BComp (Hons) – BSc (Hons) (Mathematics) Double Honours Programme - 2019/2020

Double Honours Degree RequirementsRequirement (in Units)
(A) University Level Requirement


(B) BComp Programme Requirements #


Computer Science Foundation and IT Professionalism Courses

36 units (+ 12 units to be satisfied by common courses)

Computer Science Breadth and Depth Courses

32 units (+ 12 units to be satisfied by common courses)

Mathematics and Science Courses

4 units (+ 12 units to be satisfied by common courses)

(C) BSc Programme Requirements


Faculty Requirements Courses *

12 units (plus 4 units to be satisfied by CS1010 or its variant)

Mathematics Courses+

60 units (plus 32 units to be satisfied by common courses)

(D) Common Courses




# Please refer to here for details. Students without A-level or H2 Mathematics are required to complete the bridging course MA1301/X Introductory Mathematics as part of the Unrestricted Electives.

* BSc (Hons) Faculty Requirements:
1. CS1010 Programming Methodology or its variants (4 units)
2. 12 units from two distinct subject groups excluding “Computing Sciences” and “Mathematical & Statistical Sciences”

+ Please refer to the followings for B.Sc requirement for 2019-2020 intake:

BComp (Hons) – BSc (Hons) (Applied Mathematics) Double Honours Programme

Double Honours Degree RequirementsRequirement (in Units)
(A) University Level Requirement


(B) BComp Programme Requirements #


Computer Science Foundation and IT Professionalism Courses

36 units (+ 12 units to be satisfied by common courses)

Computer Science Breadth and Depth Courses

32 units (+12 units to be satisfied by common courses)

Mathematics and Science Courses

4 units (+12 units to be satisfied by common courses)

(C) BSc Programme Requirements


Faculty Requirements Courses *

12 units (plus 4 units to be satisfied by CS1010 or its variants)

Mathematics Courses  +

60 units (plus 32 units to be satisfied by common courses)

(D) Common Courses




  • # Please refer to here for more details. Students without A-level or H2 Mathematics are required to complete the bridging course MA1301/X Introductory Mathematics as part of the Unrestricted Electives.

    * BSc (Hons) Faculty Requirements:
    1. CS1010 Programming Methodology or its variants  (4 units)
    2. 12 units from two distinct subject groups excluding “Computing Sciences” and “Mathematical & Statistical Sciences”

    + Please refer to the followings for B.Sc requirement for 2019-2020 intake: