HENG Cheng Suang
Associate ProfessorDeputy Head, Department Of Information Systems and Analytics
Chair, NUS Teaching Academy
- Ph.D. (Organization, Technology & Entrepreneurship, Stanford University)
- M.Sc. (Computer & Information Sciences, National University of Singapore)
- B.Sc. (Computer & Information Sciences, Honours, National University of Singapore)
Dr. Heng Cheng Suang is an Associate Professor with tenure at the Department of Information Systems and Analytics, School of Computing of the National University of Singapore (NUS). He received his Ph.D. (Organization, Technology and Entrepreneurship) from Stanford University, Management Science & Engineering Department. Prior to his post graduate studies, he worked with the former Singapore Trade Development Board (now known as Enterprise Singapore) as a Senior Trade Officer (Information, Technology & Communications). He also had his internship in Chartered Industries of Singapore and Apple Computer (Singapore). Dr. Heng is currently the Chair of NUS Teaching Academy (NUSTA) , having been a Fellow for 8 years. He used to serve in the Faculty Teaching Excellence Committee (FTEC). He is now serving on the NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC) Steering Committee, Outstanding Undergraduate Research (OUR) committee, and Departmental Ethics Review Committee (DERC). He has been appointed onto the Editorial Review Board of MIS Quarterly (MISQ) and IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (TEM), having served as the Track Chair for International Conference on Information Systems and Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2022, 2021, PACIS 2021, 2020, 2015, 2014, 2013), Associate Editor for International Conference on Information Systems, European Conference on Information Systems, and Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2012, 2011, ECIS 2020, 2016, PACIS 2017, 2016), and a reviewer for top journals such as MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, and others. Dr. Heng’s primary research focuses on how organizations strategise their use of IT. In recent years, while some organizations have begun exploiting social media and other digital platforms for better branding and marketing of their products, some organizations have embarked on several innovations and entrepreneurial spawning with the possibilities conferred by new technology. In contrast, some organizations still regard IT department as a cost centre and would rather opt for IT outsourcing. Given these divided opinions, Dr. Heng’s 4 research streams focus on “Organization Strategy with Information Technology/Digital Media”.
Strategic Use of Social Media Research & New Digital Media
New Digital Economy and Sharing Economy Research
IT Entrepreneurship & Innovation
IT Outsourcing & Escalation Decisions

Value Co-Creation on E-Commerce and/or Sharing Economy
This project examines how platform entry into the spaces of its partners (complementors) affects both joint value creation and individual value capture. While previous research focuses on entry as competition, this study explores its impact on overall value, complementor strategies for protection, and unique entry patterns in e-commerce.
- 2021. Journal of the Association for Information Systems JAIS "Empowerment of Grassroots Consumers: A Revelatory Case of a Chinese FinTech Innovation."Co-authors: Tan, T., Zhang, Y., & Ge, C.
- 2020. Decision Support Systems DSS"Facilitating Complex Product Choices on E-commerce Sites: An Unconscious Thought and Circadian Preference Perspective."Co-authors: Shen, Y., Sun, H.,& Chan, H. C.
- 2020. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems PACIS "Financial Awareness: Developing an Extension of Financial Literacy for Low-Income Populations Utilizing FinTech." Co-author: Rivas, A.
- 2019. Information & Management I&M"Human Flesh Search: What did we Find?"Co-authors: Lin, Z., Xu, X., Zhang, Y., & Zhao, Y.
- 2018. Research Policy RP"The Distinct Signaling Effects of R&D Subsidy and Non-R&D Subsidy on IPO Performance of IT Entrepreneurial Firms in China."Co-authors: Chen. J.,&Tan, B. C. Y.
- 2018.. European Conference on Information Systems ECIS "A Qualitative Study about Designing and Expressing Emotion: A Tale of Two Cycles."Co-authors: Luo, K., Cui, W., & Ding, D.
- 2017.MIS Quarterly MISQ“The Demand Effects of Product Recommendation Networks: An Empirical Analysis of Network Diversity and Stability.” Co-authors: Lin, Z., & Goh, K. Y.
- 2017.Journal of Management Information Systems JMIS "The Paradoxes of Word-of-Mouth in Electronic Commerce." Co-author: Lin, Z.
- 2017. Information & Management I&M "Effect of Multi-vendor Outsourcing on Organizational Learning: A Social Relation Perspective."Co-authors: Koo, Y., Lee, J. N., & Park, J.
- 2017. International Conference on Information Systems ICIS "Price Competition and Demand for Online Content: Uncovering the Role of Content Differentiation and Network Structure."
- 2017. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems PACIS "Social Media in Families: A Qualitative Inquiry from the Perspectives of Parents and Children."
- 2017. European Conference on Information Systems ECIS "Sharing behind the Scenes: Understanding User Bypassing Behavior in Sharing Economy."
- 2016. LSE Business Review "How People React to the ‘Also Recommended’ Section of Online Stores."Co-authors: Lin, Z., & Goh, K. Y.
