Double Degree with another Faculty in NUS
Apart from the structured Double Degree Programmes, there exist the option of a self-designed double degree programme with another college/faculty/school. Existing students of the School who wish to pursue an additional bachelor’s degree with another college/faculty/school in the University may plan such a programme. Those interested in these programmes will apply for the double degree programme by submitting their applications and study plan to the Vice Dean (Undergraduate Studies), School of Computing Office of Undergraduate Studies, after completing between 60 and 80 units. They must obtain the approval of the College/Faculty/School in which they are seeking to do the second degree, and ensure that they have met the minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) requirement of 3.75 (applicable to cohorts from AY2014-15 and beyond) for consideration and acceptance into the second degree programme. Both Faculties/Departments would normally consider if the student has read some courses in the respective areas intended for the Double Degree, so as to make a judgment about the student’s ability and potential.
A student may decide to withdraw or can be asked to withdraw from the double degree programme by withdrawing from the second degree. However, he/she is not allowed to withdraw from the first degree (i.e., the originally offered degree) programme and transfer to the second degree programme. All courses which the student has taken to fulfil the requirements of the second degree will be reflected in the transcript and included in the computation of the GPA.
For Students belonging to cohorts AY2011/12, AY2012/2013 and AY2013/14:
A student who does not maintain a GPA of 4.00 in courses contributing to the original degree, and a GPA of 3.50 for the second degree for any two consecutive semesters will be required to withdraw from the DDP by withdrawing from the second degree programme. A warning will be issued if the GPA falls below 4.00 for the original degree in a semester, or below 3.50 for the second degree, or both.
For Students admitted with effect from AY 2014/15 onwards:
A student who does not maintain a GPA of 3.75 in courses contributing to the original degree; and a GPA of 3.25 for the second degree for any two consecutive semesters will be required to withdraw from the DDP by withdrawing from the second degree programme. A warning will be issued if the GPA falls below 3.75 for the original degree in a semester, or below 3.25 for the second degree, or both. However, this DDP continuation rule is not applicable once a student’s total cumulative modular credits exceeds 160 units.
(A) University Level Requirements
For students admitted prior to AY2015/2016:
Students need to satisfy one set of Singapore Studies (SS) Course and General Education Course (GEM) requirements only. The prevailing rules relating to satisfying the GEM requirements in the different subject groups shall apply. In accordance with the existing GEM requirements –
- Students taking double degree combinations involving degrees from faculties in Group A (Science and Technology) and Group B (Humanities and Social Sciences) must take one GEM each from the Subject Group A and Subject Group B.
- Students taking double degree combinations in which one of the degrees is from the School of Design & Environment (which comes under both Group A and B) must take one GEM each from Group A and Group B.
- Students taking double degree combinations involving degrees from faculties in Group A (Science and Technology) or within the same faculty in Group A must take at least one GEM from Group B (Humanities and Social Sciences). Students taking double degree combinations involving degrees from faculties in Group B (Humanities and Social Sciences) or within the same faculty in Group B must take at least one GEM from Group A (Science and Technology).
If a student reads GEMs which are cross-listed with the second degree programme, and uses them to fulfil the major requirement for the second degree, then the student should have taken other additional GEMs to fulfil the GE requirement.
Students will not be required to take breadth courses if the degrees are from two different Faculties, as courses taken from one Faculty will satisfy the breadth requirements of the other Faculty. Students must take breadth courses if the degrees are within the same Faculty.
For students admitted in AY2015/16 and onwards (except students from Law, Medicine, Dentistry and the University Scholars Programme):
Students will be required to read one General Education Course (GEM) from each of the General Education pillars (5 pillars or 20 Units for students admitted prior to AY2021/22, 6 pillars or 24 Units for students admitted from AY2021/22) to satisfy the University Level Requirement for General Education. Please refer to the GEM website for the details.
(B) Faculty Requirements
A student reading for a double degree within the same Faculty will only need to fulfil one set of faculty requirements. If the two degrees are from two Faculties, both sets of faculty requirements will have to be fulfilled.
(C) Major Requirements
At least two thirds of each major must be fulfilled by distinct (i.e., not overlapping) courses. A minimum 60% of major credits of each of the degrees must be letter graded and factored in the GPA of each degree.
(D) Unrestricted Electives
Students will not be required to take Unrestricted Elective (UE) courses. However, if UE courses are taken, these can be used to count towards the requirement of either degree programme. Courses double counted towards the major requirements of both degrees may not be double counted towards a Minor as well.
(E) Maximum Period of Candidature
The maximum period of candidature will be six years. The two degree programmes must be undertaken and completed within a single continuous candidature period (save for the usual provisions for leave of absence).
(F) Computation of GPA
- The GPA for both degree programmes will be computed separately and the two GPAs, one each for the respective degree programme will be reflected separately on the transcript.
- Students are required to classify their courses every semester by declaring which courses they want to use to fulfil the requirements of each of the two degrees.
- The grades from courses (Singapore Studies, GEMs, faculty requirements or majors) that may be double counted will be used twice to compute the GPA for each of the two degrees.
- If Unrestricted Elective (UE) courses have been taken, the grades obtained will be used to compute the GPA for either one of the two degrees.
(G) Minimum Units Requirements for Double Degrees
For students admitted prior to AY2021/22, the minimum Units requirements for a Double Degree is 200 units for two Honours (4-year) degrees, and 180 units for one Honours (4-year) and one Bachelor’s (3-year) degree.
For students admitted from AY2021/22 onwards, the minimum Units requirements for a Double Degree is 160 units.
The above are minimum requirements, the actual total units will be dependent on the requirements of each of the two degrees and how much double counting is possible as specified by the respective Faculties/Departments.
(H) Award of Degree
Two separate degrees will be awarded and two degree scrolls issued, one for each degree.
(I) Further Information
For more details on the NUS double degree framework, please click here.