2015 ACM ICPC Asia Singapore Regional Contest

Preliminary Contest

The Contest is Over

Regional Contest

The Contest is Over

2015 Asia Singapore Preliminary Contest (Online)

Saturday, 12 September 2015, 1-6PM SGT (GMT+8) (The Contest is Over)

  • The basic Preliminary Contest rules are detailed at the sites below:
    1. ACM ICPC Regional Rules
    2. ACM ICPC Asia Director Blog
  • Additional rules specific to this Online Preliminary Contest are as follow:
    1. Accepted teams are allowed to attempt this online contest from anywhere with Internet Access.
    2. Each coach (a faculty member of that team's University) will supervise his/her team(s) during the 5-hours online contest so that ICPC rules are respected, especially on these three important points:
      1. The usage of only one computer per team of three students.
      2. The usage of only hard copy reference materials, up to 25 pages single-sided, letter or A4 size.
      3. The member of each team can only discuss the problemset among the three of them during that 5-hours.
    3. Coach will have to take photos of their team(s) working on the preliminary contest (or right after the end of the preliminary contest) and submit that photo to the secretariat (ketfah.chong at gmail dot com) for documentation and verification purposes.
    4. The result of this online Preliminary Contest is not final until the organizers perform random checks on code submitted by top 60 qualified teams.

UPDATE 31/08/2015: The registration period is over.

List of Registered Teams

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Can teams register for the Regional Contest if they do not participate in this Preliminary Contest?
A: No. Doing well in this Preliminary Contest is the pre-requisite to advance to the Regional Contest. Update 10/09/2015: A very small number of wildcard slots are available and only given by the RCD to foreign teams on special case basis.
Q: Will foreign teams be allowed to appeal to compete in the Regional Contest even if they are not one of the top 40 foreign teams?
A: Due to space limitations, we can only accommodate 60 teams (20 local/40 foreign) of 3 students on the contest floor. However, if any of the top 60 teams are unable to compete onsite, we will offer their place to the next best ranked foreign teams.
Q: Can (strong) teams participate in this Preliminary Contest for practice, eligible to advance (be in the top 20 local/40 foreign teams), but subsequently not joining the associated Regional Contest with intention to join two other Asia Regional Contests this year?
A: Please refer to ACM ICPC Asia Director Blog (2014), point no 6.a.. The key points are copied below. The RCD suggests that team with such intention to practice with the Preliminary Contest problems, which will be made available to public, after 12 September 2015.
... An Asia Regional Contest Site includes both the On-site Regional contest (tier-2) and the (tier 3) First Round Online Regional Sub-Contest(s). The registration limit of two sites per year per student applies to both Asia Regional Site and their associated Online Regional Sub-contest. (Both tier)The tier-1 and the tier-2 two together form one Asia regional site...
  • All registered teams must use accounts in Kattis — the official judging system of ACM ICPC World Finals — to compete in this Preliminary Contest.
  • Programming languages that are allowed for this Preliminary Contest are all languages that are supported by Kattis, including Python 2 and Python 3. However, the Scientific Committees only ensure that all problems are solvable with C++ and Java.
  • The result of Preliminary Contest will only be made official after we perform random plagiarism checks to code submitted by top 40 foreign teams and top 20 local teams. Teams that are proven to plagiarize will be automatically disqualified.
  • Contestants may register for a free account at Kattis to become familiar with the judging system that will be used in this contest. Contestants should read the Kattis documentation prior to joining the contest.
  • Registered local teams are invited to compete onsite at NUS School of Computing.
  • The 211 accepted teams are invited to practice on Kattis online judge system via this warmup1 and warmup2 contests.

