BComp (Hons) – BSc (Hons) (Mathematics) Double Honours Programme - 2020/2021

Double Honours Degree RequirementsRequirements (in Units)
(A) University Level Requirement


(B) BComp Programme Requirements #


Computer Science Foundation and IT Professionalism Courses

36 units  (+ 12 units to be satisfied by common courses)

Computer Science Breadth and Depth Courses

32 units (+ 12 units  to be satisfied by common courses)

Mathematics and Science Courses

4 units (+ 12 units  to be satisfied by common courses)

(C) BSc Programme Requirements


Faculty Requirements Courses *

12 units  (plus 4 units to be satisfied by CS1010 or its variant)

Mathematics Courses +

60 units  (plus 32 units  to be satisfied by common courses)

(D) Common Courses




# Please refer to here for details. Students without A-level or H2 Mathematics are required to complete the bridging course MA1301/X Introductory Mathematics as part of the Unrestricted Electives.

* BSc (Hons) Faculty Requirements:
1. CS1010 Programming Methodology or its variants (4 units)
2. 12 units from two distinct subject groups excluding “Computing Sciences” and “Mathematical & Statistical Sciences”

+ Please refer to the followings for B.Sc requirement for 2020-2021 intake:

BComp (Hons) – BSc (Hons) (Applied Mathematics) Double Honours Programme

Double Honours Degree RequirementsRequirements (in Units)
(A) University Level Requirement


(B) BComp Programme Requirements #


Computer Science Foundation and IT Professionalism Courses

36 units (plus 12 units to be satisfied by common courses)

Computer Science Breadth and Depth Courses

32 units (plus 12 units to be satisfied by common courses)

Mathematics and Science Courses

4 units (plus 12 units to be satisfied by common courses)

(C) BSc Programme Requirements


Faculty Requirements Courses *

12 units (plus 4 units to be satisfied by CS1010 or its variants)

Mathematics Courses  +

60 units (plus 32 units to be satisfied by common courses)

(D) Common Courses




  • # Please refer to here for more details. Students without A-level or H2 Mathematics are required to complete the bridging course MA1301/X Introductory Mathematics as part of the Unrestricted Electives.

    * BSc (Hons) Faculty Requirements:
    1. CS1010 Programming Methodology or its variants  (4 units)
    2. 12 units from two distinct subject groups excluding “Computing Sciences” and “Mathematical & Statistical Sciences”

    + Please refer to the followings for B.Sc requirement for 2020-2021 intake: