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Bernard TAN

Tan Sri Runme Shaw Senior Professor
Senior Vice Provost (Undergraduate Education), NUS Teaching Academy

  • Ph.D. (Information systems, National University of Singapore)
  • M.Sc. (National University of Singapore)
  • B.Sc. (Honours, National University of Singapore)

Dr. Bernard Tan served as Professor and Head (2002-2008) of the Department of Information Systems at the National University of Singapore (NUS), Assistant Dean (2000 - 2002) in the School of Computing at NUS. Dr. Tan received his Ph.D. degree (1995) in information systems from NUS. He has been a Visiting Scholar in the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University (1996-1997) and the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia (1992). Dr. Tan is serving on the editorial boards of MIS Quarterly (Senior Editor), e-Service Journal (Senior Editor), Management Science, Journal of the AIS, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Information and Management, Journal of Global Information Management, and International Journal of Distance Education Technologies. He has served or is serving on the program committees of international conferences such as ACM SIGGROUP, GDN, ICIS, IFIP, IRMA, PACIS, and WITS. Dr. Tan has more than 30 articles published or forthcoming in top international journals such as ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, ACM Transactions on Information Systems, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, Communications of the ACM, Decision Support Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Information and Management, Information Systems Research, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of the AIS, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Management Science, and MIS Quarterly. He has also published widely in proceedings of top international conferences in the field of information systems. Dr. Tan was a winner of the NUS Outstanding Educator Award (2004) (the highest university teaching award), the NUS Excellent Teacher Award (2003), the NUS Young Researcher Award (2002) (the highest university research award for faculty members below age 40), and the NUS School of Computing Teaching Excellence Award (2000). His cross-cultural research work on software projects has received Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award in IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (2003). Dr. Tan was an invited symposium chair at the Academy of Management Annual Conference (2005) and an invited keynote speaker at the Asia-Europe Forum on Culture in the Cyber Age (2000). He was a runner-up in the ICIS doctoral dissertation competition (1995) and was an ICIS doctoral consortium fellow (1993). Dr. Tan is a Council Member for the Asia-Pacific Region for the Association for Information Systems (2004-2006). He has served in the nominating committee of the Association for Information Systems (1999, 2001, and 2005). He is an External Examiner for Temasek Polytechnic (2002-2006), an External Examiner for Open University of Hong Kong (2002-2005), an External Examiner for City University of Hong Kong (2004-2007), and a Management Board Member for Institute of Systems Science (2002-2009). He has been a reviewer for the masters program in information systems for Universitas 21 Global (2003). Dr. Tan has served in the Education and Learning Sub-Committee of the Intelligent Nation 2015 Committee (the national IT strategic planning committee) (2005-2006). He is currently doing research on cross-cultural issues in information systems, virtual communities, knowledge management, Internet information privacy, and software project management.


  • Virtual Communities

  • Knowledge Management

  • Lifelong Learning

  • Cross-Cultural Issues in Information Systems

  • Computer-Mediated Communication

  • Knowledge Management

  • Information Privacy

  • Software Project Management





  • Sia, C.L., Tan, B.C.Y. and Wei, K.K. "Group Polarization and Computer-Mediated Communication: Effects of Communication Cues, Social Presence, and Anonymity,"Information Systems Research, 2002, Volume 13, Number 1, pp. 70-90.
  • Keil, M., Tan, B. C. Y., Wei, K. K., Saarinen, T., Tuunainen, V. and Wassenaar, A. "Cross-Cultural Study on Escalation of Commitment Behavior in Software Projects,"MIS Quarterly, 2000, Volume 24, Number 2, pp. 299-325.
  • Tan, B. C. Y., Wei, K. K., Sia, C. L. and Raman, K. S. "A Partial Test of the Task-Medium Fit Proposition in a Group Support System Environment,"ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 1999, Volume 6, Number 1, pp. 47-66.
  • Tan, B. C. Y., Wei, K. K. and Watson, R. T. "The Equalizing Impact of a Group Support System on Status Differentials,"ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 1999, Volume 17, Number 1, pp. 77-100.
  • Tan, B. C. Y., Wei, K. K., Watson, R. T., Clapper, D. L. and McLean, E. R. "Computer-Mediated Communication and Majority Influence: Assessing the Impact in an Individualistic and a Collectivistic Culture,"Management Science, 1998, Volume 44, Number 9, pp. 1263-1278.





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