The links to the Preliminary Contest scoreboard that includes the problemset and the ability to join the actual contest impromptu (for coaches and the more technically gifted spectators) at Kattis are shown below.
It has five filters that you can use:

  1. Show all 211 official teams only
  2. Show everybody, including the guest teams
  3. Show all 54 official Singapore teams only, we will advance up to 20 top teams to onsite Regional Contest
  4. Show all 157 official non-Singapore (Foreign) teams only, we will advance up to 40 top teams to onsite Regional Contest
  5. Show all 12 teams from new Universities only, we will award the "Best Newcomer Team" award to the rank 1 of this mini league

The detailed RCD report with full problem set pre-contest prediction and post-contest analysis can be found here.
Additional explanation of the gridmst problem can be found here.

Writeups about this Preliminary Contest:

  1. Official live commentary during the first four hours of the contest.
  2. Blog by Muhammad Ayaz Dzulfikar from team SlowBro, University of Indonesia (in Indonesian, use Google Translate to read the text in (broken) English).
  3. Blog by Qua Zi Xian from team JustBrowsing, National University of Singapore.
  4. Please notify the RCD if any of your team member has written another writeup (in any language).

Contest photos submitted by various teams can be found in this public Facebook album.

2015 Asia Singapore Regional Contest (Onsite)

Wednesday, 9th - Friday 11th December 2015 (The Contest is Over)

