 should they wish to choose IE4210 as an elective course.

Business Analytics Specialisations

Students may choose to read one or more specialisations for the BSc (Business Analytics) programme. In the case of common courses between these specialisations, the extent of double counting should be no more than 8 units among the specialisations. To ensure academic integrity of NUS specialisations, at least 60% of the Specialisation requirements to be earned from courses read at NUS.

Some of the courses require pre-requisites from outside this list. Students must have the pre-requisites to take them. 

(A) Financial Analytics Specialisation

To be awarded the Financial Analytics Specialisation, students must pass 20 units (5 courses) from the prescribed list below:

  • BT3102 Computational Methods for Business Analytics
  • BT4012 Fraud Analytics
  • BT4013 Analytics for Capital Market Trading and Investment
  • BT4016 Risk Analytics for Financial Services
  • BT4221 Advanced Analytics with Big Data Technologies 
  • IS4226 Systematic Trading Strategies and Systems
  • IS4228 Information Technologies in Financial Services
  • IS4234 Governance, Regulation, and Compliance Technology
  • IS4302 Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies
  • IS4303 IT-mediated Financial Solutions and Platforms

(B) Machine Learning-based Analytics Specialisation

To be awarded the Machine Learning-based Analytics Specialisation, students must pass 20 units (5 courses) from the prescribed list below:

  • BT3017 Feature Engineering for Machine Learning
  • BT4012 Fraud Analytics
  • BT4014 Analytics Driven Design of Adaptive Systems
  • BT4221 Advanced Analytics with Big Data Technologies 
  • BT4222 Mining Web Data for Business Insights
  • BT4240 Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics
  • BT4301 Business Analytics Solutions Development and Deployment
  • CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • CS4248 Natural Language Processing
  • IS4246 Smart Systems and AI Governance

(C) Marketing Analytics Specialisation
To be awarded the Marketing Analytics Specialisation, students must pass 20 units (5 courses) from the prescribed list below:

  • BT3017 Feature Engineering for Machine Learning
  • BT4014 Analytics Driven Design of Adaptive Systems
  • BT4015 Geospatial Analytics
  • BT4211 Data-Driven Marketing
  • BT4212 Search Engine Optimization and Analytics
  • BT4222 Mining Web Data for Business Insights
  • IS3150 Digital Media Marketing
  • IS4241 Social Media Network Analysis
  • IS4262 Digital Product Management