Computational Social Science Research Projects

Organizational Learning and Adaptation of Distributed Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) via Consensus-based Governance
This research explores blockchain-based Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) as alternatives to traditional modes of organizational governance. It compares decision-making, task allocation, and organizational adaptability across DAOs, hierarchies and autonomies. Through theoretical and computational modeling, the study aims to develop design principles that enhance collective decision-making and task allocation in DAOs, providing valuable insights for industry applications.

Decoding Persuasion on Crowdfunding Platforms
This research proposes a novel prediction framework based on persuasion theory to enhance crowdfunding success predictions. It aims to identify persuasive elements in project descriptions and improve the prediction accuracy so as to provide guidance for crowdfunding project initiators. The study integrates computational methods and deep learning to not only boost prediction performance but also offer interpretable insights, contributing to information systems and crowdfunding design.

The Value of Social Connection and Trust in Online Societies
This project investigates trust's role in bridging online divides and boosting social commerce. It investigates empathy's impact on polarization and analyzes data to understand trust's societal and economic benefits, aiming to inform strategies for combating online tribalism.

The “Other Me”: Human-Centered AI Assistance In Situ
We propose an integrative program of fundamental research towards a vision in which every human will have an AI assistant for daily life and work. Our overall aim is to build conceptual understanding of human-AI collaboration, to develop representations, models, and algorithms for situated assistance, and to integrate them in an experimental device platform for evaluation.
- Message Modality and Effectiveness

Investigation on Digital Platforms and Human-machine Co-behavior Through AI, Empirical and Experimental Methods
This proposal investigates the impact of digital technologies on consumer behavior across e-commerce and social media platforms. Focusing on voice AI in shopping, filter bubbles in recommender systems, and social features affecting search volume, the project aims to provide valuable insights and address key questions in these domains.
- Technology-Induced Social Changes

Enhancing Student Engagement in Online Learning: A Design Science Approach
Online learning gained traction during the pandemic and is expected to stay for its resilience in crisis. While blended learning is promising, student engagement remains a challenge. This project targets the issue by developing a comprehensive engagement measure, an interactive dashboard for data visualization, and diverse instructor interventions to improve student engagement in blended learning.
- Technology-Induced Social Changes

Information Structure Design and Social Learning when Facing Information Manipulation
Addressing the surge in fake information dissemination on e-commerce and social media platforms, the project aims to explore optimal information structures to combat issues such as fake orders, reviews, and misinformation.
- Misinformation and the Spread of Information

Digitalization of Healthcare Services
The healthcare sector is undergoing a major digital transformation due to rapidly changing demographic populations. This project examines the design, implementation, and usage of digital technology among healthcare workers in hospital settings.

Toward Cyber-Organizations: AI-enabled Organizational Decision-Making and Organizational Learning
Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to transform organizational decision-making and talent cultivation processes, giving rise to what we term "cyber-organizations" where human and AI jointly work to enable computationally intensive operations and management. This project investigates the impact of AI at the individual and organizational levels, and from both short- and long-term perspectives.
- Technology-Induced Social Changes
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