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Sharon TAN

Associate Professor (Educator Track)
Deputy Head, Department Of Information Systems and Analytics
Chair, Faculty Teaching Excellence Committee (FTEC)

  • Ph.D. (Carnegie Mellon University)
  • M.Sc. (Carnegie Mellon University)
  • M.Sc. (Information Systems, National University of Singapore)
  • B.Sc. (Information Systems, Honours, National University of Singapore)

Dr Sharon Tan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Information Systems and Analytics (DISA) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). She holds a PhD from Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, and an MSc and BSc (Honors) in Information Systems from the National University of Singapore. Her research focuses mainly on the intersection of IT and healthcare with a special focus on digitisation of healthcare processes and the use and implementation of IT/analytics on health behavior modification and education. Her work has been presented at premier conferences such as the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) and the Association of Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) and published in MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of American Medical Informatics and Journal of Medical Internet Research. She is a recipient of the University's Annual Teaching Excellence Award and the Faculty Teaching Excellence award, and several research awards including the Emerald Citations of Excellence Award, and the AIS SIG-Health Annual Best Paper Award Meritorious Mention. Sharon has served as guest co-editor for a special section in Information Systems Frontiers and a focus theme issue for Methods of Information in Medicine on “Big Data & Analytics in Healthcare". She has also served on the editorial board of the Journal of AIS and the Journal of Database Management and as Program Co-chair for the International Conference on Big Data and Analytics in Healthcare (BDAH) 2014, Organizing Committee member for BDAH 2013, and as Track Co-chair for “Healthcare IS track” at ICIS 2015, “IT/IS in Healthcare” track at PACIS 2012 & 2015, and “Health Informatics” at International Conference on Electronic Commerce 2014. She has served as the department's Curriculum Chair and is currently chairing the Faculty Teaching Excellence Committee and is a Faculty Advisor for the Developer Student Club @ NUS.


  • Digitisation in Healthcare

  • Use and Implementation of IT/Analytics on Health Behaviour Modification and Education


Enhancing Student Engagement in Online Learning: A Design Science Approach

Online learning gained traction during the pandemic and is expected to stay for its resilience in crisis. While blended learning is promising, student engagement remains a challenge. This project targets the issue by developing a comprehensive engagement measure, an interactive dashboard for data visualization, and diverse instructor interventions to improve student engagement in blended learning.




