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30 November 2023
One day in May 2014, law enforcement officials swooped down on a warehouse in the San Francisco Bay Area. There they found a mini laboratory, pill press machines, and barrels filled to the brim with tiny tablets — marks of a counterfeit drug-making operation. Six men were arrested, including ringleader 35-year-old Jeremy Donagal, nicknamed the ‘Xanax King.’
Policing the dark web: can targeting large vendors curb further drug sales?
22 November 2023
NUS Computing Assistant Professor Qiao Dandan has won the INFORMS Information Systems Society (ISS) Gordon Davis Young Scholar Award. The award was named in honour of the University of Minnesota’s Professor Gordon Davis, one of the founding fathers of the information systems discipline. It rewards outstanding young scholars like Asst Prof Qiao who are poised to make intellectual contributions in the field of information systems.
Assistant Professor Qiao Dandan earns the INFORMS ISS Gordon Davis Young Scholar Award
2 November 2023
All across the developed world, people are living increasingly sedentary lives. The average adult spends more than half their day sitting down — nearly six hours for those in Singapore, versus 7.7 hours and 8.3 hours for Americans and South Koreans, respectively.
Creating mobile health apps that factor in the weather
16 October 2023
NUS Computing has joined a partnership with other leading universities to work with RealAssetX, a cutting-edge lab which aims to explore, develop and invest in technology, that promises to propel the real asset industry to new heights. RealAssetX was launched by PGIM Real Estate, a real estate investment manager overseeing assets valued at US$210 billion, on 10 October 2023.
RealAssetX and NUS Computing
13 October 2023
BACK in August, Simon Hsu, a customer of OCBC Bank, was trying to access the bank’s mobile app to verify that he had received a PayNow fund transfer, when an error message flashed on the screen.

BACK in August, Simon Hsu, a customer of OCBC Bank, was trying to access the bank’s mobile app to verify that he had received a PayNow fund transfer, when an error message flashed on the screen.

The OCBC app on his phone had stopped running because of another app in the phone that had not been downloaded from an official app store, such as Google’s Play Store or Huawei’s AppGallery.

The Business Times, 13 October 2023 

29 May 2023
29 May 2023 - Singapore Blockchain Innovation Programme (SBIP), hosted by the National University of Singapore (NUS) School of Computing, and InterOpera have successfully completed a nine-month Proof of Concept (PoC) with InterOpera to develop a model of interoperability for regulated capital markets, to tackle cross-chain connectivity while automating regulatory requirements in capital markets. This potentially optimises existing capital market transactions by lowering operational costs, increasing market liquidity, and creating new investment options.
5 September 2022

The Advanced Computing for Executives (ACE) centre, a continuing education and training unit under the National University of Singapore’s School of Computing (NUS Computing), and All Digital Future LLP have partnered to launch a new Digital Transformation Leaders Programme (NUS DTLP).

Data & Storage Asean, 5 September 2022 

15 July 2022
15 July 2022 — Together with the City University of Hong Kong’s Laboratory of Empirical Research for Future Interfaces, NUS Computing’s NUS-Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Lab and the Smart Systems Institute (SSI) conducted a six-day bootcamp on smart glasses for university students in mid-May.
30 June 2022
30 June 2022 — NUS Computing, National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), Employment and Employability Institute (e2i) and Tech Talent Assembly (TTAB) have signed an agreement to launch a new programme to equip participants with the skills needed to drive digital change in their companies, as well as to navigate and thrive in an increasingly digitalised economy.
10 June 2022
Modern-day learners have a wealth of “teachers” to turn to: online books, e-learning courses, YouTube tutorials, and even smartphone apps. If, for instance, you are yearning to lead a more mindful existence and seek everyday calm through the practice of meditation, you might download an app to guide you along.
31 May 2022
31 May 2022 — NUS Computing PhD student Zhu Cungen was awarded second place in the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) College of Supply Chain Management (SCM) Best Student Paper Competition, for his paper on Right to Repair: Pricing, Welfare, and Environmental Implications.
13 January 2022
13 January 2022 - Provost’s Chair Professor Atreyi Kankanhalli has won the AIS Fellow Award 2021, a prestigious award given by the Association for Information Systems (AIS) to academics in the Information Systems (IS) discipline.
20220112 AK AIS Fellow Award
3 September 2021
In 2014, Tan Tianhui was in the second year of her PhD at NUS Computing when she heard about a “special product” that everyone back home in China couldn’t stop talking about.
26 November 2020
Every semester, Francis Yeoh spends part of his time in pitch slams. These are intense sessions where teams of students have five minutes to try and sell their start-up ideas. Yeoh, the Professorial Fellow for Entrepreneurship at the NUS School of Computing, and his colleagues listen carefully to the pitches before deciding which teams are worthy of a $10,000 grant.
23 October 2020
These days, we live and buy by online reviews. Looking for a pair of headphones? Wondering what movie to stream or if you should splash out for the new PlayStation 5? Or perhaps you need a hotel to stay in and suggestions for the best baby back ribs in town? Well look no further than the Internet, for someone somewhere will surely have a recommendation to offer about the product, service or facility you are thinking of.
19 August 2020
In 2015, Shi Ying Lim was working on her Ph.D. in Austin, Texas. As part of her work, she studied a budding health IT startup that was trying to develop an app to help patients with chronic diseases.
15 June 2020
When Yingda Zhai was working on his PhD in Austin, Texas, he used to stroll through the neighbourhood he lived in not too far from campus. On these walks, he saw something that puzzled him, something that would set the course of his research for the next few years.
4 March 2020
For many of us, the introduction of Facebook, WhatsApp, and other social media platforms was a game-changer. They altered the way we make and maintain friends, and transformed how we share news and updates with those we know. But for those in South Korea and a few other places, social media has brought about changes in another aspect of life: how gifts are sent and received.
6 December 2019
Hospital visits can be complicated things. Sometimes it starts out as a visit to the outpatient clinic, where a doctor draws blood or orders some scans to investigate your niggling concern. He phones you the following week with the results — they don’t look good — and schedules a minor operation. You get admitted, have the procedure, and get discharged with tablets and therapy to follow up.