Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple Computing Scholarship
In 2009, the School received a generous gift of S$1,000,000 from the Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple to be used for setting up an endowed Kwan Im Thong Cho Temple Computing Scholarship fund for undergraduate students from the School.
The School will use the yearly distributable income from the investment of the endowed fund to award up to a maximum of 3 scholarships per academic year to freshmen starting from academic year 2010-11.
The Scholarship will be awarded to undergraduate students from the School who meet the following criteria:
- the candidates must have excelled academically;
- the candidates must, to the best of the Educational Institution’s knowledge and belief, be persons of good character;
- the candidates must be Singapore citizens; and
- the candidates must be enrolled as full-time undergraduate students at the School during the tenure of the scholarship
Nature and value of Scholarship
The Scholarship will cover the scholar’s tuition fees (excluding the MOE Tuition Grant) for the undergraduate candidature and is tenable for a maximum of 4 years and 5 years for pursuing a single undergraduate degree and double undergraduate degree courses at the School respectively. Scholars will not receive their scholarship in the semester(s) they embark on overseas programmes (e.g. SEP, NOC, iLEAD, etc.)
The scholar should not be concurrent holders of any other form of aid such as grants, bursaries and scholarships. Applicants with such other forms of support will need to obtain prior approval from the respective awarding bodies for the concurrent holding of the awards.
The scholar must maintain a minimum GPA (Grade Point Average) of 3.50 every semester to receive the scholarship. The scholar is also to meet the donor, as and when requested, to give an account of his/her academic performance.
The Scholarship will be withdrawn at any time if the academic progress or conduct of the scholar is not satisfactory.
If the scholar decides to terminate the scholarship prematurely, the School reserves the right to impose a repayment on a case-by-case basis.
Application and Selection Procedure
Up to 3 Scholarships will be awarded in each academic year starting from AY2010/11. The number of Scholarships to be awarded in each academic year will depend on the yearly distributable income from the investment of the endowed fund. This Scholarship is intended for freshmen joining the School of Computing to pursue a first degree and matriculated at the year of application.
Candidates will be considered among Computing freshmen and shortlisted for interviews through their application for admission to NUS/NUS scholarships should they be joining the School at the start of the new academic year.
Applicants will be selected on a deserving basis and the criteria for the scholarship will include:
- Scholastic achievement of the applicant;
- Good co-curricular activities(CCA) record;
- Good character and leadership qualities;
- Not holding any other scholarship, fellowship, bursary, grant or award; and
- Any other attributes of the applicant that may provide an assessment of the character and the potential for leadership or contributions to the community.
Scholarships are awarded on the basis of competition among eligible candidates and the degrees pursued.
The School reserves the right not to award any scholarship if there is no candidate of sufficient merit. The decision of the selection committee is final. Enquiries or disputes surrounding its decisions will not be entertained.
Date of Interview
- Financial Support
- Undergraduate Scholarships
- Internal Funding
- Atos Scholarship
- Computing Alumni Assistance Award
- Computing Student Development Fund
- Feng & Family Scholarship
- KPMG Scholarship
- Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple Computing Scholarship
- Lai Yu Hua Bursary
- LBKM Future Economy Scholarship
- Lim Hong Chin Memorial Scholarship
- NUS Scholarships
- School of Computing Scholarships
- SoC Pay-It-Forward Bursary
- SoC Take on the World (SToW) Award
- TKH Bursary
- External
- Internal Funding
- Graduate Scholarships
- Financial Aid