NUS-MINDEF Cyber NSF Work-Learn Scheme (NGNE)

MINDEF/SAF has launched the Cyber NSF Scheme, a national effort to train and advance the cyber security capabilities of full-time national servicemen (NSF) enlisted with the SAF under the Cyber NSF Scheme.

Eligible NSFs undertake a one-year contract of service with MINDEF in addition to their 2 years of mandatory National Service (NS); which means they will serve for 3 years with MINDEF/SAF as Cyber Specialists. This revised scheme will be applicable from January 2025.

Under the revised Cyber NSF scheme with NUS School of Computing, NSFs who have been admitted to the School of Computing’s Bachelor of Computing in either Computer Science (CS) programme  or Information Security (InfoSec) programme may enrol NUS courses under Non-graduating, Non-Exchange (NGNE) student status before they matriculate as full-time undergraduates at NUS to complete their remaining degree requirements

Whilst in MINDEF/SAF service, the Cyber Specialists will be granted NGNE student status. The Cyber Specialists would first enroll for one full semester as a full time NGNE student (typically soon after enlistment). In subsequent semesters, until the end of their contract service with MINDEF/SAF as Cyber Specialists, they will enroll up to two NUS courses per semester.

The Cyber NSF scheme will include an internship during MINDEF/SAF service. This internship for the purpose of mapping credits and grades will be considered as equivalent to the SoC Advanced Technology Attachment Programme (ATAP) course which counts as 12 units.

The total number of credits which Cyber Specialists can earn while on NGNE candidature is capped at 40 units, consisting of the internship at MINDEF/SAF and other NUS courses. Assuming a course is 4 units, this would mean the Cyber Specialists would take 7 courses in addition to the internship.

MINDEF will pay the tuition fees of the academic programme until completion of the Cyber Specialist’s contract. Fees paid for courses undertaken in NUS will be according to the Cyber Specialist’s status as NGNE or full-time students. Thus, whilst the Cyber Specialists are NGNE students, NUS will charge NGNE fees for the NUS courses taken by the Cyber Specialists, including the internship courses.

Upon completion of their short-term contract with MINDEF/SAF, these Cyber Specialists will matriculate as full-time undergraduate NUS students in either the Computer Science or Information Security programme.

Courses taken and grades received by these students as NGNE students would be carried over to their Major requirements in either Computer Science or Information Security Programme as Advanced Placement Credits with grades (APGs). These APGs will be granted in addition to the university’s advanced placement credits and exemption policy that is applicable to Polytechnic Diploma holders or non-Polytechnic Diploma holders respectively.

Students Cyber NSF scheme are allowed to exercise the S/U option for some of the courses completed as NGNE students, subjected to prevailing SoC/NUS rules governing the S/U options.

The expectation is that the students under the Cyber NSF scheme will graduate at about the same time as their peers on the regular 2-year NSF scheme. This is because when they matriculate to NUS, they will be able to carry in 40 units of credits which is one quarter of the total of 160 units in the Computer Science and Information Security programmes.

If the students choose to transfer to another (non-CS/InfoSec) programme, the transfer of APGs will be subjected to the rules applicable to current NUS students seeking a transfer to another NUS programme of study.

Transition Plan for previous cohorts
For students who are in the existing Cyber NSF scheme and in the Bachelor of Computing in Information Security Co-operative programme prior to January 2025 intake. The following changes will apply:

a. Students who have not yet taken the third internship (IFS4201 plus IFS4202) have the option of replacing it with the following course combinations:

(i) IFS4201 (8 units) by CS4238 (4 units) plus IFS4103 (4 units); AND IFS4202 by any combination of courses which adds up to at least 6 units; OR

(ii) IFS4205 (8 units) plus CS4238 (4 units) plus IFS4103 (4 units); OR

(iii) any combination of courses from the Information Security programme electives which add up to at least 14 units. These course combinations are in addition to the 8 units under the programme electives.

b. Students have already taken the third internship (IFS4201 plus IFS4202). In that case, there is no change and they continue with the existing Information Security Co-operative programme.