25 Aug 2023 — NUS Computing students and alumni received the Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Prize (OURP) in end June this year. The OURP is an annual, university-wide research competition that recognises the best undergraduate researchers in NUS. Projects are evaluated based on criteria such as the originality and significance of the project, and evidence of critical and independent thinking.
Award recipients each walk away with a cash prize of S$1,000.
Please see below for more details on the winners.
NUS Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Prize Winners
Individual category

Chow Yi Wai
Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, Class of 2023.
Research project title: Risk aware Bayesian optimization
Research supervisor: Associate Professor Bryan Low

Chow Yi Yin
Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, Class of 2023.
Research Project title: Bayesian Optimization for Reinforcement Learning
Research supervisor: Associate Professor Bryan Low

He Qi Yuan
Computer Science, Class of 2023.
Research Project title: Analysing and Diagnosing Pose Estimation via Attribution
Research supervisor: Assistant Professor Angela Yao

He Yuan
Business Analytics and Applied Mathematics, Class of 2023.
Research Project title: When the Past Betrays: Quantifying the Harmful Impact of Historical Data on Multi-Armed Bandit
Research supervisor: Assistant Professor Jonathan Scarlett.
Co-research supervisor: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and the Department of Mathematics’ Associate Professor Tan, Yan Fu Vincent.

Mayank Keoliya
Computer Science, Class of 2023.
Research project title: Mostly Automated Proof Repair for Verified Libraries
Research supervisor: Associate Professor Ilya Sergey
Note: Prof Sergey and Keoliya also won the Distinguished Paper Award at the 44th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI) for the same research paper.

Li Jiayu
Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, Class of 2023.
Research project title: IRGAN: Generating Fake Related Tabular Data
Research supervisor: Professor Tay Yong Chiang

Zhu Xiaochen
Computer Science and Mathematics, Class of 2023.
Research project title: Deep learning on graphs with link local privacy
Research supervisor: Professor Xiao Xiaokui
Co-research supervisor: ECE and Department of Mathematics Associate Professor Tan, Yan Fu Vincent.
Note: In addition to OURP, Xiaochen won first place for the same research project in the ACM SIGMOD 2023 Student Research Competition (Undergraduate category).
Group Category – Joint group project with College of Design and Engineering (CDE)

Group Members: Aishwarya Radhakrishnan Nair (Computer Science, Year 4), Trivedi Harsh Nilesh, Htet Htlan Htay, Ong Qingzhe, and Tay Yu Tian Danielle.
Research project title: Conversion of Household Food Waste to Eco-Enzyme
Research supervisor: CDE Senior Lecturer Elliot Law

Bottom row (from L to R): Tse Victoria, Ang Kah Meng, Rachel Reno Lim and Wang Chenhui (not pictured).
Group Members: Narain Aakansha (Computer Science, Year 4), Shashaank Abhinav Venkatesh, Ang Kah Meng, Rachel Reno Lim, Tse Victoria, Jerome Tan Jin Hong and Wang Chenhui.
Research project title: A Novel and Cost-Effective Multi-Factor Chemical Based Lateral Flow Assay for Early Detection and Outcome Prediction in Chronic Kidney Disease
Research supervisor: CDE Associate Professor Ali Asgar S. Bhagat