UROP Forms, Contacts and Past Briefing Slides

Official Forms

Please note that all UROP application have to be submitted through the online application. The application is now close for submission.

  1. UROP Project Proposal Form by External Organisations 
  2. UROP Proposal Form (for proposals by students)
  3. UROP Project Update Form
  4. UROP Withdrawal Form
  5. CA Evaluation Forms
  6. FA Evaluation Forms
  7. Interim Progress Report Format
  8. Final UROP Report Format

Past Briefing Slides and Video Recordings

Contact Details

For enquiries on UROP (Computing), please contact Ms Sharifah at sha.a@nus.edu.sg 

For enquiries on REx, please contact NUS REx at pvobox66@nus.edu.sg