- 2016.International Conference on Information Systems ICIS“Monetizing User-Generated Content in FinTech: An Empirical Study of a Social Investing Site.” Co-authors: Li, D., & Goh, K. Y.
- 2016.International Conference on Information Systems ICIS“Winning over Grassroot Consumers: An Empowerment Perspective of Yu'E Bao.” Co-authors: Tan, T., & Zhang, Y.
- 2016.International Conference on Information Systems ICIS“The Medium Matters: Effects on What Consumers Talk about regarding Movie Trailers.” Co-authors: Shen, Y., & Chan, H. C.
- 2016.Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems PACIS“Why Do Users Become Inactive on Online Social Networks? A Friendship Perspective.” Co-authors: Zhou, F., Peng, X., & Zhou, L.
- 2016.European Conference on Information Systems ECIS“Expectation Shortfall in the Highly Specialized B2B IT Innovation.” Co-authors: Dong, Y. Q., Sapumal, A., & Han, L.
- 2015.Journal of Management Information Systems JMIS“The Paradoxes of Word-of-Mouth in Electronic Commerce.” 324: 246-284. Co-author: Lin, Z.
- 2015.International Conference on Information Systems ICIS“Why Do Users Abandon Online Social Network Sites? A Case Study of the Social Capital Paradox.” Co-authors: Wang, Y., Zhang, X., & Peng, J.
- 2015.China Summer Workshop on Information Management CSWIM“The Making of Entrepreneurs from the IT Industry: Evidences from a Quasi Experiment with a Finite Mixture Model.” Co-authors: Chen, Q., & Huang, K. W. * Best Paper Nominee *
- 2014.International Conference on Information Systems ICIS“IT Investment: The Unexpected Effects on Entrepreneurial Spawning.” Co-authors: Chen, Q., & Huang, K. W.
- 2014.OASIS Workshop“Social Media Migration for Marketing: Evidence from Startups.” Co-authors: Zhou, Y., Ding, Y., & Kankanhalli, A. M.
- 2013.Information Systems Research ISR“Social Media Brand Community and Consumer Behavior: Quantifying the Relative Impact of User- and Marketer-Generated Content.” 241: 88-107. Co-authors: Goh, K. Y., & Lin, Z.
- 2013.Information Systems Research ISR“Privacy Concerns and Privacy-Protective Behavior in Synchronous Online Social Interactions.” 243: 579-595. Co-authors: Jiang, Z., & Choi, B. C. F.
- 2013.International Conference on Information Systems ICIS“Strategizing the IT Entrepreneurial Teams: A Dynamic Equilibrium Perspective.” Co-author: Feng. Y.
- 2013.International Association for Chinese Management Research IACMR“To Better Leverage Government R&D Grants for IT Innovation: Are Past R&D Experience Capability or Liability?” Co-authors: Chen, J., & Tan, B. C. Y.
- 2012.International Conference on Information Systems ICIS“"Effects of Government Research and Development Grants on IT Entrepreneurial Firm Performance: A New Perspective of Exploration versus Exploitation.” Co-authors: Chen, J., & Tan, B. C. Y.
- 2012.International Conference on Electronic Commerce ICEC“Contract Renegotiation and Bargaining Power: Evidence from IT-related Outsourcing Contracts". Co-author: Chen, Y. * Best Theme Paper Award *
- 2010.International Conference on Information Systems ICIS“Helping or Hampering: Effects of IT Outsourcing on Client’s Product Innovation.” Co-author: Feng, Y.
- 2009.International Conference on Information Systems ICIS“Investigating Vendors’ Decision to Terminate IT Outsourcing Contracts.” Co-authors: Du, W., & Feng, Y.
- 2009.International Conference on Information Systems ICIS“Multi-Vendor Outsourcing: Relational Structures and Organizational Learning From a Social Relation Perspective.” Co-authors: Lee, J. N., & Lee, J.
- 2003.Journal of the AIS JAIS“Willingness to Continue with Software Projects: Effects of Feedback Direction and Optimism under High and Low Accountability Conditions.” 44: 171-194. Co-authors: Tan, B. C. Y., & Wei, K. K.
- 2003.Information & Management I&M“De-escalation of Commitment in Software Projects: Who Matters? What Matters?” 411: 99-110. Co-authors: Tan, B. C. Y., & Wei, K. K.
2020/2021 NUS Outstanding Educator Award (2022)
2019/2020 NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award
2013/2014 to 2018/2019 NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award (Honour Roll)
2012/2013 NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award
2011/2012 NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award
2010/2011 NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award
2021/2022 SOC Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (Honour Roll)
2020/2021 SOC Faculty Teaching Excellence Award
2019/2020 SOC Faculty Teaching Excellence Award
2018/2019 SOC Faculty Teaching Excellence Award
2012/2013 to 2017/2018 SOC Faculty Teaching Excellence Award (Honour Roll)
2011/2012 SOC Faculty Teaching Excellence Award
2010/2011 SOC Faculty Teaching Excellence Award
2009/2010 SOC Faculty Teaching Excellence Award