Computing Alumni Assistance Award
About this Award
Despite the general rise in living standards in Singapore over recent years, there remain pockets of our society that remain financially needy. In SoC, we have had occasions to handle cases where students have to hold part-time jobs to support themselves. In certain cases, the academic performance of the student suffers because of the strain and distraction caused by their financial burden. If an economic downturn should set in, such cases may increase, and the severity of each case may worsen.
The School is concerned that well-deserving, academically strong but financially strapped students should not be disadvantaged in their tertiary education experience.
The sentiment has found strong resonance with our core alumni, who have agreed to come forward to help spearhead a practical solution.
The objective of the Computing Alumni Assistance Award (hereafter “the Award”) is to provide deserving students who have limited financial resources with an avenue of financial support so that they will not be hindered by financial needs in acquiring a full education with the good results that they deserve.
Nature of Award
The Award will supplement project expenses which can include hardware and software, support self-contained educational programmes which can lead to innovative POC, and to encourage other industry-driven activities as determined by the Selection Panel for a one-off assistance up to a maximum value of THREE THOUSAND dollars (S$3,000.00) per award. The Award to a candidate may be extended subject to a review and recommendation of the awarding body at the end of the academic year. Depending on the availability of funds, a maximum of FIVE (5) such awards will be given per academic year.
The tenure of the Award is one year.
Students must have completed at least one semester of studies at School of Computing before they can apply for this Award. Applications for the Award must be made using the prescribed form. Applicants will be selected on a deserving basis and the criteria for the award will include:
- Scholastic achievement of the applicant (with minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.2);
- Community contributions of the applicant*;
- Financial status of the applicant (family household income, other mitigating factors, etc);
- Significance and potential value of the educational purpose;
- Priority will be given to students not holding any other financial assistance or award;
- Priority will be given to Singaporean students; and
- Any other attributes of the applicant that may provide an assessment of the character and the potential for leadership or contributions to the NUS community.
*Community contributions include service to the community at large through volunteer work, service to the university through participation in university activities (such as student clubs and societies among others) and service to the School through participation in the School or Computing Club’s events and activities.
Conditions of Award
The recipient is also to assist School at least once a semester, in either School events/publicity efforts or Students’ Club events, or activities organised for Alumni.
The award will be withdrawn if it is found that the information given in the application form is not true or inaccurate.
The decision of the selection committee will be final.
Application and Selection Procedure
Applications for the Award must be made using the prescribed application form.
All applications are to be submitted by end January (for Semester 2 applications) and end August (for Semester 1 applications).
Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.
Applications may only be made outside of these dates if the timing of the activity does not allow the application to be made by the specified deadlines.
Date of Interview
Applicants will be notified of interview schedule, if required.
- Financial Support
- Undergraduate Scholarships
- Internal Funding
- Atos Scholarship
- Computing Alumni Assistance Award
- Computing Student Development Fund
- Feng & Family Scholarship
- KPMG Scholarship
- Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple Computing Scholarship
- Lai Yu Hua Bursary
- LBKM Future Economy Scholarship
- Lim Hong Chin Memorial Scholarship
- NUS Scholarships
- School of Computing Scholarships
- SoC Pay-It-Forward Bursary
- SoC Take on the World (SToW) Award
- TKH Bursary
- External
- Internal Funding
- Graduate Scholarships
- Financial Aid