  • NUS School of Computing is pleased to host the Regional Contest at the National University of Singapore Kent Ridge campus, and welcomes contestants from the other parts of the region, as well as from other Universities in Singapore.
  • The official Regional Contest is only for teams that qualify during the Preliminary Contest in September. 10 special cases were approved on case by case basis by the RCD.
  • However, anyone else in the world can join the open version of this Regional Contest @ Kattis (https://open.kattis.com/contests/asiasg15open) — this open contest scoreboard was not accessible by the official contestants.
  • There are 171 contestants in 57 teams from 31 Universities and 13 countries in this Regional Contest.
  • Teams have received a sponsored copy of the Competitive Programming 3 book at the onsite registration.
  • There are 11 problems with varying types and levels of difficulty to ensure that all contestants, from novice to the more experienced, are suitably challenged.
  • The official final scoreboard is at https://asiasg15.kattis.com/standings and the official standing is at https://icpc.baylor.edu/regionals/finder/asia-singapore-2015/standings
  • The top teams have recieved trophies and prizes worth approximately S$12,000 in total, congratulations to the winners:
    1. Champion: Opportunity (Korea University), also the first to solve problem G and I
    2. Runner-up: bcw0x1bd2 (National Taiwan University), also the first to solve problem D
    3. Second Runner-up: RRwatameda (National University of Singapore), also the first to solve problem H
    4. Best Team not in Top 3: HalimArmyPlatoon1 (National University of Singapore)
    5. Best Newcomer: Spear (Zaman University)
    6. First Team to Solve Any Problem, problem F: NoPassPort (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
    7. Other First Team to Solve Awards:
      A: MEGABYTE (University of Engineering and Technology - Vietnam National University),
      C: JustBrowsing (National University of Singapore),
      E: Terharu :') (University of Indonesia),
      J: Hydrogenous Prominence (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
  • Past contestants and coaches have provided live online commentary and updates during the contest. The live online commentary channels are as follows:
    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7z0IZMvpaQ (the recorded live commentary from the previously live stream https://www.youtube.com/user/jonathanirvings/live, contains solutions for the first five easiest problems)
    2. https://twitter.com/hashtag/ICPCSG
  • The authors and judges of the contest problems have discussed solutions to all problems with all contestants at the end of the contest. Click to see the solution file by the Head of Scientific Committee for the last six hardest problems during the Closing and Prize Giving ceremony.
  • See the RCD Report to see the memories of this regional contest
  • We also run the parallel ICPC/IBM Singapore Bluemix Challenge during this regional contest.
  • The Guest of Honour for the closing ceremony is the Executive Deputy Chairman of the Info-communications Development Authority (iDA) of Singapore, Mr Steve Leonard.
  • Top Pacific & Indochina Peninsula (PP) sub-region team(s) from this Regional Contest will advance to the 2016 ACM ICPC World Finals in Phuket, Thailand (16-20 May 2016).
  • We have prepared these set of prizes worth ~S$12,000 for the following categories:
    1. "Champion", "Runner-up", and "Second Runner-up"
      The "Champion", "Runner-up", and "Second Runner-up" teams are the three highest ranked teams from strictly inside the Pacific & Indochina Peninsula (PP) sub-region.
      The "Champion" team will receive 3 (three) Macbook Air, Intel Core i5, 11.6inch, LED-backlit Display, 256GB SSD, 4GB RAM.
      The "Runner-up" team will receive 3 (three) iPad Air 2, 9.7inch 64GB WiFi+4G LTE Cellular.
      The "Second Runner-up" team will receive 3 (three) iPad Mini 4, 64GB WiFi+4G.
    2. "Best Team not in Top 3"
      The "Best Team not in Top 3" is the highest ranked team that is either inside or outside the Pacific & Indochina Peninsula (PP) sub-region who are not in the top 3 categories above.
      The team will receive 3 (three) Lenovo Ideapad 100S-14 inch laptop.
    3. "Best Newcomer"
      The "Best Newcomer" team is the highest ranked team from a University that has never joined ACM ICPC before (the coach has to declare this fact to the RCD and the RCD has to ask ICPC manager to add that University name in ICPC system).
      In the event that there is no newcomer team that advances to this Regional Contest, this prize will go to the highest ranked newcomer team in the Preliminary Contest.
      To facilitate this possibility, the prize will be a non physical item: Amazon Vouchers worth up to 600 USD.
      Team Spear, Zaman University, Cambodia won this prize and has exchanged their 600 USD Amazon Vouchers with heavily subsidized participation in this onsite Regional Contest.
    4. "First Team to Solve Problem [A/B/C/D/E/F/G/H/I/J/K]" as recorded by Kattis.
      There are N=11 problems posed in this Regional Contest and the first team to solve each problem will get a prize.
      The First Team to solve any problem will receive 3 (three) Samsung Galaxy Tablet Tab 4, 7inch.
      The First Team to solve subsequent N-1 other problems will receive 3 (three) Verbatim POWEBANK 10000 mAh.
      There is no limit on how many "First to Solve" prize that a single team can win.
  • In addition, we have another set of prizes worth S$3,000 from the parallel ICPC/IBM Singapore Bluemix Challenge.
    Unfortunately, no submission is eligible for the prize.
  • Only teams that qualify from the Preliminary Contest in September may participate in this Regional Contest.
    10 special requests were approved by the RCD on case by case basis.
  • The same rules that were applicable to the Preliminary Contest also apply to the Regional Contest, and are detailed in the following sites:
    1. ACM ICPC Regional Rules
    2. ACM ICPC Asia Director Blog
  • Additional rules specific to this Regional Contest are as follow:
    1. Contestants cannot bring any electronic device inside the contest floor (including calculator and gadget like Apple Watch)
    2. Teams who want to use their own external keyboard need to have their keyboard inspected by us first
    3. Papers and basic stationeries are provided so teams do not have to bring those inside the contest floor
    4. Contestants are not allowed to access other webpages other than https://asiasg15.kattis.com, access to the public https://open.kattis.com will be blocked from contest floor
    5. Only hard copy reference material is allowed (one set of up to 25 single-sided A4 pages of any font size per team) — this material will be verified during registration
    6. Each team can bring one printed English dictionary without any annotation and such dictionary will also be verified during registration
    7. The member of each team can only discuss the problemset among the three of them during the 5-hours contest

Final Schedule:

