14 October 2019 – NUS Computing and technology company Huawei held its first Artificial Intelligence (AI) Educator Symposium on 10 October this year. Over 130 educators from local universities, polytechnics, and top Chinese universities met to share innovative ways of teaching AI to students of different ages.
Educators from NUS Computing, Zhejiang University, Singapore Polytechnic, Shanghai Jiao Tong University presented their institution’s methods for teaching AI. NUS Computing Associate Professor Ooi Wei Tsang, chair of the school’s Department of Computer Science curriculum committee, discussed the considerations and factors that influenced the school’s curriculum planning. Professor Chen Jiangping from Shanghai Jiao Tong University spoke about the importance of educating all students – regardless of their major – about AI and the university’s efforts to do so.
The symposium encouraged educators to share ideas among themselves surrounding the topic of AI education. Its aim was to help Singaporean and Chinese educators prepare the next generation of students for the challenges and opportunities brought about by the rapid advances in AI.
The AI Educator Symposium was organised by the NUS Computing Translational Research and Development Centre (C-TReND) and Huawei Intelligent Computing. C-TReND bridges the gap between academia and industry by turning fundamental research conducted by NUS Computing’s faculty members into impactful and practical solutions with real world applications. Huawei’s Intelligent Computing develops intelligent products and services while leveraging on expertise in AI, storage, network core chips, and more.
Assistant Professor Yair Zick: Ethics in Artificial Intelligence