  • Yang, Yang, Goh, K. Y., Teo, H. H. and Tan, S. S-L. Compete with me? The impact of online gamified competition on exercise behavior. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 24 (3), 2023, pp. 912-935.
  • Liu, N., Yin, J., Tan, S.S.L., Ngiam, K.Y. and Teo, H.H. “Mobile Health Applications for Older Adults: A systematic review of interface and persuasive feature design” Journal of American Medical Informatics Association, vol28, no.11, 2021, pp. 2483-2501.
  • Tan, S.S.L. and Goonawardene, N. “Online Health Information Seeking and Patient-physician Relationship: A Systematic Review,” Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2017;191:e9.
  • Tan, S.S.L., Gao, G. and Koch, S. “Big Data and Analytics in Healthcare”,Methods of Information in Medicine, 546, 2015, pp.546-547.
  • Zhou,F., Tong, Y., Teo, H.H. and Tan, S.S.L. “Overcoming the System Fit Challenge at the Initial Post-Adoption Stage: The Roles of Emotions in Users' Adaptation Behaviors”,Proceedings of the Thirty-sixth Annual International Conference on Information SystemsDublin, Ireland, Dec, 2016.
  • Ntsweng, O. and Tan, S.S.L. “The Effects of Serious Games’ Genres and Frequency of Exposure on Children’s Dietary Preferences”,Proceedings of the Thirty-sixth Annual International Conference on Information SystemsDublin, Ireland, Dec, 2016.
  • Goonawardene, N. and Tan, S.S.L. “Health 2.0 Enabled Collaborative Healthcare Maintenance,” inProceedings of the Thirty-fifth Annual International Conference on Information SystemsFort Worth, USA, Dec 2015.
  • Kohli, R. and Tan, S.S.L. “Electronic Health Records: How Can IS Researchers Contribute to Transforming Healthcare”MIS Quarterly,403, 2016, pp.553-573.Authorship in alphabetical order.
  • Kankanhalli, A., Han, J., Tan, S.S.L. and Gao, G. “Special Section on Big Data and Analytics in HealthCare,”Information Systems Frontiers, 182, 2016, pp.233-235.
  • Tong, Y., Tan, S.S.L and Teo, H.H. “The Road to Early Success: Impact of System Use in the Swift Response Phase”,Information Systems Research, 262, 2015, pp. 418-436.AIS SigHealth 2016 Annual Best Paper Award Meritorious Mention
  • Goonawardene, N. and Tan, S.S.L. “Practitioner-driven Virtual Communities: An Attachment Theory Perspective to Patients’ Adherence to Online Health Advice”, inProceedings of the Thirty-fourth Annual International Conference on Information SystemsAuckland, New Zealand, Dec 2014.
  • Jiang, J., Tan, S.S.L., Goh, K.Y., and Wu, D. “Effectiveness of a Heath Card Program on Appointment Compliance,”International Conference on Big Data and Analytics in Healthcare BDAH Proceedings, Singapore, June 2014.
  • Liu, R., Jiang, J., Goonawardene, N., and Tan, S.S.L. “A Case Study on the Effectiveness of an In-house Physician Rating Tool in Outpatient Clinics”, inProceedings of the Annual Symposium of American Medical Informatics AssociationSan Francisco CA, USA, Nov 2015.
  • Goonawardene, N., Jiang, J., Tan, S.S.L. and Jiang Z. “Online Health Information Seeking and Adolescents’ Intention towards Health Self-management”,Proceedings of the 17th Pacific Asia Conference on Information SystemsJeju-island, Korea, June 2013.
  • Goonawardene, N. and Tan, S.S.L. “A Qualitative Analysis of Patients’ Behaviour in an Online Health Community: Dynamics of Self-regulated Health Goal Achievement”, inProceedings of the Annual Symposium of American Medical Informatics AssociationWashington DC, USA, Nov 2014.
  • Tong, Y., Goonawardene, N., Tan, S.S.L., Teo, H.H., and Low, C.H. "The Influence of Job Rotation on Physicians' System Use: A Situated Learning Perspective",Proceedings of the Thirty-second Annual International Conference on Information SystemsShanghai, China, 2011.
  • Goonawardene, N. and Tan, S.S.L. “Patients’ Adherence to Health Advice on Virtual Communities: Identity and Bond Theory Perspective”,Proceedings of the Thirty-third Annual International Conference on Information SystemsMilan, Italy, Dec 2013.
  • Tan, S.S. L and Fichman, M. "Adoption of Web-based Transactional Banking: Efficiency-choice and Neo-institutional Perspectives",Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual International Conference on Information Systems, 2002, pp.137-146.Runners-up for Best Conference Paper Award.
  • Xu, L., Tan, S.S.L., Chan, H.C., Teo, H.H. and Goh, L.G. "Empowering Physicians with Electronic Health Records: System Capabilities to Adoption Intention",Proceedings of the Academy of Management 2010 Conference, OCIS division.
  • Tan, S.S.L. and Zou, X. "An Empirical Study of the Mediating Mechanisms of Knowledge Contribution",Proceedings of the 8th Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, Phoenix, Arizona, 2009.Best Paper Award.
  • Olivera, F., Goodman, P.S. and Tan, S.S.L. "Contribution Behaviors in Distributed Environments,"MIS Quarterly, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 23-42, March 2008.Emerald Management Review Citation of Excellence Award.


  • AIS SIG-Health Annual Best Paper Award (Meritorious Mention) in the Senior category, 2016

  • NUS Annual Teaching Excellence Award, AY2014-15

  • Faculty Teaching Excellence award, AY2014-15, 2015-16

  • Nominee for Faculty Teaching Excellence award, AY2012-13 & AY2011-12

  • Best paper award at Pre-ICIS 2009 Human Computer Interaction conference (Acceptance rate of about 30%)

  • Emerald Citations of Excellence Award 2009 (Emerald Management Reviews is an abstracting and indexing database that covers every article in the top 400 business and management journals world-wide including titles such as: Harvard Business Review; Journal of Finance; Journal of Marketing; Strategic Management Journal; MIT Sloan Management Review; Long Range Planning; Academy of Management Journal; and MIS Quarterly. Every article that appears in these titles is sent to independent subject experts for evaluation. Our article was selected as one of the top 50 from the 15,000 articles that was reviewed throughout 2008.)

  • AOM (OCIS Division) Doctoral Consortium (2003)

  • Runners-up for Best paper Award at ICIS 2002 (Full paper acceptance rate of about 15%)

  • William Larimer Fellowship (1999-2002)

  • NUS Overseas Graduate Scholarship (2001-2004)

  • NUS Research Scholarship (1997-1998)

  • National Science and Technology Board Scholarship (1997-1998)


Introduction to Business Analytics
Business Analytics Capstone Project



26 July 2023
If you like to dabble in exercise — whether as a weekend warrior, Ironman contender, or somewhere in between — ...