Time Event Venue
Pre Event Travel to NUS
(teams can use public transport from Singapore Changi airport
to NUS Sheares Hall or to your chosen hotel
Address of Sheares Hall: 20 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, S119618
For those staying in campus,
Accommodation IC will find you at Sheares Hall lobby)
Those who stay in campus will do early registration upon arrival
Singapore Changi Airport →
NUS Sheares Hall/your chosen hotel
Wednesday, 09 December 2015 (PM only)
10.00-11.00 IBM Singapore BlueMix Challenge
(Presentation by up to top 3 shortlisted teams)
Event cancelled
12.00-13.00 Travel to NUS UTown
(NUS Student Ambassadors will find you in Sheares Hall lobby,
and escort you to NUS UTown
Teams who stay in hotel and those who arrive on Wed, 09 Dec
morning/noon will have to go to NUS UTown directly)
NUS Sheares Hall
13.00-14.00 Registration
Enjoy Welcome Tea
a. Verification of contestant details (student card or passport),
b. Collection of welcome pack:
    Official registration+excursion receipts,
    Excursion (USS tickets) for teams who opt-in,
    One sponsored CP3 book per team,
    Certificates of Participation (Honorable Mention),
    Badges (name tags) with lanyards,
c. Verification of team's 25-pages reference material (+ dictionary),
d. Collection of ICPC Singapore site T-shirts,
e. Team by team photo taking (with the T-shirts as the outer layer),
f. Sales of extra copies of CP3 books,
g. Meet and greet other teams,
h. Visit sponsor desks,
The registration time will be staggered as follows:
13.00-13.10: 6 NTU Singapore teams
13.10-13.50: the remaining teams who have not been registered
NUS UTown SRC Foyer
14.00-15.30 Opening Ceremony
a. RCD welcome speech,
b. SoC Head of Department speech,
c. Sponsor speech,
d. Team introduction
NUS UTown SRC Auditorium 2 (map)
15.30-16.00 Travel to NUS SoC COM1
(NUS Student Ambassadors will escort your team)
NUS UTown drop off area
16.00-18.00 Practice Session
(Briefing by Head of Scientific Committee,
Short 1 hour Practice Session,
NUS Student Ambassadors practice balloon+printout delivery,
Clarifications of issues by Scientific and Technical Team
Teams leave 25-pages reference material (and dictionary) on table)
NUS SoC COM1 SR1 (map)
Thursday, 10 December 2015
07.30-08.00 Travel to NUS SoC COM1
(NUS Student Ambassadors will escort your team
COM1 is less than 10 minutes walking distance from Sheares Hall)
NUS Sheares Hall
08.00-08.30 Breakfast
(for all with badges)
NUS SoC COM1 Basement
08.30-09.00 Contestants enter contest room
(NUS Student Ambassadors will ensure that you arrive on time
as we strive to start the contest strictly on time)
09.00-14.00 ACM ICPC Singapore Regional Contest 2015
(Teams have to wear ICPC Singapore site T-shirts,
Click here to see the Scoreboard,
Snacks are provided for contestants,
NUS Student Ambassadors invigilate the contest,
Sharing session for onsite coaches,
Public can join the Open Contest).
13.00-14.00 Lunch
(for coaches and NUS Student Ambassadors,
during scoreboard freeze)
NUS SoC COM1 Basement
14.00-15.00 Late Lunch
(for contestants, post contest)
NUS SoC COM1 Basement
15.00-17.00 Campus Tour
(NUS Student Ambassadors will escort you to explore NUS)
Various NUS (SoC) facilities
17.00-18.00 Arrive at NUS UTown
(NUS Student Ambassadors will ensure that you arrive on time)
NUS UTown SRC Foyer
18.00-20.00 Closing and Prize Giving Ceremony
a. Contest debrief by Head of Scientific Committee,
b. Guest of Honour Speech,
c. SoC Dean Speech,
d. Prize Giving Ceremony,
e. Briefing of excursion by Excursion IC
NUS UTown SRC Auditorium 2
20.00-end Buffet Dinner and Live Entertainment
(for all with badges)
NUS UTown SRC Foyer
Friday, 11 December 2015
09.30-18.00 Optional Excursion Day
(for teams who have paid the subsidized tickets fee
Buses will depart around 09.15-09.30 from Sheares Hall)
Universal Studios Singapore,
Resort World Sentosa

Post Event Travel to Changi Airport
(teams can use public transport to Singapore Changi airport;
traveling time from Sheares Hall to Changi airport is approximately
30 minutes with taxi of 90 minutes with bus+MRT)
NUS Sheares Hall/your chosen hotel
→ Singapore Changi Airport

Guests may use the free NUS internal shuttle busses to commute within the campus.

