BComp Dissertation (FYP) - Presentation

Presentation Schedule

Timeline for BComp/BSc Dissertation (Final Year Project) Presentation



CA Presentation

Reading Week of first semester

Final Presentation

Reading Week of next semester

Amended Soft Copy Submission via Digital Library

First Monday after the Exam Week of next semester

Release of results

Results will be made known together with all courses attempted in the presentation semester

Please refer to the Project Administration System for the schedule of presentation of your project.


One of the most important skills which the FYP aims to assess is your ability to communicate your ideas and work. As part of the assessment, you will be required to give a presentation of your project. The presentation is a compulsory component of the FYP. The main evaluators and moderators will not allocate any mark for a project unless there had been a formal presentation.

Students who have registered for the project course in this semester would be presenting in the following semester. Project presentations are held in a seminar style and a number of parallel sessions will be held. As far as possible, projects in similar areas would be grouped. Each presentation will be timetabled for around 40 minutes (to be announced) including Q & A. Please refer to the Project Administration System for the schedule of presentation of your project.

Final Year Project can be presented only during regular semesters. There is no provision to make the final presentation in either Special Term I or II.

Preparation for Final Presentation

Once a seminar presentation date for a project has been fixed, any request for changes in the schedule will not be considered, unless for medical reasons, as it would affect all other schedules.

Student should prepare their presentation using PowerPoint slides and bring them on thumb drive on the day of the seminar. Students have to come to the seminar venue at least 30 minutes before the start of the entire session (not their own presentation time-slot) and load their presentation slides on to the PC in the seminar venue.

The seminar is open to all staff and students in SoC. Academic staff may invite industry partners to attend. For external projects, staff of the external organisation may also attend the presentations.

The presenter should be prepared to answer questions related to the project from the evaluators and visitors. Each parallel session is about 3 hours. Presenter must be present at all times during the assigned time-slot.

All presentations shall be held at the School of Computing.

Note: FYP Final Presentations are now conducted via video conferencing until further notice.

Assessment Criteria for Final Presentation

Final presentation shall be assessed by a Main Evaluator (identified at the first semester). During the presentation, students are expected to present their ideas in simple words and be able to articulate the problem and contribution.

Supervisor shall evaluate the final report of the student, but not the presentation.

The final evaluation will account for 70% of the final grade of the project. The weightage for both Supervisors and Main Evaluators is 35% each.

The final evaluation is carried out based on the following criteria:

  • Understanding of the Problem
  • Technical Achievements including conceptualisation and definition of the problem, extension of knowledge, methodology, implementation and analysis
  • Project Report including organization, writing style, grammar and relevance of content
  • Presentation including clarity and conciseness of presentation and ability to answer questions.

Assessment criteria is laid out in more details. For each criterion, 4 distinguishable bands are given to differentiate students. Please see the evaluation form.

Guidelines for CA Presentation

  1. CA presentation is an informal presentation which will be held via video conferencing. However, if the Supervisor / Main Evaluator requests for in-person presentation, it could be held in the staff office (Supervisor or Main Evaluator) or in discussion/meeting rooms. In the latter case, Supervisor could help in booking the room.
  2. Based on the report submitted by students, Supervisors / Main Evaluators can have informal discussion about the students’ understanding of the project, their progress, what they would be doing in the next semester, and expected outcome at the end of the project.
  3. Students may use their notebook to show a few slides.
  4. CA accounts for 30% of the final grade of the project. Supervisor and Main Evaluator will assess the progress for 15% each. A few pointers on which the Supervisors and Main Evaluators will evaluate and provide feedback are given in the CA evaluation form. 
  5. We would recommend that students give one presentation to both Supervisor and Main Evaluator at the same time. However, students are allowed to do separate presentations, provided both Supervisor and Main Evaluator are agreeable with the arrangement.