BComp Dissertation (FYP) - Project Selection

Selection Schedule

Timeline for BComp Dissertation (Final Year Project) Selection


Semester 1 & 2

Discussion with prospective supervisors

Week 7 and 10 (i.e. during selection exercise)


Selection Exercises:

Round 1

Monday, Week 7 (or 1st Monday after Recess Week)

Round 2

Monday, Week 10

Manual Registration

Week 13 to NOT later than Week 1 of next semester


Allocation of Project:

Round 1 Bidders

Friday, Week 9

Round 2 Bidders

Friday, Week 12

Please click here for the actual schedule.

Selection Process and Allocation of Project

There are two rounds of balloting for projects. Students who meet the pre-requisite will be able to participate in both rounds, regardless of GPA.

All students who want to be allocated a project must rank their preferences at the respective round. Rounds 1 and 2 will start on during Monday, Week 7; and Monday, Week 10 of the semester respectively. Please check detailed schedule at the Project Administration System. Allocation of project to students will be done online by your project supervisor via the Project Administration System.

Allocation will be announced by Friday, Week 9 and Friday, Week 12 for rounds 1 and 2 respectively. Students should check online the allocation results.

In case for any reason you decide to select a Final Year Project after the above selection schedule, as in most cases of students currently overseas or on attachment under NOC/SEP/ATAP, please approach the project’s supervisor directly. Once you and the Supervisor agree, please send the following details to Ms Valerie:

Name and Student Number
Project title
Project ID
Supervisor’s consent

The Office of Undergraduate Studies will update the system accordingly.

"Open Ended" Project

Staff may now propose FYP projects with title “Open-ended” and without any description. For students who want to initiate their own projects and need to look for a potential supervisor to discuss their ideas, they may approach this group of staff and talk to them about their own ideas on projects.


  • FYP can be presented only during regular semesters. There is no provision to make a Final Year Project presentation in Special Terms Part I or II.
  • You can select cross-department project online but allocation will be made only when all students in the home department are allocated a project. IS project are limited so your chance of allocating one is slim. Further, you need the permission of both heads of department to take a cross-department project.
  • Students with the option of replacing Industrial Experience Requirement with FYP in their degree requirements will need to have a GPA of at least 4.0 at the point of bidding / selection.  Please refer to our webpage on degree requirements that are applicable to your cohort.

What happens after allocation?

Once the project allocations have been posted, you should contact your Supervisor to arrange an initial meeting. You must make sure that you arrange regular meetings with your Supervisor. The meetings may be brief once your project is underway but your Supervisor needs to know how your work is progressing. If you need to talk to your Supervisor between meetings and cannot locate them in their office, you can leave a note or send them an e-mail asking them to suggest their availability. When you go to see your Supervisor, you should have prepared a written list of points you wish to discuss. Take notes during the meeting so that you do not forget the advice you were given or the conclusions that were reached. Students can expect supervision of at least up to half an hour a week or an hour a fortnight. Meetings may be conducted in groups depending on the kind of project and the number of FYP students working under the Supervisor.

It is a good habit to send a report at least once every 2 to 3 weeks about the progress of the project which may comprise of your understanding of the problem and deliverables, literature survey, initial design/comparison of designs etc. These periodic reports would help you in writing the CA report at the end of first semester into the project and also in writing the final report.

What to do for Withdrawal?

The FYP withdrawal deadlines [with a withdrawn (W) grade, and with a fail (F) grade] adhere to the same schedule as normal courses. You may refer to the University’s Academic Calendar for details on when the ‘W’ and ‘F’ grades take effect. Students withdrawing from FYP any time before the end of the ‘W’ grade window in their second project semester will receive a ‘W’ grade. Afterwards, an ‘F’ grade will apply.

In addition, a supervisor can terminate an unsatisfactory project by the deadline for withdrawal with penalty.

Students who wish to discontinue / withdraw from FYP are required to do the followings:

  1. Notify both the Supervisor(s) and Ms Valerie as soon as possible but NOT LATER THAN beginning of second semester into FYP.
  2. Submit the completed Withdrawal Form [Sections A & B] to Ms Valerie

Students who failed to comply and subsequently decide to withdraw from FYP will be regarded as having failed the course.