UPDATE 17/11/2015: The registration period is over.

List of Advancing Teams

  • Computing Environment
  • Judging System
    • Kattis, the official judging system of the ACM ICPC World Finals.
  • Contest T-Shirt
    • Each participant will get a polo tee that is color coded according to the participant's role: staff (navy), ambassador (yellow), coach (white), or contestant (black).
    • T-Shirt size details can be seen in the table below (unit: inch).

The links to the Regional Contest scoreboard that includes the problemset and the ability to join the actual contest impromptu (for coaches and the more technically gifted spectators) at Kattis are shown below.

  1. The Official Scoreboard (public can only watch)
  2. The Open Contest Scoreboard (public can join impromptu)

Videos, writeups, and other memories about this Regional Contest:

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7z0IZMvpaQ (the recorded live commentary from the previously live stream https://www.youtube.com/user/jonathanirvings/live, contains solutions for the first five easiest problems)
  2. Solution debrief by the Head of Scientific Committee for the last six hardest problems during the Closing and Prize Giving ceremony
  3. Solution + Code by the team leader of the champion team Opportunity (Korea University): Myungwoo Chun describing their various solutions and near in-contest solution of problem B - cool2 (in Korean, use Google Translate to read the text in (broken) English)
  4. Blog of the entire journey with contest writeup by the team member of the runner up team bcw0x1bd2 from National Taiwan University: Chiang Cheng-Min describing how they solved their 9 ACs in just 180 minutes (3 hours, actually faster than team Opportunity but with larger total penalty time) and spent their last 2 hours hacking problem K - cameramakers which they solved post-contest (in Chinese, use Google Translate to read the text in (broken) English)
  5. Contest writeup by the team leader of second runner-up team RRwatameda (National University of Singapore): Nguyen Thanh Trung describing the contest from their point of view (in Vietnamese, use Google Translate to read the text in (broken) English)
  6. Contest writeup by another member of second runner-up team RRwatameda (National University of Singapore): Nguyen Tan Sy Nguyen (in English :)
  7. Contest writeup by Stefano Chiesa Suryanto, team member of best team not in top 3: Team HalimArmyPlatoon1
  8. Contest writeup by one of the team member of team Terharu :') (Universitas Indonesia, sixth place): Muhammad Ayaz Dzulfikar (in Indonesian, use Google Translate to read the text in (broken) English; PS: Ayaz has blogged the entire event from his point of view and is the winner of "best blog" awarded by the RCD)
  9. Contest writeup by one of the team member of team JustBrowsing (National University of Singapore, first to solve problem C): Qua Zi Xian (in English :)
  10. Two blogs from team MasterMinds of International Islamic University Malaysia: blog 1 and blog 2 (in English)
  11. Contest writeup by one of the team member of JaKaL Km 3 (Gadjah Mada University): Josua Aditya Mustiko (in Indonesian, use Google Translate to read the text in (broken) English)
  12. https://twitter.com/hashtag/ICPCSG

Please notify the RCD if any of your team member has written another writeup (in any language).

Contest photos can be found in the following URLs:

  1. Official public Facebook album from NUS School of Computing
  2. Official public album from NUS School of Computing Audio Visual Team
  3. RCD's public Facebook album, containing photos from other angles
  4. Photos by Auzi Asfarian, coach of Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia

Click here to download the Resolver - Animated reveal of final contest results of the 2015 ACM ICPC Asia Singapore Regional Contest.
Run batch file "resolver-singapore.bat" to execute the animation and re-live the revelation moments.

Organizing Committees

Asia Director
Professor C Jinshong Hwang
Regional Contest Director (RCD) and Webmaster
Dr Steven Halim (email: stevenha@comp.nus.edu.sg, Telephone: +65 6516 7361)
Dr Halim is the main point of contact for the 2015 ACM ICPC Asia Singapore Regional Contest